Copyright Information

This entire site has an implied copyright. Much of this site also has REGISTERED copyright, meaning it has been filed with the US copyright office. Visitors are encouraged to reproduce material from this site BY DIRECTLY PRINTING THE WEBPAGES ON A PRINTER for themselves and for friends, allergists, health food stores, etc. (personal use ONLY!), as long as said material is distributed at no cost, and with credit to FAST (not only in name, but also by listing the website URL) and the contributor of the said item. If you would like more information on how to do this, or to get permission, please e-mail FAST Something you are printing out directly from the webpage in its entirity (for example, the petitions, contact form, recipes, newsletter, etc.) doesn't require permission. However, if you intend to reproduce something that is a section of a page (for example, putting one of the FAST recipes in your support group's newsletter), you do need to ask first. This is actually no different than any other website -- even though it sounds strict. :) I feel a need to say this outright because I have seen sections of this site illegally reproduced on other websites. Thank you for following the rules!


FAST's mission is to help equip adults with allergies, parents with allergic children, and children with allergies with a support-line through the Internet. It was originally especially meant for those in secluded areas, or home-bound, who do not otherwise have any support. FAST does not believe in, nor support, self-diagnosal or alternative medicine/treatments. Therefore, you will not find that sort of information here. FAST is not supported or endorsed by any company, so you will also not find biased reviews here. What you will find are other mothers, fathers, adults with allergies, and children with allergies with which to share your feelings, recipes, and more.


FAST was named by my brother in 1994. He felt that the word "fast" was ironic, as those diagnosed with food allergies suddenly find they have very little to eat. His first intention with the name was "sufferers," but this was changed to "survivors" immediately! ;)


This webpage is put together by one person (with submissions from others), and there are mistakes within it -- guaranteed! There is also outdated information -- guaranteed! That's why it's a good idea to double-check everything with a board-certified allergist. If you or your doc find something on a page that you know is in error, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Since the site is so large, something out-of-date may exist.

Enjoy your stay, and come back soon!