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Graham Bread

Another one of Grammy's recipes. This one reminds me of the old black wood burning stove at my Grandparents house. NO...I'm NOT THAT OLD...they just didn't get rid of the old wood burner until the 60's. How I would have loved to use that stove.

For two loaves. At night put a quart of warm water in the pan, add two level tablespoonfuls of sugar or nice molasses, half a cake of yeast dissolved in a little water. Stir in gradually a quart of graham flour and a quart and a quarter of fine white flour (sifted). Beat well. The batter should hold a tablespoon upright in the center. If not stiff enough add a little white flour. Fill pans about half-full, set in a warm oven as the fire is dying away. A little more heat can be borne if the pans are set in something which raises them a little from the bottom of the oven. They will be right for baking in the morning if risen double.

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