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Characters settling down their emotions
Completing signified unmasked notions
Subliminal mind under subliminal hate
Reinforced tactics to help alternate
Jack of all trades came into the "town"
He didn't know that his value's down
All of the items he carries in his sack
Remain not traded and slung over his back

The ships came in to bring them food
They're isolated with group solitude
Cooperation was not their way
They didn't work without their pay
Like that of the lost colony, where
The first born was created by a Dare
But this place includes visible lost souls
Because nobody dares to hear the bell when it tolls
Their requests are limited, some denied
No one escapes, but some have tried
The tie that binds them
easily finds them 
That big stone, which is where they'll die
They volunteered by refusing to comply
with the laws and regulations
drawn up by the United Nations
Underachievers without any honor
Desensitized morality, revisited Donner
Free will was taken
from the Godforsaken
Slipped from nature and sense decreased
Deciding the nature of the beast
The Body has to produce more cells
To hold the ones that tolled the broken bell

      I wrote this specifically for my first college composition course.  It was
for an optional expressive writing.  I wrote poems for every optional
assignment.  I had no idea where I was going with this till I was done, which 
usually seems to be the case.  I came up with some strange items in here.
It ends up being about an island prison (Like Alcatraz, but it isn't.)  I feel
the need to explain some things in here.  I'd love to have people analyze this
and explain their thoughts about it.  

      First, there's the "lost colony/Dare" line.  The lost colony refers to the
Lost colony of Roanoke.  "Dare," capitalized, indicates importance, refers to
Virginia Dare, the first person (supposedly) born in "the New World."
(I did my 11th grade english research paper on the lost colony.)

      Next, I referred to the Donner party?  A group of people who travelled
west, but encountered rough conditions, and wound up resorting to cannibilism.
Strange distinction, but...?  

      One last note, my Uncle Joe takes partial credit for this.  He gave me a
nice piece of advice when he read this.  At first the line:
"Because nobody dares to hear the bell when it tolls" was:
"Because nobody dares to see the bell when it tolls."  He liked the word play,
using the word "dares," but he asked me why I put "sees" instead of "hears."  
I wondered the same thing when he asked it.  So, I chenged it and I think it
makes more sense and gives it more meaning.  Thanks Joe!

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