My Personal Info

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My Personal Info

For those who want to know more about me, I am 35 years old, born in Wayne County, Detroit. I have lived in Michigan most of my life, except for a few years in Texas, I have been married for almost 10 years, with one 15 year old son, who although is a teenager, gives me no grief. (Consider myself lucky) My husband Alberto is 31 years old, and my soul mate, what more do I need to say. I Love animals, have 5 Huskies, 1 daschund, a pomeranian named Taz (the name fits) 1 cat, and my baby, an African Grey Parrot named Mickey, who mimicks everything I say and do.

My husband Alberto & myself

I manage a bar in our area, which keeps me busy, but love it. Some of my hobbies, which some of you already know by now, is collecting Seraphim Angels, I also collect hummingbirds, and porcelain flowers, another hobby is gardening, and and am told by my husband my jungle of houseplants, (keep telling him, they give off oxygen, which is good for him) :) I love the outdoors more than anything, camping being my favorite vacation. We both love to travel, Cozumel and Cancun being our favorite place to visisit. Walking through the woods in our area, gives me the peace I need when life gets to be a bit much. Picking morals in the springtime is the greatest. But as you can also see from my background I don't mind the winter either, in fact have missed the snow when I was living down South. It's a time to hibernate and sometimes catch your breath.

Am new to computers and to html codes. So am constantly learning and changing things as I learn, so please check back often. Would love to hear from all of you out there, including any constructive criticism. =) Please sign my guestbook, will promise to get back to you as soon as possible, leave your web address for me, love to find out everything I can about you also.


I enjoy music of all kinds, and have placed on this page, my favorite links for finding music and midi files. If you know of any good links, please feel free to leave me their links, will add them also.

Music By Request

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