"He who strains to hear the whisper, refuses to hear the shout."
"May you find whatever you need and more." - DragonLance
"There is magic to grant in the forgiveness you grant, and more so in the forgiveness you receive."
"There are no happy endings because nothing ever truly ends." - The Last Unicorn
"If only you could hear what I cannot say." - The Last Unicorn
"Many people ask how I speak of limits. I ask them how I can speak of the unlimited."
"The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously."-- Hubert Humphrey
God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December." -Sir James Barrie
"A cat leads nine lives, on the first 3 he plays, the next 3 he strays, and the last 3 he stays"
"Beautiful young people are acts of nature, But beautiful old people are works of art."