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Reviews: In Though the Out Door

I love this album! I love it! It is not my favorite, but i love it! This album is pretty much all John Paul Jones work. Just today one of my dear friends got this album and is having an absolute fit over In the Evening. I am getting the feeling that he really likes it! Especially, the guitar change in the middle of the song. So, right now, I am pretty much dedicating In Through The Out Door to Tony Moore.

My favorite song on this album is of course, All of my Love. Who couldn't love that? If the album had nothing good but that song on it, I would still love it to death. Totally.

Fool in the Rain was my favorite until I listened to words and realized that it is quite a depressing song. Now I lovingly refer to is as "The Love Story gone Bad".

Another song that makes me laugh when I hear it is, Hot Dog. Do you know how funny that song is? It is so not Zeppelin. It annoys me beyond imaginability, but I of course still like it. Why you ask...simple, it is Led Zeppelin.

Overall this was a great way for Led Zeppelin to go out. No one knew it would be their last scheduled album as a group. Such a long and prosperous career in the music world. They are awesome and still reign as the best!
