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To the Viewers

Hello, and let me formally introduce myself once more. I am Amber a.k.a. Angel as known on the internet. If you are going to get offended easily please do not read this. Cause i might come across like a b*tch. If you don't, read on.

Ok where do I start. I think all of you people that like to send hate mail are wasting your time. I think you all need to grow up and stop telling me N'Sync is better and that their girlfriends are b*tches, and that you are going to marry Nick or Brian or any of them. Also telling me that I am obsessed...believe me I am not. I am simply expressing my love for the Backstreet Boys... or that you hate Bsb now cause they have girlfriend and you like N'Sync better cause they don't. Let me tell you. I got news for you all...GROW UP!!! Backstreet Boys are normal guys with normal lives as well as N'Sync. Although you think N'Sync doesn't have girlfriends, they do... I know them. As well as the Backstreet Boys goes...they have girlfriends get over it. You should except a person for who they are as well as their talent. I think that all of you people who enjoy this site...thats great. Those of you that don't...LEAVE. I am really a nice person and I will tell you the truth about ANYTHING. All the information on my page is factual and I know that. If you think its not then don't pay attention to it. I talk to Nick's girlfriend all the time and as you can see I have real pictures of his girlfriend on my page. All the other ones of the blond girl are old. I am very updated believe me. If you have any quesitons thats fine, if you have positive comments thats fine too. But I think the hate mail has to stop and so does the competiton between the girls fighting/arguing over whose better, N'Sync or Backstreet Boys. Why can't you just love them all. I have said all I have to say. Bye for now. Leave your comments for me at: or

Thank you for your time in reading this. Amber/Angel

