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Just once I wish that they could see
what happens when a thought is killed
and how it affects my memory
I'm not as skilled as people who build
a fictitious account of history

The ones who start the rumors now
are the ones who seem to make it later
but I fail to understand how
a lone crusader grows to cater
to the needs of those who call

There's people on the streets in fear
some are victimized baby boomers
going over the hill in second gear
dodging tumors, they should start rumors
if that's what it takes to get people to hear

Don't tell me about what you bought today
it really doesn't interest me
what do you think I can possibly say
when I'm forced to get hand-me-down things for free
I hope you find it in your heart to give me my own space

      It was around Christmas time when I wrote this.  I didn't write it all 
at once.  The last stanza was added probably a few weeks after the rest.  I'm
not sure if it should be there or not.