Hanson Articals
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Hanson Articals

Hanson Appears at Sam Goody (a fan's review)

The appearance had been advertised as a 1:00 p.m. start time. I had intended to get there really early, but ended up not arriving until about 12:15. The City Walk was relatively quiet, but when I walked into Sam Goody, there were tons of people inside! There was a stage set up in a corner of the store and fans were lined up all around it, arm to arm. I walked all along the back and edges of the crowd, looking around. The store has cat-walks that run all above the store. There are several cat-walk aisles which all meet at a large platform on one side of the store. As I looked up, I saw Isaac, Taylor and Zachary sitting at a table up there, with news media - television cameras, photographers, etc. - all clamored around, lights shining, flashes popping.

There were people who had on orange wrist-bands who were being taken up there in small groups. I found out that the radio station promoting the appearance had announced that the first 400 people there would get these armbands for preference in getting autographs since the band wouldn't have time to sign them all. ( I hadn't heard about this because I was too busy listening to the cd all week, and didn't listen to the radio station - live and learn.) Apparently, Hanson would do a few minutes of press and autographs, then they would get a break before more people were brought up. During one of the breaks, I saw Taylor and Ike standing on one of the cat-walks near the back of the store, talking and laughing with each other. Zac was running back and forth between his brothers and the press area. They are so cute!

Around one o'clock, the guys in Hanson started making their way toward the elevator that would take them down to the stage. While they were waiting for the elevator, the fans below spotted them and started screaming. Zac was absolutely adorable, waving to the crowd, pretending like he was going to jump over the railing into the crowd, raising his arms in a cheer. Of course, with every move he made, the screaming got louder and more frenzied!

At last, the guys were on stage and they were GREAT! I must admit that I had wondered if they might have other musicians playing for them, or singing to a track, but NOPE! It was ALL HANSON's playing and singing LIVE LIVE LIVE. They did have two additional players with them - a bassist and (I think) a rhythm guitarist. I was so impressed with Hanson's musicianship. They were solid as a rock! The sound was good, their playing and singing was EXCELLENT. Zac is an incredible drummer for such a little guy, VERY strong backbeat. Taylor played congas as well as the keyboards on one song. They played four songs from the cd - I can't believe this but I've forgotten what the first one was (Madeline, I think), Where's the Love, MMMBop, and as an encore, Thinking of You. They talked a little bit between songs, encouraging the crowd to scream - which they did - LOUDLY - and the guys covered their ears. Before the encore, they asked the crowd to scream if they wanted another song - which they did - LOUDLY. Then Zac said, "Make them scream again!" Which they did - LOUDLY.

I've seen a lot of bands and a lot of concerts - big and small - and this one was one of the BEST. (Just not long enough, but that will come in time, I'm sure.) Ike, Taylor and Zac (can I say this too many times) are absolutely adorable, cute, etc. etc., and the best thing about them was that they looked REALLY HAPPY and like they were having a REALLY GOOD TIME. I hope they continue to do so as they play time and again for larger and larger crowds.

I don't know what the count of people were - it had to be 500 or more. I do know that they shut the doors shortly after I got there and wouldn't let anyone else in, because after the show was over and they opened the doors, many girls came in crying because they'd had to stand outside for the show. BUT, the guys in Hanson (who were playing with their backs to the window of the store) turned around at least once between songs to wave and say hi to the fans who were outside looking in. (Aren't they sweet?)

After the show, they went back up to the cat-walk to sign more autographs. A group of girls were standing below and every once in a while would scream, "Hanson - we love you!" or "(Name of band member here), we love you!" Sometimes, when they could, the guys would wave behind them to acknowledge the girls, or get up and stand at the railing to say hi. Ike, at one point, asked the girls if they had enjoyed the show... his reply was a very loud group SCREAM!!!

I didn't get to meet them or get their autograph, but I had a fantastic time! I thought I might be the only adult there, but Hanson's music knows no boundaries - it's touching and exciting people of all ages. Though the majority of the audience seemed to be females between the ages of 10 and 13, there were also older teens (male & female), and a handful of kid-less adults like myself. Even the parents who had been dragged there by their kids seemed to enjoy it!

Denise Barnard

Hanson Interveiw (Teen Magizine)

"THE SCREAM SQUAD!" screams Zac Hanson, thumping his head with his hand. See, we've just suggested what Hanson might call the legion of female fans in their hometown of Tulsa, Okla. "We do have groupies," Isaac (call him Ike) admits. "It's weird,"adds Taylor. "We kinda laugh about it, but its cool to have people respond to you." Well, they'd better get use to it! We expect Hanson's fan base to burgeon big-time, now that Middle of Mowhere (Mercury) has just come out. These three bros have got it going on-all in the genes, they swear. "Our parents are pretty musical, and Ike wrote his first song in third grade," Taylor points out. "A week after we got out instruments we proformed as a band." "Of corse, we weren't very good!" says Zac. "Lets just say we've grown since then," adds Ike. Understandment! Hanson's slick but real sound is pure feel good music-peppy and pretty, with plenty of spirt-lifting harmony. "There's enough hard stuff in life, plenty of stuff to get down about," says Ike. "For us music is a way to get away from things." Hmmm, we'd love a little getaway with these guys!

Teen Magazine

Hanson Appears at Jam Against Hunger, Bloomington, MN

The Concert I saw TODAY was called Jam Against Hunger. It was free but we were asked to bring non-perishable food items for donation. The concert was open to all ages and was well attended. The donations were successful due solely to Hanson. The only other acts were a local comedian (who was practically booed off stage) and local band (which was fairly decent) which both preceded Hanson. So primarily the audience was teenage girls and their parents (if their parents came at all, there were few adults) and we were all there for one thing: Hanson. The concert was in an overflow parking lot across the street from the Mall Of America, after the concert I asked several security guards how many people attened and was given a range of 7,500-10,000 people.

The entire day was hysterical. I arrived at the temporary amplitheater at around 8:30 am (Hanson didn't play until 8:00 pm) there were only about ten other people already there. Throughout the day as more people came, we had the expected arguments over line positions and budging, but when the gates were about to be opened at 5:30 pm, it went crazy. I was at the front of the gate with my face practically buried in the chain-link fence. Girls all around me were screaming and crying as they watched Hanson through binoculars as they gave a private concert/tune up to the lucky people who received back-stage passes. We were all crushed against the gate and ten guards stood on the other side warning us that people caught running would be held back.

By this time, Hanson had left the stage, and the gates were finally opened. I ran faster than I ever imagined possible and managed to save an entire row in the front center section for the rest of my party. After everyone was settled, I counted we were in the fourth row. Everything was fine for now. After sitting through Shawn Emery (the juggler/comedian) and The Dixie Cannibals (the local band) the crowd was very anxious and chanting, "We Want Hanson!!" Finally the band jumped out of the far corner of the stage and hopped their way to the microphones. I have never seen so many girls screaming, crying, jumping, and fainting at once. They stood in front of three mikes in a row, and played "Madeline" with just a guitar and a tambourine. Then, using a voice changing megaphone hanging from Zac's neck, they sang "Man from Milwaukee." It was excellently performed. Then Hanson stood back and took a good look at the crowd before going to their other instruments. They were clearly surpised by the numbers of people as they smiled at eachother in awe.

Isaac was definately using this to their advantage once they were in their positions. He continuosly excited the crowd by asking us to scream louder, asked how many of us had the album, and other requests. All during this, Taylor was grinning in disbelief at all the frantic girls in the stands. Then he got into it also and started to jump up and down and wave his arms back and forth. Zac watched his brothers from behind his drums like the only half sane one. Isaac said, "We have one more question: WHERE'S THE LOVE?!?!" and they played "Where's the Love." As they played some music, which I have never heard nor did I recognize, as they introduced the bass player, another keyboardist, and the coordinator. Then they put down their instruments and picked up three huge black beach balls and tossed them into the audience and encouraged them to pass it around.

They stepped back to their instruments and played "Thinking of You," then "A Minute Without You." Isaac once again took charge and told us how great of an audience we were, and that they would be back for their third concert here during their upcoming tour. Then he sadly said "We're gonna sing another song, but unfortunately it will be the last." And all the girls cried "NO!!!!!" as they looked over us apologetically. Then they played "MMMBop." You could tell how excited they were to play for so many people as they jumped up and down and "high-fived" eachother off the stage. Then they ran back to the center of the stage, held hands and bowed a couple of times before exiting for good.

The perfomance was beyond words. Despite their flaws during their Oddville appearance, they proved that they could play VERY well live. They not only have immense musical talent, but impeccable personalities. I am grateful for their kindness to help the relief fund as well.

IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!

Chandra Akkari, age 16

If you have any articals on Hanson, please send them to me. Thanx!

Last updated August 3rd, 1997

Email: mmmbop4@hotmail.com