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Reviews: Untitled

Some say this is the best Led Zeppelin album ever recorded. I dont care what people say, well I do, just not here I don't. This is my interpretation of teh albums. I did love this, but it was not my favorite. I think either the first or second Zeppelin album is my favorite.

Back to the album...this starts out with Black Dog. One of the most commonly played Zep songs on the radio. And next is Rock and Roll which was just a mes around cut. Then they all realized...HEY WOW, that was good. Which is an awesome way to make such a great song. Now, onto Battle of Evermore. Wow. I love this song. It has meaning, even though I have yet to figure it out completely..or at all. I love the mandolin that is played it adds such character to the song.

Now...Stairway...should I even comment on this? Either you like it or you don't. But I have a strong feeling that you do like it. So I won't even argue with you.

Misty Mountain Hop now I think this song has such a cool vibe to it. Ever hear the midi? Check it out sometime, it is very lively. Since I am only doing a brief review I don't touch on every song. But I do want to mention Going to California. That is a beautiful song in my eyes. One of my favorites on the entire album. Definitely.
