A boy named Duke had joined the WS RSC NH (Rollin 60's Crip).. He obtained a rank of OG while with the RSC. One day he decided that he wanted to be in control. He hooked up with a man named Chaos( aka Lord Mystery) who said that he would get Duke permission. He got duke permission to start up a Crip set known as the 224 East Coast Mafia Crips. After a while the 224 EcMC began to break up because of the fact that they had spread to different cities within Michigan. They were in about 7 cities now. They lost track of things and people began claiming themselves to be Kings of DMC. When Duke found out about this he decided to let all 224 East Coast Mafia Crips that there was only 1 Grand King. He changed the name from 224 East Coast Mafia Crip to Disciple Mafia Crip. Most people think that by him saying Disciple he is refering to FOLKS but he isn't. Disciples are a group (set) of people eho all come together under one Head Chief (Grand King).. From that point on 224 EcMC was Officially shut down.. A while later a man by the name of "Scratch" wanted to start up 224 EcMC again. He was a high ranker with DMC so Duke granted him permission and 224 EcMC was reborn. Duke is still Grand King of 224 EcMC because of the fact that it is a Division of DMC and is ran just as DMC is.
Anyone claiming 224 EcMC is claiming the new 224 EcMC, not the "Original DMC" (224 EcMC) because the "Original" 224 EcMC was Officially shut down and started back up recently.
DMC has "Officially" spread to the following states(meaning that there is a Set King or OG in that state): North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. There were sets in New Jersy, Ohio, Massachusets, and Louisiana but the Set Queen and King left DMC to join another Set. I still have much love for them...
The "new" 224 EcMC is in 2 states (Michigan and Georgia)..
In Michigan, The main allies to the Disciple Mafia Crip are: The LOTUS Disciples, The Gangster Disciples and the 3rd World Crips...