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Out on the veranda
admiring the view
you see propaganda
yellow journalism too
and the cyclic events 
from a line of defense
by the mid-eastern crew

A pitchfork in the baled hay
distinguished and unique
farmers think of it blase
city folks drive by and speak
about the scene they saw
'cause they think it's against the law
their views are quite oblique

Standing about in center field
as the ball drops down
the game's revealed
the ball's caught; gamblers frown
first place players celebrate 
until the crew says "its too late"
so they leave the field and go to town

Folk tunes on a phonograph
playing all day and through the night
the players complain and we just laugh
'cause we'll be leaving on the next flight
to make a new start somewhere down the road
with a whole new area with problems to unload
staging what's become our afternoon delight

writings page
main page
