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E-Mail: Eon Wooldridge

Height: 5'11
Weight: 135 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Age: 16
Shoe Size: 11
Birthday: 8.02.83
Hometown: Milton, Washington
Hobbies: N/A
Hometown of Dreams: Lake Titicaca
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Sports: Wrestling, Basketball, Team Handball
Favorite Sports Team: Seattle Sonics
Favorite Thing to do when bored: Tap Fingers Incessantly
Favorite Video Game: Chrono Trigger
Favorite Country: America(Woot! We kick ass!)
Favorite Bands: Moby(not really a band), Staind, Fluke, Cky....
Favorite Rappers: Busta Rhymes a.k.a Busta Bus
Favorite Songs: 96 quite bitter beings, dueling banjos, absurd
Favorite TV shows: The Simpsons, The man show
Favorite Movies: Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, Lost Highway
Favorite Car: None
Car Owned: None (i'm poor and a slacker what can I say)
Favorite Food: Quesadillas
Friends: Everyone... except everyone I hate
Quote: "Religion is a crutch for the weak minded"

Number of GOOD CD's owned: 4
Favorite CD: "Play" by Moby
Some Bands Eon Listens To: See Bands From Above