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page 2

As Sir Charles walked back to the stable to check on his mare he read the note from Princess Sheila, a smile came upon his face. It was a message wishing him well in the tournament the following day. Back in the princess’s bed chamber she and Lady Tina talked of the knight that Sheila was falling in love with. Lady Tina informed the princess that she had learned more of Sir Charles. Princess Sheila wanted to know all right away. Lady Tina started to tell the story of a very young Charles and, a then, Prince John. The story went that the two were once very close friends. The day came that Charles, with no fear for his own life, risked all to save a infant who fell in the river. The child was being carried away by the currents. Prince John was there but did nothing. Charles was near by and heard the screams of the mother, immediately taking action. He dove in the river and swam after the child, pulling it from the river. The child was not breathing as he laid it on the shore. Seeing that the child was not breathing Charles placed his lips onto the child’s and breathed life back into the babe, saving it from sure death. The king wanted to reward Charles at that time but did not. The story of how the child’s farther just stood by and did nothing would surly hurt the prince when he became king. A dawning came over the princess, she was shocked for she did not know that she was so close to death as a child. She wondered if the breath that Charles had breathed in to her as a child contained his soul. She was sure she felt it within. Princess Sheila lay in bed that night unable to sleep her mind filled with the thought of this man. Then she arose and took pen in hand to write a note should he fail in the tournament the following day. She titled her note

Bold Knight

I know ye would give freely
All ye have for me m'love
To prove thy love so true to me
All ye are under heaven above

The knowing that ye love me

Tis the greatest gift ye give
Ye make my heart smile gladly
With this knowing I shall live

If we were ne're to meet again

Nor speak nor touch our hands
I'll always know of thy true heart
None truer in this Mystic Land

The next morning broke with a clear sky and the trumpets sounding for the remaining knights to gather for the sword throwing contest. Sixteen knights remained with four to advance to the next part of the tournament, the hand to hand combat. This part which would be held immediately afterwards. The Princess took her seat and fixed her eyes upon Sir Charles. He looked up as his eyes met hers, they each saw into one and others hearts with out saying a word. The rules of the contest where explained in great detail. Each knight would stand at a starting point designated with a straight line. He would only be allowed to advance 5 stride lengths. If a knight shall go beyond that point he would be disqualified. All the knights stood in line with their swords before them. Standing waiting, sept one. Sir Charles held not his sword before him but aside him. This sword he had forged years ago, its' height was as tall as he himself. This was so that he could better fight the evil dragons. All who were there saw the sword as tall as he, and knew that he stood no chance at this event. The princess knew deep inside that this would be not a problem, and that this knight knew of ways far beyond the others. The first knight stepped forward and threw his sword with out crossing the line. The second did not fair as well and crossed it and was disqualified. The crowd let out a moan. Sir Charles was the 14th knight to throw. The king had a large smile upon his face for he knew the weight of the sword would not allow it to travel far. The princess held her hand together almost as if in prayer. Sir Charles prepared himself and stood with his back to the throwing line and held the blade end of the sword. He arced the six foot sword up over his right shoulder swung it low in front of him and arced it high over his left shoulder. As he repeated this he began to spin and turn five revolutions of his body turning lose, the sword arched high into the air. People gasped at the site of the sword in flight, its handle traveling first. Then as it reached its' highest point it turned over and began its' descent. It stuck into the ground a full mans length farther than the longest throw so far. The princess jumped up from her seat and cheered with the rest of the crowd. This did not please the king at all, he sat and sulked. The remaining knights completed their turns with Sir Charles throw remaining the longest. The four best throwers were lead to the center of the field for the final hand to hand combat phase.

The rules were read to the remain four knights. They were to be allowed their swords for combat and nothing else. It was to be a battle to the death. The first pair to battle were Sir Edward and Sir James. Sir Edward was an expert swordsman and quickly brought Sir James to his knees. Sir Edward looked to King John, as the king spoke, "Let him live, Sir James is a loyal and noble knight and has served me well." With this the pages lead Sir James away so that his wounds could be tended to. The next pair to fight would be Sir Charles and Sir William. Sir Charles started the dual by slowly circling Sir William he was unsure what to do for he had not fought a man with a sword before, only the dragons. Sir William knew this and lunged at Sir Charles. Sir Charles moved his sword which was much to long for combat such as this and only partially deflected the blow. The sword of Sir William slowed by the deflection cut deep into Sir Charles right arm. Seeing the blood flow from Sir Charles made the princess fear for his safety and she turned her head for she could not watch. As she sat she heard the swords of the 2 knight stricking against one and other over and over again. Thee princess heard a roar come up from the crowed and quickly turned to see what had happened. She saw Sir Charles standing over Sir William he had managed somehow to un-arm the knight and he laid helplessly on the ground. Sir Charles look towards the King and he said as befor to let Sir William live. Thee pages again were summoned to help the fallen knight.

Sir Charles was tired from the fight with Sir William he knew that a six foot sword may be good to fight a dragon with but not a man. But he owned no other and so he had to continue with it. Sir Edward was summoned to the field, Sir Charles was given 3 minutes time to rest for the final fight. This was for the hand of the princess. The princess spent this time in prayer. She prayed that Sir Charles would be victorious, she felt deep within her soul that this man was meant for her for all time. The trumpets sounded and the two knights approached each other. The princess over heard her father say, "This should not take long, that Scotsman has lost a lot of blood and it is his fighting arm. Sir Edward is the best swordsman in the Mystical Kingdom." The fight began, Sir Edward immediatly tried to induce more damage to Sir Charles right arm. Sir Charles defended it well. The two knights exchanged blows for what seemed an eternity to the young princess. Everyone could see the fatigue set in on Sir Charles including Sir Edward. He felt that the time was right, and made a hard move to attack the right arm again. Sir Charles moved to block but it was only a decoy. Sir Edward swung the sword low and cut deep into Sir Charles leg. This brought the knight to his knees, in the process he dropped his sword at his side. Sir Edward moved toward him seeing that he was now unarmed. Looking to the King for guidance, the King responded, "Take his life, he is of no use to me as a knight. The dragons he hunts are all but gone now. TAKE HIS LIFE!!" the King shouted. Sir Edward gripped his sword with both hands and raised them over his head. With the point of the sword aimed at Sir Charles heart. The princess could not watch and begged her father to spare him. He refused her wish as Sir Edward started the downward thrust to take Sir Charles life.

As the sword came closer and closer Sir Charles, gathered enough strength to quickly reached up with his left hand, grabbing the blade. It cut deep all the way to the bone of his hand, but he stopped it inches from his chest. Lady Tina held the princesses arm tight as they both watched what was takeing place before their eyes. Sir Edward tried harder to force the sword to its mark but Sir Charles held on even tighter. The King shouted, "Quit toying with this man and end it. My daughters hand will be yours." With this Sir Edward raised on his toes for the last fatal plunge. As he did this Sir Charles with his badly wounded arm grabbed the handle of his sword. It lay next to him and in one quick movement swung the sword toward Sir Edward. Striking Sir Edward at the waist, severeing his torso in two. Sir Edward realizing this, let go of the sword, his lifes blood flowing from him.

I care not for I steal away
And drawing near I fear the sound
Of my heart as it shall leap
From my chest I've surely found

It's true my heart doth skip a beat

Love is the spell I'm under
For standing noble at his mare
Tis my knight in awsome wonder

The crowed roared for they had never seen such a fight. The princess leaped from her chair and hugged Lady Tina. Slowly and with much pain,Sir Charles rose and walked toward King John and princess Sheila. Blood flowed from his arm, leg and hand. He limped up the stairs and stood before the King. He did not bow to him as he spoke. "I am victorious, I have won the right for your daughters hand." The King was more determined than ever that this would not be. He spoke to the knight saying, "Ye are not worthy enough for her hand. Leave this land and never return for ye are not a knight." Sir Charles had not the strength within him to argue this point and thought that he would leave but would return again soon for the princess. He stepped to the princess and said " I have loved ye my entire life and somehow I feel more. I shall return for your hand whether the King wishes it or not." He then turned and walked down the steps as a page brought his mare to him. He slowly mounted and turned to look at the princess. As their eyes met she started to move forward, running down the steps. She ran to the mares side and stopped, looking up at the man that she loved. She spoke saying, "I wish to go with ye now my fine knight please take me from this place." With that Sir Charles reached down with his hand and helped the princess onto the back of his mare. She smiled, she had never done anything as disobedient as this. The king went into a rage, shouting, "This can not be so. I shall hunt ye down and kill thee!" With that Sir Charles forced the mare onwards and within a short distance they were at full gallop. The princess held tightly to his waist.


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