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Publishers, companies, etc.,

The FAST website doesn't accept advertising (the ads on the site are put up by and benefit the companies that provide free web services) . . . but still, many FAST members like to hear about new products.

In order to announce your product, you may submit one concise press release to the FAST mailing list moderator. Before beginning the process, you may wish to see if it is "worth it" based on the number of members. You may click here to view the membership of the list. Please click the link above for the current up-to-the-minute tally. Also be advised that the members voted for this feature. In other words, they're happy to see your one-time pre-approved press release. However, your product must be a mainstream allergy product. Press releases for items such as health supplements, cures, treatments, etc. are not accepted. This will be left up to my discretion.

Please note: This is not an invitation or permission to add my address to your mailing list or press release list. FAST is a personal website, not a professional one, and not a business. I've been signed up for a lot of lists. Remember, the permission granted on this page is for a one-time press release.

How to Submit Your Press Release

First, do not post a press release yourself. This is spam and will be deleted by one of the moderators--you may not be informed, and your product's reputation may inadvertently and needlessly be hurt, since most people are opposed to spam. To go through the correct and reputable channels, send an e-mail to the address on the page you came here from.


* No titles or products related to non-mainstream medicine, treatments, or cures.

* Remain impartial. Don't editorialize or include comments that make the release sound like a review (example: Don't write something such as, "This is the best book on the market about . . .")

* Be brief and to the point.

* Websites don't qualify, unless they themselves offer a product (such as online shopping). For example, the FAST website wouldn't qualify for its own press release program!

* What you submit is open to your discretion, but it may be edited for length or content.

* Extremely important (and where most mistakes are made): Your press release must be written and submitted in plain text, or it can't be posted to the list (the list will transfer the text into gibberish if it's not plain text). This means no photos, no italics or bolding, no fancy text, no attached files. Just plain typing will ensure that your message gets through clearly.

* Often I'm sent press releases without any header or information about what is expected to be done with the press release. Your press release should be personally addressed to me (Melissa; or just FAST) so that I know it isn't spam, with a request that it be forwarded to the mailing list members.

In your e-mail, mention that you are submitting a press release for a book or product, per the "Book and Product Review Policy" page on FAST. Just because a press release is sent doesn't mean it will be posted, though if you follow all of these rules, then it likely will be. You may be contacted for more information if needed.

On very rare occasions, press releases may be posted to the website. This has only been done a few times since FAST went online in the 1990s, and is reserved mostly for scientists and research. The official page for those announcements is:

Thank you, and best wishes with your allergy project/business!

Submit a press release

This website is for personal support information only. Nothing should be construed as medical advice.