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Fruits, Veggies, and Dips

Apple Maple bake

Submitted by KL

6 tablespoons dairy free/soy free margarine, melted
1/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 cup non wheat flour, (oat, barley, rice, or a combination)
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup water
1/2 cup maple syrup, pure
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 apples , medium, peeled and chopped approx. 2 cups

Preheat oven to 375. Pour melted margarine into a 2 quart casserole dish. Blend together sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Combine water, syrup and vanilla; pour over flour mixture. Blend until smooth.

Pour over melted margarine in casserole. DO NOT STIR. Sprinkle chopped apples over batter, DO NOT STIR. Bake in 375 oven for 30-40 minutes, until crust turns light brown.

Creamy Herb Dressing

by Barbara Frohne

1 cup rice milk
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon xanthan gum
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoon honey
1/2 cup oil
1/2 teaspoon parsley flakes
1/8 teaspoon dill weed
1/16 teaspoon sweet basil
2 tablespoons lemon juice (fresh squeezed is best)

In your blender jar, blend rice milk, salt, onion powder, xanthan gum, garlic powder (optional), and honey. With the blender still running, very slowly dribble the oil into the jar (this thickens the liquid). Pour the contents of the jar into a small bowl or storage jar with a lid. Add the parsley, dill weed, sweet basil and lemon juice and fold in by hand with a spoon. Keep in the refrigerator.

Creamy Italian Dressing

by Melissa Taylor

1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup mayonnaise (use mock mayonnaise recipe on this page)
1/3 cup water
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon dried red bell pepper (you can dry this out in a dehydrator)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Dash pepper
1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum (not needed if not OK in diet)
Dash onion powder
Dash parsley flakes
Dash crushed oregano

Combine all ingredients in a container and shake until fully combined. Store in fridge. Can be used as a dip.

Fruit Crisp

Submitted by KL;

If fresh fruit is out of season, use frozen.

8 cups fruits, berries, peaches or strawberries
1/2 cup sugar, more or less to taste
1/3 cup quick cooking tapioca
1 cup water

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup barley flour, or other flour
1/2 cup dairy free/soy free margarine, cold, cut into small pieces

Preheat oven to 375. Toss fruit* with sugar and tapioca. Pour into a 13 x 9 pan. Pour water over mixture. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. In the meantime, combine topping ingredients with a pastry cutter, until mixture has a coarse crumb texture. Refrigerate until fruit is ready. Sprinkle over fruit mixture and return to 375 oven for 15-20 minutes, until topping is nicely browned. Cool and serve plain or with dairy free/soy free whipped topping.

*fruit should be sliced. If frozen, do not thaw before baking.


by Jenn Borgesen
2 ripe avocados
Dollop mock mayonnaise (recipe in this section)
1/4 cup salsa (recipe in this section)
Hot Sauce (and/or cayenne pepper)
onion powder
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Use a food processor or pastry cutter or potato masher to mash down the avocados. Stir in mayo until it is well combined and creamy. Then fold in the salsa (I like it chunky, but if you'd like it smooth, buzz it in the food processor!), add salt, pepper, hot sauce and/or cayenne pepper and onion powder and lemon juice. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour -- overnight is best. Don't go too heavy on the spices as the flavor will intensify over time. Use it as a dip, on tacos or burritos, or over pasta and bean layered salad (recipe in this section).

[Please note: If you have pet birds (especially parrots), make sure you clean up afterward and do not let them come in contact with the avocado, as it is deadly to them. -- Ed.]


by Jennifer Lillehei
This is my modified version of a delicious hummus from Cafe Sunflower in Atlanta.
2 cups cooked garbanzo beans (chick peas) - canned or cooked yourself
1/4 cup sesame tahini*
1/4 cup lemon juice*
1/4 cup canola oil*
1 T cumin
1T garlic powder*
2t - 1T tabasco or red pepper flakes
1 red bell pepper
Core, seed and half the bell pepper. Place in a pre-heated oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes on a cookie sheet or roasting pan. Turn the halves over and cook for another 5 minutes. Coursely chop the red pepper and put in food processor with all the other ingredients. Puree to a chunky hummus for adults or until smooth for kids.
*If allergic to sesame, try another blended nut or omit and put in more garbanzos - you might need to put a little more liquid in to compensate *Any oil will do, although canola and olive work the best *Allergic to citrus? That's ok. The lemon nicely compliments the bite of the spices but can be omitted or replaced with a little extra tahini or a little extra oil or even water *For garlic allergy sufferers, just omit or experiment with other spices
Have fun. It is a delicious dip with corn chips or rice crackers, in a allergen-free sandwich, or heated over rice. My non-allergic husband eats tons of it! :)


(Why in the world would you need a recipe for ketchup? Store-bought ketchups often contain wheat, corn, garlic, and other spices within their flavorings! By making your own, you can control what ingredients are in the ketchup. If you're allergic to some of the spices mentioned below, experiment with the recipe and use ones that you can have instead.)
Melissa Taylor (with thanks to Suzanne Lichtenstein for a couple of ingredient tips.)
6 oz. can of tomato paste (Contadina brand is recommended by Suzanne)
1 tablespoon apple-cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce (purchase one made with apple-cider vinegar rather than "normal" vinegar, which can contain wheat, and call on any other questionable ingredients before using)
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1 tablespoon molasses
3 tablespoons water
Dash pepper
Dash celery salt
Add all ingredients to a bowl; stir until fully combined. Add to a ketchup container for "normalcy" if desired (you can purchase a squeeze bottle), and store in the fridge.
Use on French Fries, burgers, and any recipes that call for ketchup!

Melissa's Hot-Pickled Vegetables

Pictured to the left is my friend who just loves spicy foods, and especially hot-pickled vegetables!

1 dash onion powder
1 cup water
1/2 to 1 teaspoon tabasco sauce
1 cup vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup carrots (in small pieces)
1/2 cup jalapeno peppers -- these are not eaten, but are used to flavor
1/2 cup broccoflower (in small pieces)
1/2 cup cucumber (in small pieces)

Put the two cups of vegetables on a boiler in a saucepan, covered in water (not water included in above ingredients listing). Let boil until the vegetables are softened. Some will take longer than others, so you should heat the broccoflower, carrots, and jalapeno peppers before adding the cucumber. After the vegetables are soft, drain off the water and add remaining ingredients. Bring to a slight boil. Pour into a canning jar and seal. Let cool, and then refrigerate overnight.

Mock Mayonnaise

by Melissa Taylor

1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
dash paprika
dash cayenne
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 cup canola oil
1 cup water
2 teaspoons arrowroot
1 teaspoon xanthan gum
1 tablespoon lemon juice
dash onion powder
(other spices?)

Blend together until mayonnaise consistency, store as you would mayonnaise. Looks, smells, and tastes like the real thing! Use for pasta and bean salads.

Add-ons from Jenn Borgesen: Most commercial mayos have a little bit of "sweet" in them so some (1 tablespoon) sugar or honey may help to deepen the flavor and make your spices stand out better. Also for pepper/nightshade allergic: tumeric and/ or a pinch of saffron will give color and flavor. Dijon or brown mustard will also give it a kick.

Nacho "Cheese" Dip

by Melissa Taylor

Wheat-free -- soy-free -- garlic-free -- milk-free CHEESE!!!
1 cup water
2 tablespoons tomato puree
1 tablespoon rice flour
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon jalapeno peppers (about 3-4 slices, if you get them in a jar)
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon mustard seed powder
1/8 teaspoon ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum

Blend well in a blender or food processor. Microwave for four minutes. Let cool, then refrigerate. Stir before using ("cheese" scum forms on the top). Serve with chips. (Also works on pasta and as "cheese" in burritos.)

Pasta and Bean Salad

by Melissa Taylor

1/2 cup cooked pasta
1/2 cup pinto beans (not refried!)
1/2 cup garbanzo beans
2 handfuls lettuce
2 tablespoons black olives
1/4 cup sliced baby corn (optional)

to toss in the following dressing:
1/2 teaspoon tabasco sauce
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon canola oil
dash onion powder
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon Imagine Foods Creamy Butternut Squash soup (or water)
1 tablespoon water (additional to above)

Drain excess water off cooked pasta, and heat pinto beans for about 1 minute. Combine all ingredients.

TO CHANGE INTO LAYERED SALAD: Don't mix, but layer the salad, sprinkling some of the dressing on between layers.

Top the salad with mock mayonnaise (spread like icing), tiny pieces of bacon (turkey if semi-vegetarian), and sprinkle with paprika.

Rice and Potato Variations

by Jennifer Lillehei
Rice and Potatoes are wonderful for allergy sufferers of wheat. Following are some variations that will make non-allergy sufferers mouths water! You can make them meals in themselves with a fresh salad on the side. Rice variations
Southwestern Heat a can of diced organic tomatoes (or 1-2 cups fresh), 1 4.5 oz can of green chilis (or 1-2 fresh jalapenos) and frozen, canned or fresh corn on the stove. Add a tablespoon or more of cumin. Add salt if you want. Mix into cooked brown or white rice or a mixture of both.
Italian Make an allergy free pesto (basil, roasted pine nuts and garlic). Add into cooked rice. Or add cook a can of diced tomatoes, 1-2 T dried basil or 1/2 cup fresh basil, 1 t dried oregano or fresh as you like (although I find that too much overwhelms the dish) and 1-2 T parsley. Mis into cooked rice.
Indian In a saute pan place the curry. Toast it until you can smell it. Add 2 T oil, minced garlic and 1 T onion powder, salt and pepper. Mix into cooked rice.
Roasted garlic and tomatoes Place a good heap of garlic in a saute pan on high with some olive oil. Saute on high until the garlic lightly browns and is very pungent. Add a can of diced tomatoes or fresh romas. Add salt and pepper if desired. Mix into cooked rice.

Mashed Potato Variations

Mashed potatoes are difficult for those with dairy allergies, but they can taste just as good or better than traditional if you remember a few tips. 1. Save the water/stock you boiled the potatoes in to use in the mashing process. 2. Mash them very, very well. A stand or hand mixer works wonders. Letting air get incorporated into the potatoes will make them nice and fluffy. 3. Don't be afraid to add plenty of stock to your boiling water. Or use stock solely. We use homemade vegetable stock, but chicken or turkey stock (or canned broth) work great. Put sea salt in the water for a nice flavor.
All of the rice variations can be used in the potato variations. For example, for Roasted garlic/tomato mashed potatoes (which accompany a lamb roast or pot roast very nicely), boil the potatoes with skins on or off and while that is cooking, saute a heap of garlic until light brown a pungent, add a can of diced organic tomatoes (or fresh romas) to the pan. Add salt and pepper. Mash the potatoes in a mixer with some of the now starchy potato boiling water until it is the consistency you like. Or use chicken or vegetable broth. Gently hand-mix the garlic/tomato mixture into the mashed potatoes until incorporated.

Other varieties:

Try leeks and artichoke hearts.
Try capers and artichoke hearts.
Try beans in potatoes!
Try my hummus on the Fruits and Veggies recipe page incorporated in rice or potatoes.
Any roasted vegetable like red peppers, hot peppers, etc. add a nice flavor.
Use a wheat-free stuffing mixture and incorporate into either rice or potatoes.
Salsa mixed into both are yummy!
Barbeque sauce (like Kathy's homemade sauce in the Main Dishes category) mixed in to rice or potatoes makes a wonderful side dish when grilling.
If you can have the ingredients in A-1, it is delicious in potatoes.
Remember, be creative. Rice and potatoes aren't just side dishes any more and they aren't just plain!! :)


by Melissa Taylor
This recipe is wonderful, tasty, and garlic-free!
1 cup water
4.5. ounce can green chili peppers
Dash salt (or desired)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
3/4 cup tomato paste
1/4 cup jalapeno peppers*
Dash onion powder
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon xanthan gum
* Use jalapeno peppers that come in a jar (pickled), and put 1/4 cup in a food processor with all the juice that is in the jar. Process until they are in the sized bits you want to use.

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and stir to combine the ingredients. Store in the fridge.

Here are some tips from ygg:

i make fresh salsa all the time. my standard ingredients are fresh, ripe tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, serrano, garlic (i'm not allergic), cilantro (only if hubby begs, b/c i don't like it), and a dash of lemon juice or vinegar to help with preservation. sometimes i'll toss in some cayenne powder or half a diced scotch bonnet or habenero. cumin is another favorite of mine, but just a dash of it suffices.
it keeps well in non-reactive containers (glass or steel) for a couple weeks in the fridge.

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

Submitted by KL

6 whole sweet potatoes
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup dairy free/soy free margarine
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Heat oven to 375. Prick sweet potatoes to vent; bake for 35-45 minutes, until tender.Slice potatoes in half lengthwise, scoop out inside, leaving the thin shells intact. Place shells in a baking pan. In a large mixing bowl, beat sweet potatoes and remaining ingredients until there are no lumps. Spoon or pipe into shells; if desired, decorate with cinnamon or raisins. Return to oven for 15-20 minutes.

*For a lower calorie version, decrease margarine and add apple juice to moisten.

These recipes can be used for personal use only. If you want to print recipes out for a friend or for personal use, please leave the creator's name on the recipe and write that it is from "Food Allergy Survivors Together" along with the site address. Unfortunately, FAST members have stopped sharing recipes because of the huge amount of copyright infringement stemming from people taking their recipes off this section of the site and reprinting them as their own. Please remember to respect the fact that people put much time and effort into creating allergen-free recipes, and deserve the credit for what they have done. (FAST doesn't claim ownership of recipes submitted. The people who create them own their own recipes. That's why we're working so hard to support the efforts of the cooks who are kind enough to share their creations with all of us. Thanks so much for supporting these efforts.)
This website is for personal support information only. Nothing should be construed as medical advice.