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Cody High School Class of 1966 REUNION!  August 31, 2001

Cody High School "Class of 1966" Questionnaire

Even though you may have filled out a form la few years ago, we would still like an update.  Our lives change so much from day to day, that I am sure you would like us to know all about your current status.  We would like everyone to answer as many questions as possible so that we can include all of the "Detailed Information" in our "40th Cody High School Class of 1966 REUNION BOOKLET".  Let's make this one the best and most interesting one ever!

First Name

Last Name

Maiden Name

Address 1

Address 2



Zip Code

Telephone #

Fax #

If not from one of the 50 States ~ Tell us where you are

Your spouse's name (if you married someone from Cody, include maiden name if applicable, and list the year they graduated.)

Are you currently married?
How many Children do you have?
How many Grandchildren do you have?
Are you from the January or June Class?

What is your email address?

Would you like your email address posted on the
 Cody High School - Class of 1966 Web Site?

Are you having "FUN" yet?

Place of Work


Are you Retired yet?

Did you attend College?

Did you graduate?

If you so, where did you attend and what degrees did you obtain?

Please bring us up to date on what is going on in your life.  We need a short description about yourself and what you have been doing during the last 35 years.  (Oh my, can your memory survive this?)

We will include these in the "35th CODY REUNION MEMORY BOOKLET".  
The space may not look big enough . . . But you can just keep on typing . . 
We will get the information.

We reserve the right to edit all materials.

Is there an "Interesting Experience" that you would like to share with the other alumni?    (Exciting, Unbelievable, Terrifying, Dramatic or other)  If so, describe it here. . . 
Where has been your most exciting "Vacation Destination"?
At this point, do you think you will be planning on attending the
 "35th Cody Class REUNION"?
Would you be interested in advertising in the
 "35th Cody Class REUNION Booklet"? 
(You must keep in your mind, this "BOOKLET" will be reaching and coming in contact with some of the most "Prominent People" in the world!)

If you have a Web Site and would like it listed on the Cody - Class of 1966 Web Site, please give the URL here


 Please do me a favor - 
 if you have submitted your email address and you would
 like it posted on this we site,
 please check back in a few days
 to make sure it has been entered correctly . . .  
Thanks . . . 

If the above form is not compatible with your computer, please download this:

 "Microsoft Word Document" ~

Right Click
"Save Target As"
Name it your Name


Fill it out ~
Return it to me:

Please download the Microsoft Word Document and fill it out ~ Thank You

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Table of Contents

| Home Page | 10 Year Reunion | 25 Year Reunion | 25 Year Pictures |
| 30 Year Reunion  | 35 Year Reunion  | 35 Year Reunion Class of 1966 Pictures |
 1966 Friends Web Sites | High School Register Sites |
  | Notes from Others | E-Mail Directory | 40th REUNION | Officers |
For Future Use | 1966 Memories | Credits|


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