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The downfall of your career happened fast
You should have known it wouldn't last
For they can dig deep into the past
Now what's gonna' happen to your common life
Now what are you gonna' tell your underpaid wife
Can't you feel the negativity of this situation?

Well, you hit a pedestrian on the way to the store
so much for milk and bread, now you'll get a hell of a lot more
What happened to thinking, that's what your brain's for
Your conscience is on an extended vacation
To a much less desired, misguided location
Can't you feel the negativity of the situation?

You take everything given without giving thanks
You wrote a bad check, now you're down with the banks
Your status is getting lower down in the ranks
Your kids will look at you with new, altered eyes
And you shouldn't be in any way surprised
Can't you feel the negativity of the situation?

What were you thinking when you lied to the cop
You know you were speeding, that's why you were stopped
Too bad the unpaid parking ticket charges weren't dropped 
You'd surely be in less of a financial hole
You've been playing a good non-responsible role
can't you feel the negativity of this damn situation?