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    Wishing You A Happy Halloween!
Trick or Treat! 
'Twas All Hallows Eve, and all through the town,
The ghosties and goblins are scurrying 'round.
A skeleton was hung in the willow with care.
In hopes that the children will get a good scare.
Jack o' lanterns are carved, and displayed on the steps.
Their faces fantastic, some might say grotesque.
White candles inside them are flickering and glowing;
A swirl of dried autumn leaves around them are blowing.
Dad's in a fake mustache, and I'm in a wig.
Pretending to dance to a spirited jig.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter.
We sprang to the door to see what was the matter.
When what to our wondering eyes did behold;
A ghost and a black cat with eyes of deep gold.
Who laughed as they ran off without a good-bye. 
Their giggling disclosing a trick gone awry.
The skeleton was collapsed on the ground in a heap.
It was missing a bone from its arm and both feet!
Aghast and dismayed, we looked all around.
Plunked inside our pumpkins, the bones we soon found.
We laughed 'till our sides were aching and sore;
Then glanced at the pumpkins and chortled some more.
So bring on the pirates and  monsters tonight.
It's Halloween Eve and we NEED a good fright!
For my two trick or treaters ~ Eric and Mairead
© 1998
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Have A Boo-tiful Day!
Have A Boo-tiful Day!
Please! Stop by Moodlings. 
Images, except where noted, created by:
Graphics By: Seasnz 
The  Bat Tree gif  designed by: 
Happy Halloween from CS Designs 
Ghostbusters MIDI File sequenced by:
David Barnes
'Twas All Hallows Eve, 
with apologies to the ghost of Clement Clarke Moore,
written by Diann 
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