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Crescent Chick-Be-Quicks

To create this hot chicken snack, fresh chicken pieces coated with French fried onions are baked in tiny crescent dough triangles. Serve them with sweet and sour sauce for dipping.

3/4 cup crushed canned French fried onions
1 Tbsp flour
1/4 tsp seasoned salt
8-oz can refrigerated quick crescent dinner rolls
1 whole chicken breast, skinned, boned, cut into 16 pieces*
1 egg, beaten
Sesame or poppy seeds

Heat oven to 375*F. Lightly grease cookie sheet. In small bowl, combine French fried onions, flour and salt; blend well. Set aside. Separate dough into 8 triangles. Cut each in half diagonally to form 2 small triangles. Dip chicken pieces in egg; coat with onion mixture. Place one coated piece on wide end of each triangle; roll to opposite point. Place point side down on ungreased cookie sheet. Brush tops with remaining beaten egg; sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake at 375*F. for 11 to 13 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm or cold.

16 snacks

*TIP: Use about 1/2 lb. skinned, boned chicken.

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