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Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Detroit, Michigan

Cody High School Class of 1966 ~ Kenneth Pellar

Kenneth Pellar ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

I caught up with Kenny at the Ann Arbor Art Fair in July 2001.  It was good to see a fellow "Cody Classmate".  I also attended Coolidge Elementary with Kenny.  (He is still called Kenny today!)

Kenny has a very artistic touch and a unique talent to make unique furnishings and decorations for your home or office.  Kenny makes unique tables, wall hangings, maps of the world and special designed tiles.  Some of the material that Kenny uses for his artistic items are glass, copper and wood.  I found his creations just awesome!

 Kenny's business is called "Pellar Design".  Kenny's artistic work has been featured on HGTV in the past and it will be featured again on HGTV (Home and Garden TV) July 30, 2001.  Please check your cable listings for the exact time.  You will not want to miss this featured program.  You will be able to catch a glimpse of his talented wares!

Another thing ~ Kenny has invented his own alphabet or font, per say ~ Kenny calls it "Scribblish".  Ask him about it!

I just happened to capture a few pictures of Kenny and some of his friends at the Ann Arbor Art Fair ~  Check it out!

Kenny Pellar ~ "Pellar Design" ~ Booth at the Ann Arbor Art Fair ~ July 2001

Kenny Pellar ~ "Pellar Design" ~ Booth at the Ann Arbor Art Fair ~ July 2001

Kenny with some of his unique items at the Ann Arbor Art Fair

Pellar ~ Pellar and Pellar ~ Kenny with Mrs. Pellar I and Mrs. Pellar II (Dawn)

Mrs. Pellar II (Dawn) and Kenny ~ Ann Arbor Art Fair - 2001

Pellar ~ Pellar ~ Pellar! Mrs. Pellar II (Dawn) and Kenny

Who says that you can't be friends with your "EX" ? ? ?  Kenny shares his lap ~ with wife #1 on his right and wife #2 on his left!  Now that is what I call "Getting Along"!

Kenny and a Customer ~ Ann Arbor Art Fair ~ July 2001 Kenny and a Friend ~ Ann Arbor Art Fair ~ July 2001
Kenny and a Customer  Kenny and a Friend 

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Table of Contents

Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 Home Page
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Officers
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 1966 Memories
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 10 Year Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 25 Year Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 30 Year Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Friends Links
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Email Directory
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Form for 35th Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Notes from Others
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ High School Register Sites
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 35 Year Reunion Information