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Reviews: Walking into Clarksdale

This was a great surprise to see come out. I literally walked to the nearest Wal-Mart and bought it as soon as I could. I really do like it. At first I was disappointed that there weren't any Zeppelin songs, but I came to the realization that if there were Zeppelin songs it would be a "remake" of Led Zeppelin because JPJ and Bonzo weren't part of it. And we may have been disappointed with the current content. I like it that Page and Plant came out brand new with these songs. I can't really say that i like them for any other reasons besides it being Robert and Jimmy.

This album is pretty good, it still has that arabic twist to it all. Most High is the first release, and seems to be doing pretty well. I love that song and I really like a few others. Yes, they are getting old...but they can still rock!
