Mike & Neil's Room
Hi! We are Neil and Mike here! We are both Bc#12 like the rest of the kids here. We are also twin Brothers! We are 15.
Our Brithday is November 27th.
Info On me (Neil):
Name: Neil Higgens Hinton
Age: 15 yrs.
Bc#: 12
Birthday: November 27th.
Friends:Jesse,Call me to be friends555-6171
Hobbies: Playing two on two with Natalie and Erica and Mike.
My Room:
Info On Me (Mike):
Name: Mike Cerk Hinton
Age: 15 yrs.
Bc#: 12
Birthday: November 27th.
Friends:Jesse, Call me to be friends555-6171
Girlfriend:Marisa.She is the coolest!
Hobbies: Boxing, Making jokes and giving speaches!
My Room:
[Mouse Trust Bank][Shawna & Logon's room][The Backyard][Bath Room][Mousie Housie][Natalie's Room][The Guest Room][The Living Room][Luke & Erica's Room][Nanny's Room][Mike & Neil's room]
Email: mousies@hotmail.com