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My son assigned me the job of writing an autobiography on "My Life As A Mother" and he's expecting to see it first thing this morning, Mothers Day, 1998. He told me to start it by writing..."I became a mother on September 10, 1982..."
so here goes.......


I became a mother on September 10, 1982 when my son, Eric, was born. For some reason, I closed my eyes when he was born which is something I haven't been able to do since. Eric is one of those kids that demand attention. He is full of life and incredible energy. It's best for me to have my eyes wide open and my hands on the wheel when mothering him. Five years later on May 1st 1987, Eric was followed by his sister, Mairead. Mairead was born on our eleventh wedding anniversary. She's mysterious, sweet, demanding, funny, lively, baffling, inconsistent and the best anniversary present any mother could ever ask for.

Mothering these two is a challenge. I dimly remember my life before I became a parent. It was quieter for one thing. We vacationed more often, the house was cleaner, and my stress level was lower. Also, my life was poorer in substance and in spirit.

Nothing is more important to me than my children; however, I'm not a perfect parent. I scold. I yell. Sometimes, I'm even selfish. I get angry and act irrationally. When I'm being especially irrational, Eric generally picks that moment to wrap me into a bear hug. That works about 80% of the time ! The bottom line is that I love both of my children and want for them only the best that life has to offer.
"The soul", said Fyodor Dostoyevski, " is healed by being with children."
My children are a source of strength, life, and love for me. They are my greatest treasures and a blessing to me. My life, and my soul, is immeasurably enriched by the honor bestowed upon me: the honor of being their mother.

With love to all mothers and their children,


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Holiday Village Graphics


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