Free, Family-Friendly, Fun: FAST |
Contact Sheet for Children in Daycares, Preschool, School, etc.
Information About ChildName: ____________ ____________ _______________ Age: _______ Height: ___'___" Weight: _____ Hair color: _______ Eye color: _______ Male Female See picture at right Child reacts to allergens (typically) in this way: _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Page added (child's reactions to food, etc.)
AllergiesDairy Eggs Wheat Potato Peanuts Tree nuts Fish Shellfish Soy Other ________, ___________, _______________, ____________ Please note that these allergens can go by different names. For example, albumin can mean "eggs," "lactose" is milk. Alternate names for the above allergens include: ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________ Safe foods: ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________ Being touched/ exposed to an allergen (not just ingesting) can cause an allergic reaction in _______________. Page added (safe foods included with child, additional allergens, etc.)
Contact InformationFather's name: __________________________ Work phone: _____-____________ Mother's name: __________________________ Work phone: _____-____________ Parents' home phone number: _____-___________ Parents' beeper, cell phone, or other way of contacting: __________________ Neighbor's home work number: ___-_____ (Name: ______________________) Friend's home work number: ___-_____ (Name: ______________________) Friend's home work number: ___-_____ (Name: ______________________) Friend's home work number: ___-_____ (Name: ______________________) Page added (who to contact)
Treatment if ExposedNumber, in order, of which to contact first. Parent (numbers listed above) Family doctor's number: ____-_____________ Pediatrician's number: ____-_____________ Hospital: ____-_____________ Allergist's number: ____-_____________ 911 Use EpiPen (Instructions {where stored, how to administer, etc.}: __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________) Page added (treatment information)
This contact form was created by JB, NE, KL and MT and was supplied by Food Allergy Survivors Together ( Parents can fill out this sheet with the help and input of their allergist, and append any needed information. |