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The Iguana Excellence Award

Gold: 90+ Points                       Silver: 80+ Points                         Bronze: 65+ Points

This award is for captive green iguana websites that display correct green iguana care information. Only sites with good content will be awarded. This award is for sites with correct information on iguana care, not web page design. Each area is rated by a point system. Below are the categories and points each is rated by. (100 pts. possible)

Here are the areas I will look at:

  • Enclosure suggestions (25 pts.)
    • Safe?
    • Large enough?
  • Enclosure environment suggestions (20 pts.)
    • Correct temperature ranges?
    • Light durations, types?
    • Humidity levels?
  • Suggested Foods (30 pts.)
    • In the correct Ca:P ratio?
    • Safe?
  • Suggested care (15 pts.)
    • Handling?
    • Taming?
    • Cleanup?
    • Veterinarian visit suggestions?
  • Description of various ailments (10 pts.)
    • MBD?(metabloic bone disease)
    • Mites?
    • Internal parasites?

After reviewing your site I will add your point total to determine if you are a winner. Totals of 65 or higher will be considered a winning site! Even though some point totals are lower than others, they still count toward your award! Example: 5 points out of 10 is a failure for that topic!
Please allow 1-2 weeks for a review of your website.
Click here for winners list.

Brief Description of your site

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