CONTENT="Nova Scotia, streetscape, Heritage District, Museums,yarmouth nova scotia , Photographs, Postcards, History, Historical Photographs "> Lets Watch Old Yarmouth Die, Yarmouth Nova Scotia
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...Breaking News....
.. ... Lets..Watch. . . . OLD . .YARMOUTH. . . .NOVA SCOTIA.. .. .. DIE .. .

Yarmouth's Old Court House..For Sale.......At least They told us....this time.............The Ads are probably already placed in the Knoxville Journal.......I heard someone say the Tennesseans may dismantle our old historic and rebuild them in Knoxville......they will make great tourist attractions............. ...Breaking News....

The Woodpecker should not be can be very destructive..........The County Woodpeckers featured above are equally as responsible.... as the Town Woodpeckers in my tree on Forest Street.............Municipal governments and employees have certain statutory and regulatory obligations that they must adhere to..... One thing that is not legislated is the obligation of the Municipalities to act with due diligence in these matters which affect our communities... In my opinion our Town and Municipal officials did not act with due diligence....... in the neglect and disposal of The Yarmouth County Jail ...nor are they acting with due diligence in the abandonment of the Yarmouth Court House building...... both of these.. were the first case and.. are.. in the second ......assets owned by our community.......and should be used to enhance and benefit our community....any other course is negligent......................take a good hard look at our..... Main Street..... Today.......what could be done with say....4 million dollars..........have a look at some of our modern buildings..... their appearance and their condition ......the lack of character.......are these assets.......Take a look at the well constructed buildings of our past... Demolished make way for these architectural are these decisions being made....and for who's benefit............we need..more ...Interviews......
. ....The Yarmouth Municipal Council and The Yarmouth Town Council each have two Councilors sitting on the Joint Heritage Advisory Committee....therefore the Question to Both Councils is........Why Do You...Not....want protections enacted for the Publicly Owned land of Forest Street..............
Aug.29.2007.....Over the past five weeks I have made every effort to allow those involved to save some face.... do the right thing... and leave it at that..... and as you can see they have not yet taken their opportunity....................

. ....In 2005, after living in Yarmouth for a year and a half....seeing our numerous problems...I decided to ask the people who I thought were running the Town Of articulate.. not in great detail but.. what was the vision for the future of the Town...What Is The Plan........well I asked the Town Planner....The Cao....The Mayor...The Councilors....The County Cao...The Shop Keepers on Main St.......The Planning Advisory Committee......No One Knew What The Plan Was.........If anyone did have a Plan.. they did not want me to know ..nor.. I assume the public to know................So I did a bit of research and found that in the 1970's The Town of Yarmouth hired consultants, I believe it was part of a province wide attempt to do something........The interesting recommendation found buried.. was that the West side of Main Street...between the shops and Water Street....from Argyle Street to Frost predominately used as residential..........this looked like the perfect fit for today's needs...I thought......this would revitalize the downtown area and with a combination of condominiums and rentals....make a viable long term contribution to the future prosperity of the Town Of Yarmouth..........When I came back with the news..... Well all of the above looked at me like I had three heads, except the Shop Keepers.....wonder.. Why...... ....... So were is The Plan ......Who Will This elusive Plan benefit.......Is It a secret Plan......Is Forest Street Part Of The Plan..........What is The Plan...
. .... I received a letter last October 2006 advising us that our property was to be in the proposed heritage I read through the information and saw the other properties first thought was .....who and how .....were these decisions made...and why in the world were 15 to 17 modern houses and a number of houses with little historic significance....on this list.........................After quickly learning what I could about heritage conservation districts.........I realized that there were a lot of things wrong with this list of properties, compiled by The Joint Heritage Advisory Committee, and I felt that they had made some significant errors................I arrived at the first meeting of the steering committee [supposedly, a committee made up of property owners of the proposed district] .....I had a number questions.............I felt that the modern houses should be dropped from the proposed district and that some important Victorian houses and The Rock should be added and in doing so... connect the Collins Heritage District with the new proposed district.....well of course there was a great kaffuffle and I was told it could not be changed ...They said....''We Would Have To Start All Over.''............I said...''But this is the first meeting.''...........The Town Councilor insisted that the list remain unaltered.........''It can't be done we would have start all over.''.......I then said...''The Rock is the most significant historical and archaeological feature of this area it was a Fort...a Blockhouse it should be on the list....why isn't it.'' The answer from the Councilor.....''It's On Private Land.''........ . ........PAUSE......[.but so is my house....what is going on.]......Then my next question...............''Since we property owners will be committing to having restrictions placed on our properties in the name of preserving the historic value of our area, at what point in the process can we place in policy statements or by-laws, protection of the public portion of the proposed district. In other words write into policy the obligation of the Town, its workers and contractors to treat the district in such a manner as to preserve and maintain its historically significant streetscape.''............mutterings....The Planner said...''We Can't Do It.''............''Get in touch with your MLA and ask him to change provincial legislation.''...''We Can't Do It.''.......more mutterings......and so on it went.........I quickly became the odd man out............but of course... I was right....on both counts..... we could have changed the boundaries and the list of designated houses ....and we could.. and Did.. write policy statements protect the Town Owned streetscape..... and policy statements to place obligations on the Town itself... regarding Town owned land....................and here we are.......the circus rolls on............A property owner's committee... is just that..a committee made up of property owners from the proposed district......not politicians......nor should politicians attempt to influence the decisions made by such a committee....this political interference.....the Private meetings.....the Manipulation....the Distortion of the facts...............Why don't the politicians just do this themselves....make all the policy statements and by-laws to suit their purposes and the purposes of the Self-Important............then just tell us what we have to would make things so much much more convenient..................wouldn't that be best......
. .... We are now waiting on the ...Written response from The Yarmouth Town Council...promised at the last Council Meeting ..... to the letter...above....of July,20,2007........ and also a written response from The Minister of Tourism Culture And Heritage regarding my request...that this matter be thoroughly investigated ...dated..Aug.22.2007........ .......................
Sept.o8.o7. .... I noticed on his internet blog one of our local reporters has noticed the absence of the the Public Meetings......and is realizing why things are going the way they are in ...Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia......I had an interesting conversation with one our prominent political figures just a few months after I arrived in Town..................................I asked....''Why is it that no one goes to the Town Meetings and why are the advertisements about these meetings so vague and undecipherable to the general Public.'' the answer from the Politician......''We don't want Them at the meetings.. ..the public might disagree with what we want to do.''............................
. ....I attended the meeting of The Yarmouth County Historical Society..last night.. with the intentions of asking a number of difficult questions.....I sat down and as I listened to.. and watched the man to who I was to direct these questions...I could see he was struggling... with a number of demons of his own..... and seeing that.....I thought for me to add to this would be no different than attacking someone who was lying on the might say he has made his let him lie in it.........and of course the bonus is.... he will be able learn some nifty flower and table arrangement techniques.............

. ....Yes....We have at least one Major Industry ...thriving..and in... Good Old Yarmouth....... Nova Scotia....... Canada....

. ....Yes....Just looking at apparently only a partial list of the figures our town tax in... Good Old Yarmouth....... Nova Scotia....... Canada.... is supporting.....relating to expenditures connected with Tourism.........just two of these figures add up to......218 Thousand Dollars.....Wow.........I didn't know we were getting a Marina.........they must have decided that.... in one of those closed-door... in-camera meetings....guess so there would be no conflict of the interest of the wider community..................I think it would be really great if our Municipal Government.. made the expenditures incurred on our behalf.....Public......What do you think....Scan it ..put it on the Net.......I can tell you I have been connecting those dots and it is getting pretty interesting.............Do you think that there may be some sort of ...Conflict of connection with the unwillingness of our elected officials to place proper protects on our Intact Victorian Streetscape on Forest Street...................
. ....When a person lies to you do you feel about that.......and as the lie grows.....what standing does that person have in your you begin to question other things this person has you question their you begin to realize that integrity may be something that this person feels is beneath them.............not something that the self-important should be bothered with.................
..Sept.13.2007....Section q. was mistakenly put on the council agenda, it refers to my question to each councilor whether or not they were one of the councilors, Councilor Dares had referred to in her speech at the last Steering Committee Meeting of July,18...........Since I have already received the answers ... I sent this... .e-mail to The Yarmouth Town Clerk.. Sept.12.2007....... ....Hi Jeff....... So of course I spent so much time talking that I missed the main point of going to see you....... Thursday nights Council Meeting ---One side of me wants to go and the other wants to stay home...... .watch it on TV....... and throw peanuts at the screen...... Now with section q. still listed on the agenda--------the Mayor may start to read the when it comes to my name ..if it is still there... if a councilor makes a smart remark or pulls a face or makes a rude gesture....well I'll have to get dressed and come down to Town Hall........ I have a couple of speeches I can fall back on but I will likely just wing it........................... Now this would make great television it really would be pretty exciting, but I would really rather fore go this............. So Jeff if you could please ask your IT guy to draw a big black line through my name at item q. that would be perfect............... Regards Rod................................... P.S...... Jeff since you are asked to comment on Chapter Five .......the intact Victorian Streetscape and Service Infrastructure,....... It would be a great idea if you and I walked through this proposed district and I can explain what I have learned...... example.... about the importance of this Town owned land in it's present state............. ....
     .................................Breaking News      

    Police called to Yarmouth Town Hall Council Meeeting
   align="center">. . . . . . . . . Thursday,September,13,2007 . . . . . . . . Well it is Fall here In Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia Canada.......There was more than the usual bursts of Hot Air coming from Town Hall..............and the excretion by-laws were surely breached.......
   align="center">. . . . . . . . . Thursday,September,13,2007 . . . . . . . .Well I spent my day painting and rebuilding an old storm window and at 7PM.. I sat down in front of the TV...with a bottle of Coke and a big bag of peanuts....I don't eat the peanuts I throw them at my TV I watch the Yarmouth Town Council Meeting on EASTLINK...............I watched the Argyle Council Meeting first .....then came the Yarmouth Broadcast.......As you can see in the section above I had requested that an e-mail I had sent to each individual Councilor be removed from the agenda of tonight's meeting....................The e-mails had been answered and I had not addressed it to the Town Clerk.... therefore I felt it should not be on the agenda............... As I am watching Jeff the CAO who attempted to remove the e-mail from the agenda was told by Councilor Clifford Hood ......... that it must remain on the agenda......I was out of my seat and on my way to Town Hall as I had jokingly promised Jeff earlier...........Walked as quickly as I could ...arrived at Town Hall had no trouble finding a vacant seat.........I asked the EASTLINK cameraman what section of the agenda the Council was up to....he showed me they had gone past my e-mail....I put up my the Mayor's attention.....he shook his head.......Every time the Mayor looked in my direction up went my hand........The Mayor shakes his head......I was hoping Councilor Clifford Hood would intervene and let me he was so eager to deal with this luck there.....I kept trying and finally the Mayor said Mr.Hemeon no you can't speak...The meeting starts at 7; can't speak........anyway I got up and walked to to microphone and asked the Mayor if he could turn it on.... and said ''Could I please ask a question.''......the answer no will call the RCMP.......I hope I didn't look too bad on TV......I had been working and wasn't ready for a TV appearance..... but I was ready to deal with my assertions.... that I believed Councilor Dares and Councilor Hood inappropriately attempted to influence the outcome of deliberations of a citizen's committee...................... To sit on this steering committee for the proposed Forest Street district the person's name must be on the deed of ownership.... of one of the properties in this proposed district................ Councilor Dares does not own a property in this area..... nor does Councilor Hood...from his own statements he is lucky enough to have a nice lady that allows him live at her house....... which is in the proposed district.............................So I was Not allowed to speak.....and by the time I sat back down I believe the Mayor had already requested that the Police be called......................I continued to raise my hand but luck................then I noticed the CAO heading for the front door of Town Hall...........After a minute I realized the police must have been called and I went out side to see them.............Two cars responded........I knew one Constable..... Steve ....the other constable is a new Recruit......The Cao and I tried to explain things to the Police and Steve said ...''Well if I have to come back again somebody will be going in.'' I said ''If you do... it will be one of them.''....pointing to the Councilors... Steve was happy with that...... and the Police left...........but not before I got my shot of one of their cars for this web site..........I went back in....sat down and put my hand up at every possible opportunity...but no luck................guess they did not want to discuss the issue after all............Well the Council Meeting concluded.......then the Mayor said to wanted to speak you can speak now..........I indicated that it was best to deal with this matter formally................and publicly...............I really don't understand ...Why.....they are taking this course.....there must be more to this than just the unwillingness to protect the integrity and heritage value of the Town owned land of Forest Street.................Why.......These people used the RCMP.... as in the prior incident... in an attempt to discredit me...... for political purposes.........
. ....Well I do admit it when I make a Mistake......and I made A Mistake............I just now read the Town Council Agenda and my disputed e-mail.......I thought we were dealing with the e-mail I sent to all councilors and the Mayor on July19th..near the top of the previous web page.............but this e-mail is one dated August19th....and was sent to The Mayor...Deputy Mayor Pink..Councilors..Boudreau,Strickland and Judge......excluding Councilors Dares and Hood..........I have sent out so many e-mails I had become confused.....I had no Idea that this was the E-mail I had wanted removed from the agenda........I thought it was the older e-mail.....even though this e-mail was not intended for all Councilors.....I would not have minded having it on the matter of fact it increased my web traffic significantly........and my intent to bring out the facts in this matter and bring it to a successful conclusion is clear..........What a Circus I should have worn my.. good ..clown outfit...............below is the e-mail which appears on the Town Council Agenda item q. ...........


. ...Well it is one thing to have some Pompous Little A...As....Ass....Assh.......Pompous Little Idiots call the police and attempt to have you arrested ............... it is something completely different when the police are called by your own Town Council ...........I know what your thinking ..but no....You may find this page takes a much more serious tone.....if this is how the Yarmouth Town Council wishes to deal with this matter....Fine..... then hold on to your hats................
. ...Well... we have all heard of black holes....and no I am not going to make some smart ass remark ............Well I think we as taxpayers here in good Old Yarmouth have several of these black holes and one of them got a lot deeper at Thursday night's Council Meeting...........if you blinked you would have missed it............We lucky people now have full managerial control over our know were this is going don't you.........that deep black hole will suck up a lot more of our tax all have seen loss of tax dollars with managerial expertise... for a number of years... in the Yarmouth Industrial Commission and now we have ......The Yarmouth International Airport Commmisssion.......Are they talking migratory of the Mexican Three-Toed Wooodpecker ....the Maine seagulls, or are they flying in Haitians or Columbians to work in the fish plants.............For you people out side of this area....we don't actually have airlines flying into our airport and have not had any flying in... for a number of years.......could the reason be.....our Federal Government Regulations put in place to protect our poorly managed domestic airlines....or heavy taxes on aviation fuel.......a lack of consumer support......So now how much was dumped into the flightless airport black hole last year should be know this is not all on the tax payers of the Town of Yarmouth [pop.7500] you lucky people in Argyle and the whole of Yarmouth County are asked to come on in and toss cash down this deep black hole..............without oversight.......I think we should all see the numbers............I think this community needs to see all the details ...............Maybe we can help...
......A guy walking his dog my house calls out......''Some trouble at the Council Meeting......saw it on TV.......boy that mayor was pretty rude.'' ''They were worried what you might say.''...''Calling the cops...who the hell do they think they are.''.....''Somebody has got to say something around's a mess.''.......................guess he is right.....people should speak out when they see something wrong........ but if you want to be heard I would advise you to bring your own megaphone...and maybe your lawyer...............I think we need some more ... Interviews.........
.......Well you will by now have a pretty good insight into what is taking place here in good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia. .............Now if your politicians wanted to put restrictions on your property....telling you what you can and can't do with your the name of Heritage Conservation................But these same politicians refuse to allow restrictions....protections on the Town Owned land.... in front of your property.......Town Owned land... which has as much...if not more..... heritage significance as do the this proposed would you respond to this........and when politicians or their self-important associates threaten your right to free speech....threaten you with law suits.....threaten you with arrest.....attempt to discredit you......... defame you...................what would you think......what would you do..................what would you say...............................My feelings are..... this is the result of school yard bullying is exactly that...... these people were all bullied as I was ......the difference between us is that this experience has made me someone who........ at all times and in all cases..... intervenes to defend the victim.......but these people have become bullies themselves...............
. ...Forest Street Heritage Conservation Steering Committee Meeting..... Wed. Sept.19th.....7PM.....Yarmouth Town Hall......
                              Letter to Town Council and Councilor Hood                                


.. ...Tonight Can They.... deliver another.... Deadly Blow to. . Good . OLD . .YARMOUTH. . . .NOVA..SCOTIA.. .. CANADA ....... WILL IT DIE

..........You know when some people are playing a game and they start to lose the game.....they want to change the rules....did you ever have that happen........ when you were a kid............we will see tonight.....or maybe they will just call....... 911 ........
..........Sept19th Steering Committee Meeting....I'm still free....they did not phone the police.....I asked that the Councilors stand aside from our citizen's committee until the Minister's Office completed their investigations.......regarding undue political influence on the committee..........but the heritage officer threaten to walk out of the meeting if Councilor Dares left and the others agreed to follow suit.......they also threatened to form a new committee .....the mandate of which would only deal with the houses not the historic streetscape..........they used their very best bully got pretty nasty......even The Anglicans took a terrible was just plain pathetic.....Someone said we can't have the ditches ....people will fall in them and break their legs.............I said... ''The ditches have been there for 137 years has anyone broken their legs.''....the answer ....''Well it might happen.''.......can you believe this....what a joke............The chairwoman stated she did not understand what she had been voting on......when she voted in favor of Chapter 5..............the recordings of the meetings of the last nine months show the truth of this statement to be improbable................ another person who had been on the committee for nine months....and had not attended a single meeting........finally forwarded his resignation tonight.....a shocking blow......but that is insignificant........what is significant is..... someone lost their footing.......... and began talking... seemingly uncontrollably......and.....''Spilled the Beans.''..........''Let the.... '' Cat Out Of the Bag.''.....''Rat Out of The Basement.''.....''Bats Out of the Belfry.''...................''She Opened The Can Of Worms.''.............I have some extremely distressing ...... very shocking news.............. but I have to leave you hanging ...............until I can confirm this information..........we need to do some ....Interviews....Today... ........September....20th...2007..... BREAKING NEWS ........
. .. .. Undue Political Influence .......... While A Citizens Committee Is Still Sitting...... ......... AFTER THE POLICY STATEMENTS TO PROTECT THE TOWN OWNED LAND ON FOREST STREET Had Been Voted On and PASSED through committee with a vote of 5 to 1 in favor.........Politicians intervene.. in a successful attempt to change the course..............the Councilors only had to wait until the recommendations went before Council to voice opposition......the correct procedure......They could not wait....WHY............because they knew if the community found out that they intended to... Destroy Forest Street .....they could lose control............ ...............................................Destroy Forest Street.................................................They can not be serious...........
. ....They are planning to intact Victorian Streetscape....Original Service Infrastructure and the 19th Century Ornamental Trees still standing.....all on Town Owned Public Land..........Possibly the only Intact Victorian Streetscape in an Urban setting, retaining this level of integrity surviving today the name of.. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .........WHOSE ..ECONOMIC ..DEVELOPMENT......They intend to Destroy Forest Street........Widen the street.... Destroy the historic infrastructure.....construct curb and guttering.....Destroy the trees....construct new sidewalks......................Destroy The Past and The Future.........Destroy this special sense of time and place .....
. My neighbor with political aspirations believes they are all nuts.....................I have to admit something to the readers of this web page....I have known for sometime...that the intentions of these people was to destroy Forest Street........but I had to let it play out so these self-important people would play their cards.....they accidentally threw in the joker last night...... so we now know what they intend to do........... WHY ...Comes Next.....Then of course WHO........We find the Motive..........Then we stop them..................can you all swear under your breath and imagine you are reading it on this screen.......Thanks.......................................a new interview later today
. ...Due to the actions and inaction of some Yarmouth Town Councilors... some Town Staff and some Steering Committee members and others.......I believe the implementation process...for the Forest Street Heritage Conservation District....has now been irreparably flawed and would not stand up a proper legal challenge.... by the objectors to the district..............Unfortunately neither the Yarmouth Town Council nor The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Heritage ...have taken any action to rectify the problems brought to their attention....................and for the people who are following this Sweden.....yes I have to agree with you .... there is a significant element of idiocy in their decision making process.........and a pervasive lack of have to see it..... here in good old Nova Scotia...........Yes it is hard to believe...
. ......You have all... out there .. seen the Photos of Forest Street........As the fact... that there was a special plan for this street... was was then stated by the Ex-chairwoman..........''They will have to formalize it so they can put lanes and parking.''..............on Forest Street...........when I asked that this be clarified.....I was aggressively Shouted Down... by the Yarmouth Town Councilor.........the meeting was quickly brought to a conclusion.....a half hour early... by the Chairwoman and the Town Councilor..................would you call that......UNDUE POLITICAL INFLUENCE........
. Sept.21.2007 ......I have to go out I understand that a flock of ...Three-Toed Woodpeckers....has just the Yarmouth International Airport............I'll go get an..... Interview........
. ...... Well I just concluded my Second Interview with the.....Minister For Economic Development.........Nice guy...I see how he got elected......but he is a politician...and of course you know my feelings on that......some of them are nice people...upon whom an unfortunate very nasty contagious disease has fallen.......... The Minister wisely said as little as possible.......I did most of the usual.............I asked the Minister if he had the answer to my question that I had left him with at our last interview............ The Minister stated that he had spoken to two Yarmouth Town Councilors And The Town make it short The Minister Did Not find out ...Why...They Do Not the protections of Chapter 5.....enacted..............The Minister said they did not discuss me or my efforts to save this Historic Streetscape...................I asked the Minister if conjunction with the Head of the SWSDA..... owned land on Forest Street........The Minister stated that he did not.........The Minister mention Tourism Product Developement but still seemed unclear in his understanding of the importance of Forest Street as an intact Victorian Streetscape..... to the future well being and prosperity of the Town Of Yarmouth and the Tourist I offered to show him around and explain...........I told the Minister that at our Steering Committee Meeting......on Wed.Sept. 19th.2007.......The ex-chairwoman stated that there is a plan in place to alter Forest Street to accommodate heavy traffic including lanes and parking on both side of the street.......effectively destroying it's heritage and aesthetic value in the name of Economic Development.............and I also explained the continuing political interference taking place in the committee room..............The minister shook his head and quietly said.....'' It's the first I've heard of it.''..................The interview concluded and went off to speak to a few helpful sources..................I have put out three invitations now to show the area and explain what I have learned..............To the Minister...the spelling of the surname of the fifer in 1812 who was part of the regiment stationed at the ''Rock'' here on Forest Street ......his surname is the spelt the same as yours he is likely your ancestor.
. ......I hope to Interview a very prominent Forest Street property has come to light .......a bit of research...... and a bit of investigation...confirm the facts..........and do some really is getting worse by the minute....
. .I stated.....''My question to the Town Planner through the Chair''....The Heritage Officer yelled out......''YOU are NOT RECOGNIZED by the CHAIR.''..................A bit shell-shocked I then asked.....''Most of Chapter 5... I wrote...the changes in Chapter 5 would be coming from where?''.. ..'' Can you ask the Planner will these changes in Chapter 5 be coming from a member of this committee?''..............the Chairwoman responded ''I will not ask the Planner that......I would think that the changes in Chapter 5.... if you wrote them... I'm surprised that we passed them, this is coming more from being presented to us by the Town Planner.......I didn't realize that you wrote them.'' ......... I then stated....... .....''So your surprised that you passed them because I wrote them ? ?''......... the Chairwoman said ......''In other words it sounds like you railroaded them through and you're having a fit because we're questioning them.''........ my response....'' No not at all but I am asking the Town Planner a question, if I could, through you, would that be alright.'' ....... Chairwoman's response....'' No you can not.''.... I asked...''Why not.'' The Chairwoman's response..........''Because you are talking too much, ask the Planner after the meeting...........I then said.....''Talking too much, you can not be serious.''........ Later I asked the planner after the meeting and he stated he could not discuss it unless it was at the committee table formally..............................Looks like every aspect of this matter is pretty suspect..................we need to Interview the Elusive Puppet Master....but first we have to identify him...............any ideas out there..??????..........
. ......Well I have gathered quite a lot of evidence on a number of different angles of this matter...........I really enjoy doing this....I have had some experience in this from one of my past lives and I was pretty good......any way I have discovered another very interesting...crucial piece of evidence.... linking directly ...the proposed destruction of Forest Street...and....some of our very self-important people...and what they have to gain....I think it is a big break and I believe that several people may be the focus of a wide ranging investigation ........but my intuition says..and the evidence shows..... the tangled web was too big to control......... here in....... Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia .......yes you are correct.......CONFLICT OF INTEREST .kkkk
. ....The protections of Chapter 5 would effectively ensure that Yarmouth Town Council could not allow Forest Street To be......Destroyed.....

. ....FOREST STREET ....1890.

. ....FOREST STREET TODAY....2007.

. ....FOREST STREET TOMORROW....2012.......renamed..STUMP STREET.............JSS
. ....This Is Their Vision.....It does look does look like a cartoon......but this is a pretty good facsimile..... of how Forest Street would look if these people... were to get their way............I do Not believe this is an exaggeration..... in fact I think it would be much worse.....
. ...At the Steering Committee meeting last Wednesday Sept.18th.....The Chairwoman became frustrated with my efforts to have this historic streetscape protected.......and made this statement .......''Why don't you just wait until the construction crews arrive on Forest Street and then protest.''...............It is my understanding that the Chairwoman is on the board of directors of the local historical society and therefore should be interested in preserving Yarmouth's cultural and built heritage................some people overseas and locally are finding this...... difficult to follow and understand...........So do I ...I sometimes have to replay recordings of sections of these meetings several make sure I heard correctly.............Several readers have asked..........''What are the government people dealing with the downturn in tourism saying about all this.''........that's easy...........nothing............Yarmouth's local downtown merchants are saying.......generally they want Town Hall cleaned out.......Fumigated....most are afraid to say that publicly........Heritage people...Dead Silent...........It's a real Circus.....we may have a couple of puppet shows this week as well............and of course some more ...Interviews......
Sept. 24th.2007. ...Spent half the day learning who legally owns the Town Of the Registry of Deeds...... the plot thickens......update soon.....................My Wife and I were picking blackberries in our yard today....when a massive truck came roaring down Forest know the big rigs that carry steel girders........doing about 65.............looks like they are sending the trucks in to test this old Victorian won't stand up to that kind of traffic............they will have to tear it up and build a brand new road....lanes and all is best this is looking pretty old around here......needs to be modernized...........I am sick of all those leaves and grass.....and I'm sick of that old historic feeling.....makes you think of the past.......we have to look ahead........for me it's....less work with asphalt and mower......I can just lay back take it easy ....count the trucks...and the....crack-heads.............listen to the cursing and swearing wafting through the between the roars of the engines............smell the diesel..........ahhhhhhhhhh ..... and fresh tar........ahhhhhhhhhhh........
. Sept. 25th.2007. .. The Yarmouth Town Council ....has yet to make a written response ..... as they confirmed they would, by a my letter [on this page] of July 20th. 2007.....regarding Undue Political Influence on a citizen's committee........ ... WHY ...........PLEASE RESPOND........and put it in writing................
......Now you out there on the Net know why it is taking so long..............they are nervous........they are unsure what to put on paper..........they know that it will be right here within a few minutes................
....There is a crowd gathering....
......You have all heard of the crowd of people .. in a big city .. who stood by.......and did nothing while someone was about to be killed ....right before their eyes..................I have witnessed this.
....No...we are not dealing here with a human being...but the consequences of the death of Forest Street would contribute to human tragedy...... as does each step toward desperation....and desolation.........if you stand by ..... you are an accessory.......

.Sept.26,2007...I called out to my wife...excitedly.....jokingly.......''I made it ....I finally made the Vanguard.''...........the Yarmouth Vanguard is a firmly controlled...insular local newspaper and they actually did not write this.... it is part of a bi-weekly summary of incidents and 911 calls....issued by the RCMP......I frankly have no interest in having this issue spun in the local newspaper................And to the RCMP Staff-Sergeant if you review the recording of the Council Meeting it is quite obvious who was doing all the yelling and creating a disturbance......not that your constables made any judgment one way or the they had not been witness to the incident..nor took evidence.............................Spoke to a clever fellow today that immediately saw the importance of Saving Forest Street and wanted to help.............he is the head a large group of well educated people..........but so are many of the self-important...the wealthy.......the opposition............unfortunately an education does not give a person..... integrity.....................
............................. Sept.27.2007...
. ...Well that is a coincidence I had planned to attend this months meeting of the Joint Heritage Advisory Committee and volunteer............and there in the Vanguard yesterday is a big ad......asking for has been almost a year since I began studying Heritage Conservation on the Net.......can't believe it........and it has been over two months since I had to stop painting my kitchen.....................I went to Town Hall at 4pm and handed in my written offer to help........ and this offer will be considered by both our Municipal and Town Council.........................yes the two separate but intricately connected flocks........ of our rare Three-Toed Woodpecker............ my fine feathered friends..........looks like my first obligation will be to tell the committee everything I have learned about Forest Street.........and....heritage help them make decisions... with the benefit of knowledge........won't you say this might be the key.................................. ..................I have to go out and ask more questions ..... gather more evidence......and do some................Interviews......
..Listen..........can you hear that........rumbling....the's the gathering Crowd.........
............................. Sept.27.2007... ...................................
..Just got back from a Meeting put on by The Dept. of Tourism Culture and Heritage.....regarding tourism product development..........I made a short speech...I am naturally quiet but if something is as important as this matter........ then I am forced, and force myself to speak.... in front of a large group of people....something I would normally would not do ....under any circumstances....................................The Mayor...a Town Councilor...The head of SWSDA ...representatives of the Provincial Government and a number of struggling business owners attended...................The Mayor and...the Town Councilor...left before I spoke........NO ONE PHONED 911 or THREATENED TO SUE ME...but they left....why maybe they were worried they may be asked questions......they were right it was best for them to leave because I have plenty of questions and the answers are thin on the ground.....................I basically stated a number of the points which I continue to mention in these pages....... and asked the people in the room to do something about this send the Town a Message.....even anonymously......because most are afraid of each other and the ...''Powers that Be.'' in Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia............that to destroy what we have on Forest Street is a crime........and we have advance is time to act now.......................I received a number of bad vibrations from the room .....from expected quarters.............afterward a lady from the CBC wanted to interview me.....I declined......I don't want the focus on me.........I want the focus on this beautiful historic street.........I gave the reporter and her cameraman my web site address and advised them to turn up the volume and pass it on to their friends................................People all over the world are watching this story play out................I have a large overflow of e-mails which I am having difficulty responding to quickly ....but ...I will..........a lot of questions ....all the same questions..........Why...Who....How....When......and more..... and advice which I am always seeking...because it is a very involved tangled web..........I explained to the people attending this discussion about Tourism Product Development.......... The Yarmouth Town Council's efforts to prevent the protections on Forest Street being enacted ..... they are using every means possible to discredit me .......... and rest back .... claw back.... control over this Historic Street.................Yes they have lost control at this point........because you know about it..........and our community is not going to allow this to happen... not this time.... this street belongs to The People Of Yarmouth it is an crucial part....of our Cultural Heritage....our collective memory ....Forest Street is our street......your street ......They Will Not Destroy This Street................
............................. Sept.27.2007 ...................................
....... The Tourism Product Development Officer for the Yarmouth area said she could not understand my web page and stated ''I will not read it.'' ............after all the help and ideas I have given her............. do you have any idea how much all this is know those little figures with the bobble heads.... you had to see it...............So we have something unique here in Yarmouth an Intact Victorian Streetscape and Service Infrastructure and the Original 19th century trees still standing....THIS ALL UNDER IMENIENT THREAT..............and these people from the Department of Tourism Culture and Heritage .....have no interest......They did not know were Forest Street was......this really is too much.....I know they need employment but they must actually be able to think at a level just a little bit beyond what is taking place around them........we need to do something about this whole mess............the poor business owners in this area were sold low quality Yarmouth County Snake Oil...........and I have the greatest sympathy for them .....but it is time they set aside their fear to speak ..........It is Time to save the last intact Victorian Street in Yarmouth.....part of our cultural is time to Save Forest Street ............
.......The key to ensuring the trees continue standing and Forest Street retains its cultural heritage the protection and restoration of the ditch and culvert stormwater infrastructue.

.......I have some people in Europe could we allow our Officals At Town Hall....To Run 18 WHEELERS.....BIG RIGS....THROUGH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STREET IN OUR TOWN................AN INTACT VICTORIAN STREETSCAPE....They have made it..... A TRUCK ROUTE........A TRUCK ROUTE........THEY CAN NOT BE SERIOUS.............TOMORROW................THIS REALLY IS TOO MUCH.............stare at this page ....imagine an even dozen of the most vile words you can think of and attach them to the Wealthy Self-serving Self-important people RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS......and on top of that...... THE HOLLOW TOURISM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MEETING......THEY CAN NOT BE SERIOUS.........WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN YARMOUTH... NOVA SCOTIA........................SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ........I am really not impressed and my sense of humour is deminishing very very quickly............
. ........PROCLAMATION ...August.9th. 2007....Well the Mayor Made A short speech.........''I see no reason in this world why this Council... or any other Council... for over a hundred years those trees have been there.... those trees haven't been cut down... the Council has put on no truck zones so trucks couldn't go down there and bother those trees... I don't think any body... in their Right Mind ..would ever consider Cutting the Trees Down on Forest Street,.... one of the most beautiful streets we have in Yarmouth..... I don't see anybody wanting to cut those down.''.................................Well..I have.........and it is now a truck zone...
   . . . . . ... ...

...........   . . . . . .. ...send... Town Hall ...a message... .............   . . . ..NOW ..............Click    

..... Town Hall might just delete our e-mails accidently... and imagine everything is just fine..........We need to CC.....carbon copy.....others into this too..... but who.....I think we need to tell these Heritage groups to help us.....isn't that their responsiblity..........The Heritage Foundation of Canada maybe.........The extremely rare and elusive Three-Toed Woodpecker at the Ministery for Tourism Culture and Hertiage...maybe.......I already sent the web page to every member of the Provincial Legislature..six weeks response at all......... our newspaper is strictly controlled so that's no good.................What do you think.................. ''...'' ....xxxxx..... '' ....'' .......................xxxxxx.....
......I heard there is another protest web site on Facebook...and people wanting to do something.........One suggestion is to send the Minister of Tourism Culture And Heritage a message stating .......that we want Chapter 5 enacted and Forest Street designated as A Provincial Heritage Streetscape......and also stating how important it is to the community............The Minister's e-mail address and his name is .....Len and carbon copy cc Yarmouth Town CAO at... frankly... I believe that at the correct time... the people arriving at Town Hall together....will be the only way to deal with this matter.......... ... ''...'' ....xxxxx..... '' ....'' .......................xxxxxx.....
.This Web Site Began July 18th 2007 . ...It will close when is Up To You....This is My Town and This Is Your Town......Forest our belongs to our community's collective memory...our cultural heritage.......This one battle will be the end.... of the Absolute control of the.. self-important.. self-serving .. wealthy and powerful.. and their Yarmouth Nova Scotia........
..Listen..........can you hear that........rumbling....the's the gathering Crowd...............................You... at Town were surprised that rainy night................weren't you..................................................That was just what used to be the vacant lot next to the Gothic house.... we were dealing with.............this time it is Forest will need a much bigger hold the citizens of Yarmouth...............
............................. ... .....
....October 2nd.2007.........this was also my suspicion for some time and is has been gradually seeping out.......Casino......Casino.......You will need a good solid Wide ....STREET...with plenty of parking to transport those HIGH-ROLLERS from the Yarmouth International Airport to our new Waterfront Casino........ ... I said to my wife this is perfect we will have a number of business opportunities now..... since we are right on the main truck route.......A Tim Hortons........A Truck Stop......Poker Machines.....A Victorian Brothel......we could sell ..High Quality.. Drugs ......To The High-Rollers.....We could Open all Four.......then we will be Rolling in Dough too.........Perfect........We only have to sacrifice this......Beautiful Unique Intact Victorian Streetscape....Sacrifice..Forest Street.........No Worrys..........Mate...................
....Can you all see the pattern forming here......the connecting dots......we will put up a does get worse.....
...October 3rd,2007......Last week I spent a few hours finding out who owned the property in the Town Of Yarmouth.........this was a little puzzling and the web was tangled by the fact that many properties are owned by corporations, family members, holding companies and... or owned by lawyers in Nigeria...............My instincts tell me that .....two more major private money making projects are planned for Forest Street.......benefiting the self-serving..... self-important wealthy and in Yarmouth..Nova..Scotia.. .....and I figure on their agenda is.......the destruction of Forest Street..............They picked the wrong street to mess with.................. did I hear someone say........Hootenanny ..Tonight....
...October 3rd,2007....Just got back from the meeting at the Yarmouth County Court House........I can hardly believe what I see and hear............Since I realized what was taking place in Yarmouth....I have not only had to take on the role of policing, investigating and prosecution to protect my family and property and neighborhood, watch dog for our Town Council.... Now I'm a self appointed news reporter........Why...because the media here in Duckburg is firmly controlled by what they loving call the ''Powers That Be'' when ever I make one of my awkward speeches at these various meetings the media does not report it and I am happy with that but it is the principal of a free press which is distrubing, I don't feel too bad they don't report very much at all..... reporting on criminal activities is blatantly really have to witness it to believe it.................I decided to record and photograph the events to show those viewing this web page what is actually taking place here in Duckburg........... I start with photos of tonights meeting .....then a run down...then ...hopefully a digital recording .....once I work out the process............The Good Old Yarmouth County Snake Oil flowed really was pathetic...........






. ....This fellow in the red,white and blue jacket is very interesting.....Gerry Curry......... prior to this shot I handed him a piece of paper with my web site address on it.....he immediately shoved it back in my hand and stated he was on the other side........he then said he believed Forest Street should be completely modernized a very humorless nasty way..........I was a bit shocked and then the man said....'' My wife is on the Joint Heritage Advisory Committee and she feels the same way.''......... I am still shocked by all this and completely bewildered......I said well I volunteered for that committee......he stated you will have to get a belligerent manner....I said ''Do you mean they won't let me on the committee.'' he answers with a nasty glare.................Why am I still surprised.....what amazes me even more is that I am still able to be polite to these id..idio...idiologists..... these heritage people are a complete waste of space.....most of them have no clue what is important to the community...............Well I gave the people at the meeting another earful.......I will get the recording on here in the morning [evening Oct.4th still trying to figure it out sorry...instructions driving me nuts....Oct.6.still reading the instructions, over and over. now oct.8th find it's in a secure folder and i cant figure how to download it.....sorry..].......By the way I saw the Mayor of Yarmouth and one Town Councilor arrive and leave within a few minutes..............wonder... Why...........There sure was this pervasive fog of guilt hanging over that Council table, one Councilor kept his eyes down the whole evening...........''PAUSE''.................And for any of you jokers out there thinking of attacking me......don't.... I am capable of defending myself.... and I meticulously collect solid evidence............and have made and secured numerous sworn let's get back to the story's becoming a bloody epic............and do you know..... at last night's meeting not one of those Municipal Woodpeckers hit the speed dial for ......911.........They may be getting the idea that I intend to exercise Right To Freedom Of Speech....................They have made one hell of a mess...of Good Old Yarmouth ..Nova..Scotia.......
.......Look Them In The Eye...... . . . . . . Tell Yarmouth Town Council to enact The Original Chapter 5......Protections for the Town Owned Public Land of Forest Street ........NOW.........
............ One of the .. very.. very.. very.. wealthy....very self-important... very self-serving....individuals involved in this matter....exclaimed to frustration.............................''Why don't you wait for the Construction Crews to arrive on Forest Street .......before you start protesting.''..........................Yes...that's right we should wait........wait for the bulldozers.....wait for the road crews........wait for the POLICE........wait in Jail........ wait while... FOREST STREET....... ... DISAPPEARS
Yarmouth Town Council Meeting......TONIGHT....Thursday...October...11th..2007...7;30 PM ..........................Yarmouth Town Hall.........................
......... Will they call ...... ... ........... 911 ............. ...
Mayor...Yarmouth Town Councilors......................Listen..........can you hear that........rumbling....the's the gathering Crowd.....................................
BREAKING NEWS...October 10th.....the Municipal Council decides it is best for you the taxpayer that they proceeded toward the building of a Brand New Municipal Building just for you....Council stated they felt the majority of taxpayers want the new building........wonder how the electric bills on this new building will affect your tax rates...ask................The boys from Knoxville are already sizing up our Old Courthouse...........this is short-sightedness at it's very best.....
BREAKING NEWS...October 11th.....the Yarmouth Town Council meeting has just ended .......I wore my best clown outfit and made the speech at least two of these Councilors had no idea what I said or they pretended they didn't.....and they are both lawyers............this is exactly why I always represent myself.......I don't have to hire a fool of a lawyer..... when I can act the fool equally as was a circus.....the ring master had his finger on the speed dial for 911...... as one lawyer leveled insults.... made directly to me and not through the chair............Councilor Judge was rude and belligerent ......he thought the remarks, which I had just read, and made by the ex-chairwoman Martha Cassidy about the Holy Trinity Church....... were made by me......Councilor Judge blamed me for the Anglican bashing which had actually been dished out by the Ex-Chairwoman at a public meeting...............and I believe parts of my speech... were dealing with matters he has little experience with....he was pretty confused..............Councilor Pink seemed completely unaware of relivent points...... and seemed totally confused and unaware that I had alleged that two Town Councilors were using their political muscle to alter the course... and unduly influence the deliberations of a citizen's committee.......Councilor Dares was extremely she should be in her position....and denied anything was wrong on Forest Street and said it was ''all fear mongering'' people who saw this on TV said she made a lot of wierd faces...............Councilor Strickland was pleasant but bending in the hot wind he needs time to read the details..............and the Mayor was just trying to keep his councilors under control so they wouldn't make him resort to calling 911............Councilor Boudreau wisely said nothing.............And I was really disappointed to see that Councilor Hood did not show up at all...he stayed home and threw peanuts at the screen........really...........what a circus.........there are four lawyers...on this Council including one on the payroll.........They just have to enact Chapter 5....that will prove no one is going to destroy Forest Street.....won't it..................tonight has really got me has only served to confirm my original feelings....that the politicians and the power brokers will deny and hide the truth of this matter right to the day when the excavators move on Forest..... Street...........Chapter 5 is now in play......enact Chapter 5.....If nothing is going to be done to Forest Street then protecting it should be full transcript of my presentation to Yarmouth Town Council is below......




. ... Below is Town Hall's interpretation of what I said and the Council's reaction.......don't forget this was televised and I recorded the meeting.....yet from the Town's recording this is what was transcribed and passed as part of the minutes for the October 11th Council you can plainly see a reader would have no idea of what took place and would be given a completely False impression.....................

. ... First they portrayed me as this guy wanting the whole Town of Yarmouth designated an historic site......then they said I wanted everyone to dress up in Period Costume and drive horse and buggies they say I want cars banned from Forest Street.............this is perfect........they are even trying to claim I want a casino, they want to blame me for the casino nonsense..................this can not get any better than this..........This is just perfect.........I have so much to work with here...... and some of the facebook people are starting to buy into the spin.......this should be interesting..............
. ... of Yarmouth's two firmly controlled media outlets.............Now..... Roy Zinck......the first rule of Legitimate Get You Facts Right.................... let's see if the Vanguard unleashes the journalistic pit bull.........ripping into the story............would you not think allegations of Undue Political Influence on a Citizen's Committee might be newsworthy......... Roy Zinck I expect a retraction and correction.....details are so important.....Roy......a....

. ... Yes you are right....these people... when confronted with difficult questions either start yelling...threaten defamatory remarks...sometimes with lashings of cursing and swearing......and now a new ploy............attribute the bizarre remarks of one of their own.. to me ...............The Ex-Chairwoman Martha Cassidy good friend to the Minister for Economic Development ...Good Friend to all in the Conservative Party Of Nova Scotia....Good Friend to Councilors Dares, Hood and the Mayor ...a woman with high political aspirations ........a long time opponent to heritage conservation...........a woman who wants the Anglicans to walk to church................They are attributing this woman's bizarre statements to me..................can't they find anything in what I have said to use against me...............they have not in 9 months been able mount one single logical argument against what I am saying....... they have resorted to every pathetic verbal assault....and now even to the point of attacking someone's really have to see their faces as they speak.... it is pretty ugly.........I have plenty of ammunition in my reserves....if these people take this pathetic course to the next level..............I will very slowly escalate to their pathetic level....the difference being my statements will be factual backed by hard evidence........ I hold the high ground in this matter.......
. ... I said above it can't get better than this.........I went to my mail just got much better...........Two letters in my mail box holding hands........The results of the investigations into my allegations of undue political influence on a citizen's committee.......from the Town of Yarmouth and the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Heritage.........Both letters post marked Oct.11th.. both dated Oct.10th.....and do you think that this is just by shear chance ......I filed a formal complaint with Nova Scotia Office of The OMBUDSMAN ...yesterday at 2pm October 11th.........amazing.......suspicous.....I will add the letters and my responses to them later on this web page..............You know how they will read..........but the most interesting point is that during their investigations neither government body asked the complainant [me] a single how is this sort of investigation conducted..............let's find out......who are these people.......I really need to Interview the Minister of Tourism Culture and Heritage...........


. ... Well here are the long awaited responses my allegations of Undue Political Influence On a Citizen's Committee................Hundreds of you out there have been following give me a hand here ...tell me ...considering what you know to date....tell me how to respond to these letters...... no swearing......

. ... Above you see Roy Zinck's back and over his left shoulder about 17 feet away is Councilor Murray seat is three rows and about 10 feet back of Roy Zinck...........I checked my recording of my presentation and I spoke clearly and fairly loudly......I also spoke quickly because my alotted time was pretty limited........some parts of my presentation were a bit complicated and some people present became confused........Murray seemed to be totally unaware that.... the bizarre statements ...relating to the Anglicans and his church and their parking habits....were originally ex-chairwoman Martha Cassidy....who also stated her solution to the problems... was to ban the heritage district.......... I had just been reading the transcript of our last steering committee meeting to show Town Council.... the type of people and nonsense I have been dealing with for nine months.......Can you imagine having to listen to this rubbish..........but Murray directed his hostility toward me..... mistakenly and directly.....I stood up and loudly stated ......''Those statements were not made by me they are the words of Martha Cassidy ''[ex-chairwoman] Roy Zinck has ears...and he knows Martha Cassidy.... and if Roy Zinck wanted to confirm his facts before printing them publicly.....he just had to walk to the other side of the room.....Martha Cassidy was in attendance the whole evening......Mr. Zinck had every opprotunity to get his facts right and made no effort.........kind of like a lot of people I have met lately........So Mister Zinck..... a written correction and an apology are in next interview will be with Mr. Roy Zinck President of CJLS.....very shortly..............Yes Mr.Zinck are so correct.......I dreamed up this casino.........because my life long dream was to restore an old house and open....a Victorian Brothel.....and the Casino fits perfectly into my plans......I might built it in my backyard......see you soon Roy...

. ... Well Michael.. lead reporter of the Vanguard ....your story is high quality journalism.....accurate... tasteful and done in the public interest as it should be.........Mike the meeting went pretty well for me...I was actually able to speak in front of a camera and came away with more ammunition for the battle..........I have to admit I am disappointed that your paper didn't go the way of CJLS and Roy Zinck...still early.....the more people I have to take on... the more interesting it gets........but I am glad for you because you want to go somewhere in life and get there the right way..........Just one small error that doesn't really need correction now........ I wrote Chapter 5 and had it passed through our citizen's committee with a vote of 5 to 1.....that is exactly what all the fuss is about...nobody expected this and the politicians just flipped out....................So the question is....Why..... since this is Town-owned land that would be protected by Chapter 5.........if there is no plan and everything is fine with Forest Street.......Why don't these people and Town Council want Chapter 5 enacted......I know you work for a strictly controlled media outlet....but it would have been nice to see the true essence of the some investigative journalism Mike........but only in your spare time...................
. ... So have altered your initial Vanguard article....good..........interesting but of course the real story is how the Politicians and their Cronies are altering the decision made to pass Chapter 5 by a vote of 5 to 1 in favor......that is the story Michael .... as you know.....
. ... Below are articles from Our Local Paper The Vanguard....dated August 28th....and..October 2nd, John Miller of 1761 Realty and Karen MacKay Of Rodd Hotels.....who both seem to be very involved in Good Old Yarmouth Nova Scotia.........seem to be thinking Casino................Roy Zinck....are you getting this.......


. ... ........Monday..October..16..2007......My Interview.....with Roy Zinck.....President of Yarmouth radio station CJLS.........even though I had e-mailed my web page to Roy Zinck on Friday after I read his news broadcast relating to me.....Roy Zinck said he had not read my web page...........I then gave my web page to him again and explained the facts relating to his news story are on the last page.................................I asked.... did he also broadcast this story about me from his radio well.. as place it on the net.........Roy stated ''yes'' he did about three times.........................When I stated that I had been misrepresented by him...........Roy Zinck got up and moved toward the door....signalling an end to the meeting...........I knew last Friday that this would be the result of the meeting and that ..... Roy Zinck......not through error......... but purposely misrepresented me to the public..........his attitude told the truth..........he wasn't interested at all to know what I felt he had wrongly printed..or stated.......because he already knew what he had done.......... Roy Zinck states....''I usually do my stories based on what I see...I usually don't respond to people who have a self interest in an issue.''......''PAUSE''......What....Now...Roy you can't be serious..............I then stated...''Roy you have misrepresented me so we will have to deal with that we will have to do something about it.''.............Roy states...''That's your opinion.''.......I state...''No that's not my opinion, that's factural...and that's the whole point... news reporting is supposed to be factual..won't you agree.''.................. Roy states....''Well it's too bad.....'' I interrupt and stated..Wouldn't you agree with that.'' Roy says...''YES.'' ........ ..............So Mr. Zinck....President of Yarmouth radio station CJLS......agrees that news reporting should be factual...........Mr. Zinck has been given the facts....... now we will see what Mr. Zinck does next....................Mr. Zinck if in doubt..... consult your company's law firm..........consult some of our Town Councilors..........just correct your errors......
. ... So back to Forest Street.....Smell that.... it's a mixture of Snake Oil and large amounts of Cash......Forest Street......if nothing is up.... what is the problem here.....Why don't some of the powerful people and politicians......want this important part of our Town know the section of Forest Street with all the trees..........there are only thirteen private properties that front on this section of Forest Street.......Town Officals say that if these Thirteen people want Forest Street protected ....then they will consider it........only a few of these property owners would want these protections of Chapter 5.........most only have their own.... very best interests at heart............but all of these people have forgotten something very important..........when these people cross their property line they are on Town owned land.....and that doesn't mean it is owned by the Town Councilors....that means..... YOU...own it......whether you are a property owner or a renter it is your belongs to the whole now we have to make sure Yarmouth Town Council..the Yarmouth Municipal Council.... and the Nova Scotia Provincial Government....Protect Forest Street......none of them want it protected.........they have all forgotten who they work for..........we employ them.............

. ... I also Interviewed one of our rare Three-Toed Woodpeckers........details later.........You have to be quick.. before they fly south or to Paris..............
...Breaking News....

. ... .. Defamation.....If you are a journalist...staying clear of untruths and defamatory remarks is pretty important...........not because of the costs associated with law suits......but because the damage that printing or broadcasting something that is untrue about someone your community....this does far more damage and costs far more than court action....this damage done to your company and your own reputation as a journalist is long can't go wrong with the truth... backed by solid evidence........Roy Zinck

.CJLS ..Roy Zinck..has not corrected his errors or apologized in public ...............anyone out there with some strange, embarrassing, or bizarre stories...about Roy Zinck.....President of Yarmouth radio station CJLS......please send them anonymously to.... The difference between Roy Zinck and I is....I want True Stories.....I will confirm the facts of your stories before making them public.........this should be interesting...... Ref. number: 365357

. ... Attributing the Bizarre Statements of one of your must be up all be able to come up with these things.........not one logical statement....not one sensible calling...attacking someone's religion.... ...lying....swearing....threatening...........excellent
.. Chris Perry and Roy Zinck.....Take Note............ A STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES ... ARTICLE I ....- Responsibility.... The primary purpose of gathering and distributing news and opinion is to serve the general welfare by informing the people and enabling them to make judgments on the issues of the time..... Newspapermen and women who abuse the power of their professional role for selfish motives or unworthy purposes are faithless to that public trust.... The press was made free not just to inform or just to serve as a forum for debate but also to bring an independent scrutiny to bear on the forces of power in the society,.. including the conduct of official power at all levels of government......
.....ARTICLE III -.... Independence... Journalists must avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety as well as any ...conflict of interest... or the appearance of conflict..... They should neither accept anything nor pursue any activity that might compromise or seem to compromise their integrity.....
. ... ARTICLE IV ..- Truth and Accuracy..... Good faith with the reader is the foundation of good journalism, Every effort must be made to assure that the news content is accurate,.. free from bias and in context and that all sides are presented fairly,.. Editorials, analytical articles and commentary should be held to the same standards of accuracy with respect to facts as news reports. Significant errors of fact, as well as errors of omission,... should be corrected promptly and prominently...........
.....Journalists must be constantly alert to see that the public's business is conducted in public. They must be vigilant against all who would exploit the press for selfish purposes.......Fair Play. Journalists should respect the rights of people involved in the news, observe the common standards of decency and stand accountable to the public for the failings and accuracy of their news reports.
. ... Do you figure...the Elusive Puppet Master..gets to a point where he is not sure who's strings to pull next?? must get confusing......
. ... A lot of people have been saying to me lately.....''How can you do what your doing and deal with the people you are dealing with and not get angry.''.....Well it's funny to me....that's really the answer...sometimes I have to prevent myself from laughing I don't appear rude......
Oct.20th 2007...CJLS ..Roy Zinck..has not corrected his errors or apologized in public ...............Well Roy Zinck when you broadcasted this statement and attributed to me you made a mistake......''He also said vehicles should be banned from Forest Street and that a casino may even go there.'' know Roy Zinck didn't you leave out the parts were.... I think the Anglicans should walk to church on Sundays and to funerals.....everyone should dress in period costume.....we should all use kerosene lamps.....we should tear out all the power poles and put in gas lamps.........we should go back to dirt roads............we should tell the truth when reporting the news..woops...........what do you all think.... should I interview Roy Zinck again soon..........all the emails I have received....well...most people think that you, Roy Zinck, did the wrong thing and you should correct yourself.....they are pretty disappointed....although some are not at all surprised....I think you have rubbed a few people around here and the wrong way.........I'll keep you updated...Roy.
..... Forest Street Heritage Conservation District Steering Committee Meeting...Scheduled for Wed.Oct.24,2007. 7PM. ...Ex-Chairwoman unable to attend...shame I had a number of questions for does she expect the Anglicans to walk to funerals and carry the vehicles at all.... and exactly who told her about the special development plans for Forest Street.............. religious bigotry issues can be tormenting......... ..........


. ... The audio recordings show this meeting..... with all the bizarre statements , the yelling the defamatory remarks...... to be the pathetic circus it was......



..... Of course I did not mange to interview our last Minister for Tourism and Heritage and he of course did not bothter to investigate the goings on around here I thought I would give our new Wooodpecker a chance....let's see if he asks any questions......I have the Answers Mr. Dooks....... ..........

...Breaking News....
.....October.24,2007.....10;00pm The Forest Street Heriage Conservation District Steering Committee Meeting has just ended. Two new members unexpectedly joined the committee and one old member did not attend,,,,, the Town Councilors also did not attend... the two new members tipped the balance of power.... in the community's favor....... The result is ...Chapter 5 is for the second and final time passed through our committee with the firm protections for the streetscape of the Forest Street tact.................this is only the First Battle Chapter 5 will go to the Joint Heritage Advisory Committee.......then to Yarmouth Town Council....and then to public hearing....This Battle was crucial....because now Chapter 5 is officially in the public realm......this is a really big step closer to ensuring that ...Forest left intact for future generations....... ..........
    for a refreshing break click on the Coke sign ......   . . . . . ... ...

. ... The so called ''Powers That Be'' in good old Yarmouth Nova Scotia.....have had to ask their friends in the media to try to discredit me by printing lies and distortions of the facts in one case [CJLS].......and only a part of the story in the other [Vanguard] ......our Town Council has lost it's credibility by allowing politicans and their associates to interfere in decisions made by a citizen's committee and approving this unethical behaviour ...... the Council has distorted the facts and allowed lies to go attempts to prevent protections being placed on Forest Street.....................but it is not working very well for them...because this is all out in public can you investigate a matter without asking the complainant a single question......
. ... If you have not looked at the reason some politicians and their self-important friends got so upset and the reason they had to act .....and the method by which the people can Save Forest Street............then click on The Snake Oil Sign below read Chapter 5.......

...Chapter 5.......   . . . . . ... ...

          Veteran CJLS Reporter ...Roy Zinck.....Looks up.....and Yells ''He was Right.''......   . . . . . ........... ''The Sky Is Falling''

October 24,2007....This is only the first battle and things will die now a bit in relation to Forest Street.............I have a lot of work backed up for three months I have been trying to get Chapter 5 passed I will for now do my work and continue this web page in preparation for the next battle for Forest Street.......I will diversify the comments and facts.....I think it best for the present we concentrate now on the Old Courthouse on Main Street it is in jeopardy and needs the communities help............So we will now focus this web page on our rare County Three-Toed Wooodpeckers who also concluded a meeting tonight....wished I could have attended....but an interview is in order because I have a feeling things are movin'..pretty fast at their nest...........I just watched the Municipal Council meeting of last night on TV giving the go ahead for the 5 million dollar building for 13 people.....I can not make a comment without swearing so I won't....... ................... ..........but I can not help myself it has to be the end of the meeting they needed to shovel away ....the huge pile of bullshit to get out of the building...




. ... Well it must have been exhausting trying to plan a 5 million dollar ''show stopper'' building in Secret....for two wonder they had trouble sleeping.......most guilty people know this flock of Three-Toed Woodpeckers needs a nice break .....say Europe in The Spring..............
. ... November 7th .....I had a break .....painted a bit...storm windows etc........but watching our democracy malfunctioning at this basic level is so interesting and disturbing that I have to get back to work on to a new web page with most of the old players and a few new ones........Click on the link below.......
NOW....Nov. and Dec. Have been lost in cyber space...hope you read it before it got lost ..always save your work.....yes I am a complete idiot...........Click to go to January 2008. ....... page.....