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Recipes -- Beverages


by Melissa T.

This recipe is corn-free for people who are allergic to corn and want pop! Be sure to read the ingredients on the water you purchase.

1 liter (small container) carbonated water/club soda
1/2 cup sugar
Squeeze of lime juice (to taste)
1/4 cup lemon juice

Dump out 3/4 cup of the carbonated soda. In a separate container, mix together the remaining ingredients. Melt the sugar as best you can, and if it doesn't melt, you can heat it with the lemon and lime juices (add a tiny bit of extra lemon juice if you do this). Slowly pour this mixture (cool) into the carbonated water and store in the fridge.

Chocolate Syrup

by Melissa T.

1 cup sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon arrowroot powder
1 teaspoon xanthan gum
1 cup water

Stir together dry ingredients, then add water and stir; boil on medium until mixture looks like chocolate syrup.

Put in a squeeze bottle and add to rice milk (or whatever milk replacer you use), stir, and wallah! chocolate milk.

Frothy Lemonade

My friend Rebecca's family taught me how to make this great treat.

Lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in the blender (the more ice, the more froth; the more lemon, the more sour; the more sugar, the more sweet), and serve. This is great for hot summer days, and amazes children as well as adults (how do these four ingredients develop into a froth?).

Popsicle Surprise

by Melissa T.

This is one of those "why didn't I think of that?" recipes that is quick and easy. Although it would be a good dessert, I have only had it at dinner-time, when a pop is cold, or semi-cold, instead of an ice-cube (I don't like my pop/soda getting watered down!).

Pop (semi-flavored such as Sprite, Slice, or 7-Up)
Popsicle -- any of the smaller kinds that you can have, on a stick

Pour the pop into the glass, up to about a 1/2 to 1" from the top. Take the popsicle out of the wrapper and stick it in the glass, with the stick sticking out.

What is the surprise? Well, basically what happens next...depending on the temperature of your drink and the type of popsicle, this could be one of a few things. For example, one type we tried simply melted and flavored the drink, while another kind we tried melted and formed colored froth on top of the pop!

Don't just try this once and decide you don't like it -- it's different every time depending on the temperature of the drink and the popsicle used. Kids will love it.

These recipes can be used for personal use only. If you want to print recipes out for a friend or for personal use, please leave the creator's name on the recipe and write that it is from "Food Allergy Survivors Together" along with the site address. Unfortunately, FAST members have stopped sharing recipes because of the huge amount of copyright infringement stemming from people taking their recipes off this section of the site and reprinting them as their own. Please remember to respect the fact that people put much time and effort into creating allergen-free recipes, and deserve the credit for what they have done. (FAST doesn't claim ownership of recipes submitted. The people who create them own their own recipes. That's why we're working so hard to support the efforts of the cooks who are kind enough to share their creations with all of us. Thanks so much for supporting these efforts.)

This website is for personal support information only. Nothing should be construed as medical advice.