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My Best Friends

This poem is for two friends of mine
That mean the world to me.
They were there when times were rough,
They told me that it was his tough luck.

People say they are my friend,
Yet, when the water got hot,
They off and run.
Leaving me stranded and full of hate and misery,
While they are elsewhere,
Soaking in there pitiful glory.
Yet these two friends,
Whom I will always cherish,
Stuck by my side through all the hot water.
They showed there "True" Friendship by being there.

My heart goes out to them each day,
When I think of all the little things they say.
Yet oh so little words to them,
They were huge words of encouragement that they gave.

If it were not for them,
Where would I be,
I would be stuck in my hate and misery.
My heart will mend in due time for sure.
But these two friends helped me to endure,
All the pain and anguish I held tight in my heart.

All this joy I feel today,
I owe it all to Joshua and Odean.
For they played the greatest part in my life,
They showed me that there are people out there,
Worth calling your "Best Friends".
You Two were the greatest rewards,
Yet caused by a tragedy.

I may have lost someone I loved.
But in all reality I gained two of the worlds greatest treasures.
I gained the true friendship from two great people.
I could not ask for anything more.
Thanks for being there for me,
As I will be there for you at your beckon call.
Love you guys. To the end.


This is my online sister which I am proud to say that I am glad to have her for a sis, wether she is blood or not.


This is Josh my best friend. He is a true sweety. Love ya buddy