How are you supposed to name your iguana if you don't know if it's a male or a female? It may take up to a year before you can be certain. There are several methods to finding the gender of an iguana, Here's a few of them. The first way you can tell is the head. Males tend to have a more square shaped head than females. Also, males have bigger femoral pores (scale like pores under rear legs) than females do.If you have an adult green iguana, then it should be quite obvious which you have. Hatchlings and juveniles are much more difficult to recognize. If you don't know right away, pick a "safe name" for your iguana that would be appropriate for either sex. It is important, however, to know the gender of your iguana because each have special needs. (Female iguanas need higher calcium for eggs,etc.). Male iguanas turn a bright yellow-orange color during the breeding season, and most females stay the same color.
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