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Have you ever gone a wandering and found yourself in a place you had no idea how you got to or how to get out? Well, welcome to the Faerie Mists. Sometimes the faeries capture you for one of their very own. Other times they let you leave. How lucky do you feel today? Come on in and visit awhile ~ if you dare. There are many enchanting things to see in here. But if you can't find your way back ~ don't say I didn't warn you !

Just follow Pricilla over the bridge and you'll find the trail you seek into the mists.

As you wander through the mists, stop and say hi to all the faeries and other creatures you may encounter here. You will want to stay on their good side, so be kind to everyone and everything you meet. You never know if you will need their help to get out.

This is Auriella. She is very happy you have come. She invites you to browse this page carefully before choosing your first detour. She doesn't want you to get lost before you've had a chance to see all the Faerie Mists has to offer.

This lovely flighty is Sabrina. What's that? It seems that Sabrina has taken a likin to ye. She would like you to follow her back to her home to meet some of the other faeries there. Click on Sabrina to follow her.

Uh Oh! You've just been faerie sprinkled by Feerbie. You now have the ability to fly. Don't think your flight will take you out of here. If you choose to follow Feerbie you'll be heading deeper into the mists. But this is where you'll see wonders you thought long gone from this world. Are you feeling lighter yet? That faerie dust puts a little spring in your step huh?

Alright all you fae lovers. If you're not lost by now then how about a little detour? The faeries and I have been working VERY hard to make some very special awards for you to win. We have recieved so many beautiful awards ourselves that we thought we would return the favor. Have you put many hours and lots of love into creating your own special spot on the web? Then why not get some recognition for it? Click on Elquin below to apply for one of our "Faerie Mists Awards". The requirements are not THAT difficult, so even if your just starting out, give it a try.

Milascent is here to tempt you from your path. She is the new keeper of the pretties...meaning all of the awards and gifts the "Faerie Mists" have aquired. She's also very anxious to show you how to get your very own "Fairie Sparkle". You may follow her by clicking on her...don't worry...she'll also show you how to get back here :)

Jaqui here is hiding some of her favorite webrings in a secret place. Bat your eyelashes and ask her pretty please, and she may just take you to them.

You have traversed far stranger. It appears you have become lost in the mists. If you can find Auriella she will guide you back to my homepage. Good luck ! And don't forget to come back often to see all of the things you may have missed on this trip to the mists. Maybe next time you won't even get lost.

[The Faerie Mound] [Forgotten Wonders] [The Mists dragons]
[Apply for an Award] [My awards] [More Webrings]

The Faerie Mists and/or pages therein were last updated 07-18-2004.

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For The True Believer
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Many thanks go to Leslie for her beautiful faerie Milascent. You may get one of your own by clicking on her logo, but be prepared...there is much to see and explore in her site!

Animated mushrooms on this page came from Page Works