I Love Brian Littrell!!!!
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I Love Brian Littrell!!!!

Brian Littrell is a singer in the hit group The Backstreet Boys. This Page has pics and bios on Brian :) and the rest of the boys. Even though the front page of this is mainly about Brian, I still like the rest of the BSB. I just think that Brian is the cutest!!! But, they are ALL H-O-T-T HOT!!! Please e-mail me if you have your own page because then I will add it to my links. Thanks!!!

Below is Brian's Bio, as well as links and info and pics (there are some very much unfinished lyrics there too) on the rest of the BSB. Enjoy!!!


The rest of the BSB!

Lyrics to the songs in Backstreet Boys

Some Great Pics of the whole group!

All About Me! (As if you REALLY care!)

A new album will be coming out in October in the United States. Everybody buy it okay??? I know that I can't wait!!!!! Also, if you have any concert info, or album info please e-mail me and tell me. Oh yeah. If you have any suggestions please e-mail me with them. Thank you very much!!! And PLEASE sign my Guestbook! I love to see what kind of people visit my site. Also, I love to meet other BSB fans!

K.T.B.S.P.A. for those of you who don't know what that means, it means Keep The Back Street Pride Alive!!!! :)

Stuff On My Site

  • Biography
  • Pics
  • BSB Pics

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Here are some of my favorite links

Milady's Brian Littrell Page
The Official BSB website
A really good Brian Page!
A GREAT Titanic Page!!!
A REALLY nice Titanic page!!!
My Titanic Page
The Backstreet Bomb
My Little Bro's GREAT Little Page

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Email: lautenbach@msn.com



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