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Pheasants and Partridge

Pheasant hunting has been hard around here for a few years now, but they are coming back. A few years ago there was a super, super cold winter which killed most of the game birds. Including partridge, pheasants and quail. More and more I see them coming back. Partridge didn't seem to drop as much as the others, and are pretty easy to flush out now days. Since they mainly eat small berries you can almost always find them around those wild berry bushes.
Pheasant hunting is a lot like partridge hunting. The best way to flush them out is to walk along, or better yet in thick brush. Dogs are great for this. If you have a well trained dog that will actually get into the brush to scare out some game, you have one trophy of a dog. Pheasant hunting can get frustrating, especially when you walk several miles and only see hens. That gets to me.

Where do these birds live?

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