"Don't laugh at me, don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
In god's eyes we're all the same
some day we'll all have perfect Wings
Don't laugh at me"
-Mark Wills, Don't Laugh at Me
"If you really want to hurt someone, don't say creative things about their heritage or sexual practices. Just pick the thing they hate most about themselves, and tell them the truth."
"So I held my head up high, hiding the hate that burns inside, that only fuels their selfish pride. We're all held captive by the sun, a sun that shines on only some. We the meek are all in one." -Creed
"Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide."
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor, is the minds of the oppressed."
"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you--not because they are nice, but because you are."
"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." -Carl W. Buechner
"He who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints." --Joan Brannon
"Greed kills more men then steel."
"Revenge is a dish best served with pinto beans and muffins."
"He that blows the coals in quarrels that he has nothing to do with, has no right to complain if the sparks fly in his face" -Benjamin Franklin
"I have yearned for the release from the labyrinth of my past. The walls are bitter memories and the corridors are hate.Yes I can shed some light on the past. Diamond Dallas Page and I had a very volatile past. I helped him when no one else would, when all despised him because of his arrogance, but did he remember me? No. He went onto fame and glory. But what about me? What about Raven! What about me? I spent three long years in barbed-wire city building a name for myself. And I learned one thing.... I learned one thing, that if one is scarred bad enough one no longer feels the pain." -Raven, WCW
"Every one of you craves life's pleasures, yet you don't indulge. You want to drink from ecstacy's cup, yet you wont imbibe. You wanna walk the edge, like Raven, but you're afraid to fall. So you back away, slowly, hoping no one notices your frailties, your cowardice. You wish you weren't so weak, and you hurt. Well what do you know about pain? Try walking in my shoes. Experience my sorrow; a childhood without hope, a life without joy. But hey, at least you'll be alive. They say that Raven is the Flock's guide down alienation's barren path. But really, I walk alone." -Raven, WCW
"What about me? What about Raven?" -Raven, WCW
"A person throwing mud is loosing ground."
"Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies." - Voltaire in 1778 (on his deathbed in response to a priest asking that he renounce Satan)
"The Sun has always been jealous of the Night as the Moon has longed to bask in the Day"
"Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys then as much." ~Oscar Wilde
"Anger is only one letter short of danger."
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." -Sun Tzu Mail Cole