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I see you have found me, please come on in and find out more about me and my angels and animals.

Am a hopeless romantic, have always been, cry at sad movies, and love listening to love songs. My greatest pleasure in life is a nice quiet walk through our woods, hearing all the wildlife, and feeling like such a small part of this world.

I consider myself a very loving and trusting person by nature, have been told that sometimes am too trusting, but consider that a good quality, have been known to let my temper show more than I would like though, blame it on my red hair, and Irish heritage:) I love meeting new people, manage and bartend a bar by profession, but also because I enjoy it. So, please leave your footsteps, by signing my guestbook before you leave.

Love angels of all kinds, I collect Seraphim angels, and almost every other kind of angel I can get my hands on. Am interested in angel stories and any links you can send me. I also love cherubs, and collect them also.

We exist temporarily through what we take, but we live forever through what we give.

I believe there is a guardian angel watching over all of us, and am comforted in knowing that mine has indeed taken special care of me and mine.

Special to Me

Please be patient while I finish my homepage, there are several pages to go to, and links in each page

My Favorite Angel Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Seraphim Angels
Info on Angels
Angel Shoppe
Victorian Village
Shari's Seraphim Page

As of June 1, 1998

Angel in Blue - Gilbert Williams


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Thanks to Beckie and Tina for letting me adopt their angel of beauty on the top of the page, she is perfect.