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Okay, I think I can get this page up and hopefully moving. Rabbit hunting, what does it remind you of? Me? Well, I think of cold, usually fresh smelling snow and some smart animals escaping the barrel. We have always experienced the most trouble with the rabbits in that they circle us when we even see them. As we slowly follow their tracks they are following ours.

Another thing is that most cotton tail cute rabbit types have become nocturnal. Ever notice that you may never hardly see adult rabbits in your yard, but then in the morning the snow is totally covered in tracks? It is a weird thing. Always puzzling, but pretty much leads to one conclusion. The cotton tails were out wandering about while you were sleeping. That is why rabbit hunting has gotton so difficult.
It still can be very successful and rewarding. You need to know where to look for the creatures. You can't just sit and watch. Your best bet is to probably walk around and kick old broken hollow trees. Get right into the brush as in pheasant hunting. Dogs make this much easier with their ablility to walk brush and sniff 'em out. As long as you go looking to rabbits you should find them. Good luck!

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