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      Jewel's Springtime Spirit

      This page was started for the site fights, even though no longer in them, have kept the page for the poems sent to me by my sister and friend. =)

      This page has cheers I wrote for my site fight friends,
      and also some poems from friends and family for support for the
      site fights.

      A Cheer for my Cherub Buddies

      A Cherubs spirit is always high,
      We always strive to reach for the sky.
      Even when clouds may be in our way,
      We always take the time to pray.

      When the clouds are gone, and the sun shining,
      We reach up high for that silver lining.
      We never fail to keep our faith,
      Because we know our hope will keep us safe.

      We're the first to help in time of need,
      That has always been the Cherubs creed.
      So if your need our spirit for the fights,
      Just reach out your hand, and hold on tight!!!!!

      *****Cmon Cherubs, Reach for the Stars*****

      Thanks so much, am so proud of this award!

      Won this award for advancing from the Gates to Angel Wings

      My favorite thing in the springtime is the sounds
      of the birds as they return from the cold winter, I also
      love the smell of fresh cut grass early in the spring,
      just reminds me that summer is around the corner.

      Jewel's Angels and Animals wants to spread the springtime cheer
      Winter's bitter cold has finally disappeared
      The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing
      The rivers are moving and the chimes are ringing

      Dandelions popping up, my favorite bouquet
      Delivered in handfuls by my little friend Kate
      Running barefoot again through the grass and the mud
      Memories of yesteryear gives my heart a little tug

      Alas I have to remind myself I am no longer a kid
      I'm now always running to bring home the bread
      But every year at this time you will always see me
      Running through the puddles oh so carefree

      I am hoping for you as the years pass us by
      That you never forget to take time out to try
      To play in the puddles and skip down the road
      To assure in our hearts that we never grow old

      by Jewel

      Was so glad to see this, had just asked for help with cheers, because thought I wasn't cheering loud enough. =) Thanks so much.

      **********CHEER FOR MY FELLOW CHERUBS**********
      Cherub Champions thats what we are
      We come from all over, near and far.
      We float on wings of gossamer and gold
      And know that our pages will never grow old.

      For we work everyday - noon until night
      Just to make sure everything looks just right.
      Our fellow Cherubs always there when we need
      to take our hands and show us the lead.

      And when it comes down to the ending
      and all the votes are still pending.
      We know we have won in the end
      because we have all made some special new friends!!!!!!!

      Cmon Cherubs, lets show them the way!!!!!
      Jewel, Cherub Champions (Jewel's Angels & Animals)
      Tue May 12 22:23:40 EDT 1998

      Please sign my guestbook before you leave

      Won this award from the site fights for advancing to the Cherub Circle

      Thanks for sending me your poem sis!

      A world of darkness lingers,
      in the recesses of my mind.
      A long-ago person,
      who never thought she'd find.

      A person deep inside herself,
      that she was meant to be.
      A smiling happy person,
      I found out to be me.

      Where once I needed others,
      To tell me what was right.
      I found my independence,
      where I never thought I might.

      The new person was inside me,
      struggling to be free.
      But the darkness was upon me,
      and I could never see

      The self-defeating actions,
      I learned right from the start.
      Were just ways of keeping happiness,
      from getting to my heart.

      Nothing lasts forever,
      at least that's how I heard.
      So, I did everything I could,
      to live up to the words.

      I clung to love and happiness,
      as if it were my last.
      I remembered all my failures,
      when they should have been the past.

      I never dreamed that I could be,
      the person I am now.
      I just needed to stop looking,
      for others to show me how

      The answers were inside myself
      How could I be to blind to see
      The only one to make me happy
      is plain and simply me

      Diana Crowell

      These cute little critters you see scattered all over my pages,
      are adopted mascots from the site fights. Here to help me
      out and to bring me luck. If you would like to adopt your own mascot,
      then click on my adopted babies.

      Isn't he just so pitiful, couldn't help but adopt him,
      just can't get him to quit crying. =)

    Thank you Bernie for sending me this beautiful poem
    for my pages. You have so much talent. Also to anyone out
    there that loves poems, am adding a link to his pages, he has
    wrote two books of poems I think you would love.


    For days on end my heart's a-fire,
    my mind preoccupied by the ponder
    of what treasures may lie hidden
    beneath your eyes of wonder.

    I may steal a look now and then
    and see some reflection of my hope.
    But to boldly ask some time of thee,
    alas, is something out of my scope.

    Yet tomorrow may bring a new resolve
    and tear my courage out from fear.
    I would then take some fool's chance
    if you to me it would endear.

    For I am certain that all my pain
    and my fears your love would launder
    if I had the courage to ask to look
    into those glorious eyes of wonder.