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The Future Ain't What It Used To Be
is no more and has been replaced by the
X-Men 2099 Resource
with issue listings, images covers and links to X-Men 2099 stuff.

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099

X-Men 2099 #10

X-Men 2099 #11

X-Men 2099 #12

X-Men 2099 #13

X-Men 2099 #14

X-Men 2099 #15

X-Men 2099 #16

X-Men 2099 #17

X-Men 2099 #18

X-Men 2099 #19

X-Men 2099 #20

X-Men 2099 #21

X-Men 2099 #22

X-Men 2099 #23

X-Men 2099 #24

X-Men 2099 #25

X-Men 2099 #26

X-Men 2099 #27

X-Men 2099 #28

X-Men 2099 #29

X-Men 2099 #30

X-Men 2099 #31

X-Men 2099 #32

X-Men 2099 #33

X-Men 2099 #34

X-Men 2099 #35

X-Men 2099 Special

X-Nation 2099 #1

X-Nation 2099 #2

X-Nation 2099 #3

X-Nation 2099 #4

X-Nation 2099 #5

X-Men 2099: Oasis

Spider-Man 2099 #1

Spider-Man 2099 #16

Ravage 2099 #1

Ravage 2099 #15

Punisher 2099 #1

Punisher 2099 #13

Doom 2099

Doom 2099

Doom 2099

2099: AD

2099:AD Apocalypse

2099:AD Genesis

2099 Unlimited #1

Hulk 2099

Ghost Rider 2099 #1

Fantastic Four 2099 #1

Fantastic Four 2099 #8

2099: World of Tomorrow #1

2099: World of Tomorrow #2

2099: World of Tomorrow #3

2099: World of Tomorrow #4

2099: World of Tomorrow #5

2099: World of Tomorrow #6

2099: World of Tomorrow #7



2099: World of Tomorrow #8

2099: Manifest Destiny



It is also the home to the Marvel X 2099 Imprint
with monthly fictions about the X-Men 2099 and Spider-Man 2099.

Click on any of the links to get to the section.


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This X-Wars site is owned by David 'Goldfish' Wheatley.

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