| | ....Come From Away......very cute.... let's Deal With That....These are a collection of short statements and adjectives that have been used to describe Me.....and I am sure others have been carefully whispered.......... abrasive,hostile,rude,aggressive,radical,trying to destroy our Town's reputation,uncooperative,inflexible,interfering and of course a Come From Away..... Well that last one really hit a nerve....not only because it is a way of excluding newcomers...The newcomer begins to think all Yarmouthians feel this way.....and that in my experience is not true at all..... I have always had a certain gift, and that is... knowing who I am dealing with before they even speak.....Some of you out there know this.. and if you're up to no good.. ...well...... and that is pretty interesting......but not in this case..this is just straight out Wrong....... Why You Would Not Want To Protect Forest Street.... ,.....I Come From a very very long line of.. Fighters.....so you might say.. what they are saying about me ..is true.....the description sounds like a Battle In Itself......So I love talking about History and guess what.... this Come From Away...Is Going Tell you a little about his family history.... You know the English are clever...they decided to wipe out the Highland Clans in Scotland..so after battling them for years without success..they had an idea...lets hire them and put them in the British army...ship them overseas ...send them to North America to fight The French and The Indians... that should kill off the Highlanders....but better yet in the attacks lets put them.. right up front....that should get rid of them...But if you have ever dealt with a wild Scot it is quite a scene.. anyway most survived because they were wild...they were what later became known as shock troops....It Really would have been completely terrifying to see yourself advanced upon ...by a field of kilted screaming mad men welding claymore and dirk...that was my seventh great grandfather Col. Ranald MacKinnon......... after the War...he was granted 2000 acres in Nova Scotia and named it Argyle.1774........Capt.Philip Hemeon of German decent arrived after the American Revolution The Two families merged and produced my grand father who is detailed below.... |