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Cody High School - Class of 1966 (AAAGraphics)

Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Detroit, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Cody High School Graduating Classes of January and June 1966

Cody High School - Class of 1966 (AAAGraphics)

Please remember that this list is being compiled from lists being kept by 3 different people.  If you do not see your name listed and it should be or if it is listed and it should not be ~ please send me an e-mail ~ and I will correct it!  Please let me know if you see any errors on this page also.

We had 3 classmates that were killed in Vietnam.  They were; Michael John Cox, Valentine Marion Dwornik and Brian Edward McCarthy.  In the very near future, The "Cody Classes of 1966"  will have a "Remembrance Page" for each one of them.  I have been doing some extensive research in regards to these 3 classmates.  If you know how to contact any of their relatives, please let me know!  During my research, some items have turned up that I am sure their family members would like to have.  Please notify me so that I can put their family members in touch with the person that has these items.  Thank you so much!  (The research I have done has only been made possible by the "Wonderful World of the Internet".  Records have been made available, that if it were not for the Internet, I would not have known where to begin searching!) 

 If you are a classmate that served in Vietnam, please let us know ~ we would like to give you special recognition for the time you served our country!  God Bless You ~ and we are very happy that you made it home safely!  

We had a great turn out for the 35th Cody High Classes of 1966 Reunion!  Everyone had a great time!  Be sure and watch for the pictures we will be adding that were taken at the reunion.  If you would like to share any photos that you took at the reunion, please send them to:

All we can tell  you ~ The Reunion was so much Fun!  Sorry you missed it! Hope to see you at the Cody High School Class of 1966 40th Reunion!

Plan on attending the Cody High School Class of 1966 40th REUNION!  It is just around the corner!

Keep looking for Classmates, keep sending in your forms . . .  and keep sending in your "Advertisements for our "Reunion Booklet"!

and . ..  Have a great day!

You can click on the picture ~ it will take you to a larger view.  If any current pictures have been sent in by that person, you will see them on that page.

If you see a  XX  next to someone's name, they have taken the time to write a little note to let you know  what they are doing right now.  Click on their name and see what they have to say!

You can click on the picture ~ it will take you to a larger view.  If any current pictures have been sent in by that person, you will see them on that page.

If you have current pictures that you would like to share with everyone, but they are not in any type of file format, you can snail mail the pictures to: 

 C It On
     264 Winchester
     South Lyon, MI  48178-1251

"C It On" will scan your pictures and then return them to you.

You might ask ~ Why is she putting pictures on this page ~  Well . . . here are the 

"Top Ten Reasons Why Pictures Are Here"

10  -  You might not have purchased a yearbook ~ 

 9  -  You might have thrown your yearbook away ~

 8  -  You might have given it up to your  "EX"  in the "Property Settlement" ~

 7  -  Your dog might have chewed it up ~

 6  -  It may have been destroyed when your basement flooded the last time ~

 5  -  Your kids may have ripped it up ~

 4  -  You may have gazed through it so many times the pictures can't be seen ~

 3  -  It has been so many years . . . . It is packed away in a box somewhere forever to be forgotten ~ 

 2  -  You may still have a "Secret Passion" for that "Special HS Sweetheart" and you want every opportunity to look at them ~

 1  -  And the # 1 reason there are pictures posted here ~ You are at work and you are not supposed to be looking at sites like this on the Internet and you forgot what "Joe Blow" or "Suzy Snowflake" looked like!

So there . . . . . That is according to me!  If you have any to add to this list . . .  Send the suggestion along and I will list it with your name.

I will give you a little clue . . . There is a female shown on this list that was once a "Playboy Bunny" ~ I will not tell you who she is . . .  To find out . . . You must click on the pictures and see if you can find her!!!

1st on our email list ~ 
Our "Wonderful Cody High School Class of 1966 President"~  
Greg Presley!!!
Greg Presley Class of June 1966 President

Greg Presley ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Class President

Susan (Atkinson) Misiuls

Sue Atkinson ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

James Barclay


Jerry Barnhill

Wauseon Cruise ~ "Classic Car Club" ~ 

Oldies but Goodies!  (How I enjoy my spare time)

Jerry Barnhill ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Shirley (Barr) Baxter "Reunion Committee" or

Shirley Barr ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Daniel Bastian

Daniel Bastian~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Phyllis (Bassett) Demski


Gary Berriman

Gary Berriman ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Helen (Bijak) Holman Helen Bijak ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Gary Brockelbank Gary Brockelbank ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Fred Boyd Fred Boyd ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Mark Buchanan Mark Buchanan ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Sandy (Bukis) Hale Cassandra (Sandy) Bukis ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Alan Burns Alan Burns ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Dennis Calhoun

Dennis Calhoun ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

James Cooper

James Cooper ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Beverly Cybulski

Beverly Cybulski ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Dan Danowski

Dan Danowski ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Gregory Dobson "Reunion Committee"

Gregory Dobson ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Barbara (Doherty) Kalinski

Barbara Doherty ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Raymond Dolinski 

Raymond Dolinski ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Richard Duke

Richard Duke ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Carole Dunning

Carole Dunning ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Joseph Evans

Joseph Evans ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Virginia (Ginny) (Fiorentino) Collins

Virginia (Ginny) Fiorentino ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Nancy Firth

Nancy Firth ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Thom Grabowski
"Reunion Committee"

Thom Grabowski ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

David Graham

David Graham ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Thomasine (Greenhow) Gibson

Thomasine Greenhow ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Marie (Hannon) Thompson

Marie Hannon ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Eileen (Hartsell) Gioia

Eileen Hartsell ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Matt Horvath

Matt Horvath ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Gordon (Kip) Hubel

Gordon (Kip) Hubel ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Kim (Jankowski) Fournier  or

Kimberly Jankowski ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Jack Jenkins

Jack Jenkins ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Linda (Jeris) Wilcox

Linda Jeris ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Linda (Kaczmarczyk) Gusway

Linda Kaczmarczyk ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Cathy (Kaeseman) Czubek

Cathy Kaeseman ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

James Kelly

James Kelly ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

David Kopke

David Kopke ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Maralynn (Kordich) Tanner
"Reunion Committee"

MAralynn Kordich ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Michael Kudlas

Michael Kudlas ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Cynthia (Lax) Barnes
C It On - Web Page Design & Shopping on the Internet
Country Wavs and Midis and EXE Fun Files

Cynthia Lax ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Linda (Lehotan) Baker

Linda Lehotan ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Donna (Livernois) Danowski

Donna Livernois ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Sharon (Lock) Boldvich  or

Sharon Lock ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Patricia (Lomako) Muller

Patricia Lomako ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Sandy (Londy) Stephens or

Cassandra Londy ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Joe Mackie "Reunion Committee"

Joe Mackie ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

James A. Malkiewicz (Pg 152 in the Yearbook)

James Malkiewicz ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Richard Mojak

Richard Mojak ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Marilyn (Monk) Keating

Marilyn Monk ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

John R. Patterson

John Patterson ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Gregory Pawlowski

Gregory Pawlowski ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Kenneth Pellar

Kenneth Pellar ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

George Pete

George Pete ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Dan Petrie

Dan Petrie ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Barbara (Phillip) Hutcinson


Alice (Pielucki) Board

Alice Pielucki ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Gail (Presnell) Ball

Alice Pielucki ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Barbara (Puckett) Sirko

Barbara Puckett ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Larry Quinn (Pg 157 in the Yearbook)

Lawrence Quinn ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Hank Saad "Reunion Committee"

Hank Saad ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Maryann (Smith) Edwards

Maryann Smith ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

Frank Stawowy William Stawowy ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Dolores M. (Stephens) Randall-Kirkwood Dolores M. Stephens~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Carey Strykowski  Carey Strykowski ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
William Studnick William Studnick ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Susan (Vallery) Lipka Susan Vallery ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Cindy (Whitelaw) Campbell Cynthia Whitelaw ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966
Pat Woods      XX Patricia Woods ~ Cody High School ~ Class of 1966

I must apologize for the way these pictures appear . . . I have found that the pictures from the yearbook do not scan very well . . . Sorry  . . .

Your Name Appears Here
Your e-mail address and Web Site address appear here


Please note . . .  If I have listed your email address on this list and you did not want to have it listed, please send me an email and I will remove it promptly.  Thanks

Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 Home Page
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Officers
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 1966 Memories
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 10 Year Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 25 Year Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 30 Year Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ 30 Year Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Friends Links
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Email Directory
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Form for 35th Reunion
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ Notes from Others
Cody High School ~ Class of 1966 ~ High School Register Sites