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Reviews: Physical Graffiti

This album, along with Untitled, is one of society's favorite albums. I, though don't like the style as much as the other albums. It is much heavier, much. And Robert's voice is much ore mature, if i can say that, sounding. I love most of the songs on Physical though. Odd enough, it isn't one of my favorites. Houses of the Holy is one of my favorites on this album. Everytime I hear, Black Country Woman I have to laugh. Please don't ask me why I do, i just always have. It is an addicting song and I love it. Wonton Song, Sick Again, Boogie With Stu, Down by the Seaside are some of the better tracks also.

This is such a hard album for me to review, because I do love all the songs. But overall, it doesn't have that "something to it". The Rover is a cool song. I like the first four lines the best. That makes the entire song. Kashmir, wow. What a classic tune. I do agree. It has a unique Zeppelin style to it. I think it is too long though. Haha, I complain a lot I know!!
