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They were there... through it all...

They were there... Through it all...

As an only child people expect that I have more then everyone else... that I get my way... that I am a spoiled rotten child. Well let me tell you right here and now I am not! I have endured many hardships in life, some of which I thought I would not make it through... even some that I felt I didn't want to make it through. When I was in kindergarden up till 3rd grade I was one of the most popular people in my class, and I was a happy young kid, except for the NOT wanting to go to school part. Then I felt my parents were drifting away from me so I had this spree where I would sleep in their room on a sleeping bag... that lasted a year, and let me tell you it was NOT fun! But, I felt I had to do something... so I did the only thing I knew how... MAKE them be with me. Anyways we left that stage... and by then my life in school was... it was pretty much in shambles. I had gotten glasses, my friends were drifting away from me, trying new things that I didn't want to do. There was however one special girl, my best friend, who was always there for me. Her name is Andrea Luecke... without her everlasting friendship, which I hardly deserve... I would be nowhere right now! And yes, we have had our share of fights!

Ok so through grade school we had the whole four-eyes thing going on and quite frankly I felt as if I was "All alone in a faceless crowd" and I had no one to turn to but Andrea. That is also when I began bowling. I made new friends outside of my school. Nice, kind people that be-friended me. Different from almost ALL the people at my school. Which finally brings us into the fairly present range... I mean not that it got any easier after bowling or anything... it just seemed better to have more friends. I was that straight "A" & "B" student that my parents wanted, but still to this day they compare me to Andrea who has a tidy record of "A's" among the occasional "B". That made me feel like crap at first! I mean I was not Andrea! Me and Ang are so different I don't know how we are friends, but I thank God we are! Ok... now into reality! I was entering high school as a freshman in like 1996 and I was terrified. Somehow I got through my freshman year easily!! It was almost amazing. Then I became an "almighty" sophmore! I thought I knew everything FOOLISH ME! Also around this time was the introduction of Hanson into my life. They blessed everyone with MmmBop... all I heard was this STUPID (it pains me to say I thought that at first) song about "mmm'ing" and "bop'ing"... well also during this time! (I keep sayin that! hehehe) I was very into music! All kinds except for country! Well I started getting into MTV and VH-1 and soon I saw the video for MmmBop... I thought~ NO WAY! They can't even be guys!! Then I heard Casey Kasum announce them as #1 on a night where I felt like dying. I felt like just ending it all right then and trhere. Well... I listened to the song that night. To my surprise at the end he announced the song was by three brothers from Tulsa Ok.! Well I decided that these brothers deserved a looking into. I looked into them all right! Well It so happens all I could think about that next day was MmmBop! I HAD to have the single!!!! I figured this was the only song of theirs I would EVER like anyways. So I rushed out and bought it! Middle of Nowhere wasn't even on the shelves yet. I must have listened to ONLY that CD over and over and over for like WEEKS!! I loved it so much! It made me feel good, it made me happy, and it made me want to live. Well at this point I was driving my friends NUTZ so I bought Middle of Nowhere with the notion that I would NOT like any other songs. I listened to the whole CD, and I adored it! All the songs had a special meaning to me in my heart! It felt like they KNEW what I was going through and that was comforting. I figured everyone in school would LOVE them! Well school started (this is finally the "Soph" year here) and I was in for a RUDE awakening! It seemed as if EVERYONE hated them! And I knew how I was! I followed trends, so I kept thinking... ok! In no time at all I will hate them~ WRONG AGAIN!!! Miss all-knowing sophomore!!! I continued to love them! I bought there Christmas alblum, their video, their indy alblums (dubbed), their new/old CD, their tour CD, their tour video, hundreds of magazines, EVERYTHING HANSON!!!!!! Then I questioned my motives for liking them! It was the day of Total Request Live *the 1st* and I heard what Zac, the Hanson that I related to heavily, had said! I heard the way they were treated and it came crashing down on me! When Joes & Steph suggested this site, I knew what it would be about~ THE MUSIC!!!

But I skipped another meaning part in my life that Hanson gave to me! It was January of 1998 when I got the internet. I met Johanna, she was like my FIRST e-mail pen-pal! She was so great and I really cared for her! Then I got in a fight with an anti-Hanson in a guestbook, and I saw an entry from a TWENTY-NINE (29) year old Hanson fan!??!?!?! What was that about?!? Well that was my dearest Stephidy! She was always so funny! She was like Johanna in so many ways! When she got ICQ she literally MADE me get it... until that point we would just mail each other back and forth and back and forth. Well I got ICQ... then I finally got Johanna on it and I had the pleasure of seeing my 2 bestest best friends bond into a trio of crazy, wacky, mixed up, Hanson fans!! That was the beginning of the 3 Musketeers!! It was so kewl! My 2 best friends were also best friends with each other now I couldn't get over it!! I was so happy! I would sit at the computer for hours talking to one or the other or both! It made me happy! And I also thank Steph and Johanna from the bottom of my heart! I thought I would never ever meet a friend like Andrea but u proved me wrong!

Then there was the Hanson concert! My parents knew I wanted to go "More than Anything" so naturally they said no~ thats when I lot it for the first time I spazzed out! I couldn't believe they were doing this! Well... to make a long story short I did see Hanson and meet Steph! YAY! And also I learned something about my parents... they hated Hanson because Hanson made me happy! You can try to tell me different but in my heart I believe that. So Hanson, if you ever ever ever read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I think you guys have done more for me then I could ever say, or you could ever know. Thank you so much! Without you my life would mean nothing, and I wouldn't know 2 of my best palz! And I... I truely can not live ~*A Minute Without You*~ <3 always~ *Amber* ~Peace, Hanson, Luv Always~

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