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Current Poll Results as individuals

Torak's results
1. My favorite album is Led Zeppelin IV
2. My favorite song is The Battle of Evermore
3. I play guitar, piano, and drums, so it's tough but I'd have to say my favorite LZ member was Jimmy Page.
4. No one!
5. Don't have that many live tapes, but I'd have to say 6-23-77 at the LA Forum, 6-25-73 at the LA Forum, 2-12-75 at MSG, and TSRTS which was (I think) July twenty-something 1973.
6. No
7. Not really, I thought NQ was just Jimmy and Robert re-releasing a bunch of old LZ songs and then sticking in two or three of their own.
Dayna's results
1. Physical Graffiti-I like the heavy sound of it
2. Can I name 3? Custard Pie, Kashmir, and Since I been Lovin You
3. Robert Anthony Plant
4. there alot of bands I think are as talented as Led Zep,but I don't like to get into comparing bands much.
5. I don't really know much about that one-only one I seen is on the movie.
6. I do believe that Jimmy was interested in the occult, but not a satanist. That's two different things and the media ran away with it.
7. The Page/Plant thing pissed me off. They didn't invite Jonesy and then they took his song for the name. It kinda made me mad but I still think Page/Plant did a decent job on the record. If you ask me though, I think Coverdale/Page was alot better! It rocked the house! It had that heavy sound that i love so much!
Lyn's results
1. Led Zeppelin III
2. Houses of the Holy
3. John Paul Jones
4. Eagles
5. The Song Remains Same, July '73
6. I think he was dabbling in the occult.
7. I don't think it was fair of Robert and Jimmy to do No Quarter without Jones.
Mende's Results
Favourite album: In through The Out Door
Favourite Song: Kashmir, Gallows Pole
Favourite Member: John Paul & John Bonham
Who were Better?: Beatles & Pink Floyd are just as good
Top live performance: Haven't seen much, but probably "The Song Remains The Same"
Jimmy Satanist?: No, but he was interested in the occult
Page/Plant No Quarter: Definitely not, but it happened and it was quite good. John Paul should have been there if they were going to use one of his songs for the title.
Tom's Results
1. Houses of the Holy
2. The Rain Song-hands down
3. Jimmy Page and John Bonham
4. Let me see...Aerosmith, Wu Tang....NO ONE!!!!
5. The Song Remains the same...because of the quantitities of acid involved.
6. Does it matter? There's really not much of a difference...didn't they end up being Buhdist?
7. I have to admit I like the music, but they should have left it alone. You don't bust out the Mona Lisa and make her breasts bigger for the 90's.
Joe's Results
Led Zeppelin II
Moby Dick
John Bonham
No one (Cream was the second best though)
Dec.16 1973
no he was not
no, it was almost blasphemy
Mark's Results
Favorite album: Physical Graffitti
This is also Robert Plants favorite or at least the one he is most proud of. And I like it for the same reason as he does, and that would be that it represents the variety of talented music they can create.
Favorite member: Hard question for me to anwser, but I guess Jimmy Page sticks out the most. I feel that he was not afraid to take chances and was still graceful when he made mistakes.
Who were better than Zep:
You anwsered that for me, No one ! How do you spell answer ? awnser no, anwser or answer ? not important.
Favorite Live Performance?
I'm not sure, I know that they still hold the largest attendance records for some single act performances but not sure where the played them. I guess the Madison Square Garden shows were quite successful. With the exception of when the had to deal with "pirate t shirt and posters" and when there money was stolen out of a NY hotel safe deposit box.
Jimmy v.s Occult
I believe Jimmy is deeply into the Occult. I don't know how involved he may have been into satanism, but I believed he dabbled in it and may have scared himself. For some reason I don't "feel" he's into it anymore, but I could be wrong. I don't know what happened to the laout of this message I hit some buttons and had trouble finding it so I could finish it.
Page/Plant: I like alot of things about it and I dislike alot of things about it as well. I am tickled pink that I got to see two legends, my musical heros live in concert. Some of the songs like The Song Remains the Same, Jimmy didn't play lead guitar this upset and disturbed me a little. I don't know if he didn't have the stamina or if he just wanted to give the young bald guy a chance. Also I'm disappointed that there was not a Page, Plant, Jones, Jason Bonham reunion about 10 years ago.
John's Results
Physical Graffiti
Jimmy Page
If any one the Beatles
Madison Square Garden
Jimmy Page is satanic, You'll have to read Hammer of the Gods
No, I think they should've had John Paul Jones with them.
Drew's Results
1. Led Zeppelin II
2. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
3. Jimmy Page, the great
4. The Beatles, but that's about all
5 The one on the BBC with Communication Breakdown, some of the 77 performances were great.
6. So he was interested in Alexander Crowley and magic, doesn't mean he was a satanist!
7. I like the idea of coming back and showing new kids how metal came about but leaving out Jonesy really made me angry.
John K's Results
1. ummm... all of them. either zep2 zep4 or houses. .......... ok I'll say zep2 (that was tough)
2. fave song... you're trying to make this hard .......... ummm ... dazed and confused (live song remains the same version)
3. favorite zep member... ah an easy one Jimmy Page, because he is a god
4. another easyone, no one was better in the business Peter Grant made sure of it. Only ones that came close probably the beatles(yuck!)
5. Top Live performances, hard for me to say I've only hear a few. The so called live performances on the NEW; Led Zeppelin - BBC sessions are excellent! Brussels, Belgium, June 20 1980 is also ok, its a bit crusty though.
6. Jimmy was no satanist, little dark perhaps but not a satanist.
7. Do I agree with Page/Plant No Quater, Definatley, because I would have never seen them perform together live otherwise(at the concert) But ... John Paul Jones should have been included, that sort of sucked.
Sarah's Results
1) Favorite Album: It's a tie between Houses of the Holy and ZoSo (untitled).
2) Favorite song: This is way too tough a question. There are too many. My all-time favorite I think is dancing days. But I discovered Carouselambra, and I like that one alot too, in a different way. Also I like What is and What should Never Be. Oh I suppose just put me down for Dancing Days, because I could go on forever with this!!!
3) Favorite Member: Robert Plant because he is hot. Sorry.
4) Better than Led Zeppelin?? Um, no.
5) The best live performance was Knebworth, I love the version of Kashmir they did.
6) If Jimmy's a satanist, okay I suppose. I don't care. I love his music, it rocks. He could be the antichrist, and I'd still listen to Led Zeppelin anyway.
7) Agree with No Quarter? Um, not sure what you are asking me!
Jeff's Results
1) My favorite Zeppelin albums have to be Houses of the Holy and Untitled. The new BBC Sessions album is very good, also.
2) My favorite Zep song is "Hey Hey What Can I Do"
3) My favorite member of Led Zeppelin is John (Bonzo) Henry Bonham. His drumming perfection will never be matched.
4) At the time when Zeppelin started off, a band by the name of Black Sabbath was beginning in Birmingham, England. Black Sabbath in their own right were also pioneers of what we know today as rock and roll. Black Sabbath is the only band that could have outmatched Zeppelin, but not by much.
5) To tell you the truth, I have only seen one live performance of Zeppelin. The movie "The Song Remains The Same" is great. I bought it just a couple of days ago.
6) This question is a shock to me because I never knew that Jimmy Page was considered to be a satanist by people or the press.
7) The Page/Plant No Quarter album I thought was very good. I liked how they redid some of the songs with Arabic instruments and how they made a few brand new tracks. "Wonderful One" I thought was very well written and performed. The only thing I didn't like about Page and Plant's rejoining was that they didn't bring along with them John Paul Jones. The 3 living memebers should have joined together instead of just the two frontmen.

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