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"You do and I'll be sorry!" -Micky

"Thank you very much, can I have a cookie?" -Davy

"E flat never was my color." -Mike

"Bang, bang, bang... I hate violence ... besides, I have more shells then you." -Peter

"The fish ate my furniture." -Mike

"Here we are in the land of make-believe. Look at that rock, its a phony rock. Look at that fish, its a phony fish. Look at that girl... ohh yeah!" -Micky

"Mary, I love you. Sandra, loves Mary. Hey, it's the 90s!" -Davy (in concert)

"Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor." -Peter

"Don't object so much, you'll live longer." -Mike

"You're ugly. You're an ugly person. Ugly, ugly, ohh are you ugly. And nobody likes you. Nobody. Least of all me!." -Mike

"I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a chicken... I'm a chicken!" -Micky

"I'm not acting strange, I'm acting perfectly normal." -Micky

"I'd like a glass of cold gravy with a hair in it please." -Davy

"I don't know, but that doesn't smell like cornsilk." -Mike

"They have as much of a chance finding us here as I do of becoming Miss America." -Micky

"It's not about age, it's about life." -Davy

"My clothing is radioactive." -Mike

"Its a virtual Disneyland for shut-ins." -Micky

"Rated Y... no one admitted." -Mike

"OK men... Mission: Ridiculous." -Mike

"And here's the kicker. They're gonna tear down a parking lot to build a parking lot." -Peter

"SHAZAM!! Well, that's another 7 years bad luck for captainmarvel." -Peter

"Arrghbrryesnowhyhowcomegozapwowupdownmorelessarrgh" -Micky

"Sock it to me. Sock it to you. Sock it to everybody." -Micky

"Should I deliver this message?- Call Zeldababy- love, love, love, urgent." -Davy

"I love you twice as much on Friday 'cause I want the weekend off." -Micky

"Three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and the Monkees."

"Monkees are ze craziest peoples." The Cow, HEAD

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