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White Tailed-deer

Okay, now I am very new at deer hunting. This will be my first year firearm hunting. I am extremely nervous, but extremely excited. I have everything planned out to the minute while I am out there. Besides the point, I am hoping to get a bow very, very soon (like this week) so I can take up archery hunting also.
There is much that I could tell you about the whitetail deer. Of all the animals in the wild around here, I would definetly say that these deer are the most intelligent. But of which can also be the most idiotic. I find it so innocent to see these little harmless fawns wander around in broad daylight, like they own the world. If only they could know what is to come to them on Novermber 15th.
Back to them being smart mature animals. I have recently been astounded as how quiet the deer can sneak off. I never even knew it was possible. About a week ago I was out hunting, and a buck came right up behind me but caught my scent. I listened as best I could, but never did hear him sneak off. It is just these little things that go to show their true colors.
The one best and only real trick I know to deer hunting is to be patient. That is really what the art of hunting is all about. You just have to sit still, watch, listen, sit, and maybe even do a little praying. Rememeber to watch for deer even during the off-season. That way you can get a feel for where the deer are and their daily routines. This will help you pick a spot that will be beneficial your hunting.
Baiting is also a good idea. This allows the deer to get a feel of where food will be. If you keep a constant supply of bait out in a particular spot, the deer are sure to make routine stops at the bait pile.

What to white-tails like to eat?

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