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JunkYard Jellicles III

Throughout the dump all the talk was of the expected kittens. Jennyanydots and Jellylorum worried about a small litter because Victoria was so young and small.

Tumblebrutus and Pouncival decided these kittens would be great fighters, and they would teach them all about flipping and stunts. Victoria and the kittens talked about names for the new kittens and teaching them singing and dancing, Munkustrap and Demeter worried about the kittens. Reports had come in,Macavity knew about the kittens, a rat tipped him off.

"I must have those kittens!" roared Macavity. Macavity wanted revenge after the battle at the Jellicle Ball. Munkustrap and Alonzo had embarrassed him greatly. He would get them back by stealing Alonzo's litter!

Munkustrap asked to talk to Victoria and Alonzo about the soon expected kittens. "Victoria were do you plan on having and keeping the kittens?", asked Munkustrap.

"At my master's house in my basket. Alonzo lives near me and my masters don't mind him staying with me. Sometimes his little girl master brings him over when she visits my girl master. Why?",asked Victoria.

"Macivity knows. We must protect you and the kittens. Alonzo stay with her at all cost. We will have a cat at the cat door and others placed around the house," said Munkustrap. Victoria started to whimper and Alonzo tired to comfort her with nuzzles and purrs.

"I suggest you go home and prepare for their births",said Munkustrap.

"I guess its good timing my masters are out of town for the week. The Jellicles can come and go as they please",replied Victoria.

That night,inside the warm house sat Victoria talking to Jemima and Alonzo, who was keeping guard. At the cat door was Munkustrap, on the roof Mr.Mistoffelees,Coripat, and Tantomile,and scattered around the house were Skimbleshanks, Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, Plato, Quaxo, and even Mungojerrie Still, with the this protection, Macivity and his henchcats were watching and waiting.

Back at the Junk Yard, Bombalurina, Demeter, and Rum Tum Tugger were getting ready to leave for the house. Demeter had noticed her sister and Tugger were seeing an awful lot of each other lately. Could those two actually be settling down? She doubted it. Suddenly Gamma came running into the dump.

"Gamma, honey, what's wrong," Bombalurina asked the frantic kitten.

"Victoria is having her kittens," yelled Jemima.

"Come on we need to find Jennyanydots and Jellylorum," said Demeter. Once they found the cats they all left running for the house. Jemima, Jellylorum, and Jennyanydots went directly into the house while Bombalurina, Demeter, and Rum Tum Tugger took guard positions. At the dump, Exotica and Patchabie were watching the kittens.

Time went so slowly as they awaited news. Munkustrap and Demeter had their ears pressed against the catdoor trying to hear something. With a sudden burst, Jennyanydots came rushing through the door knocking Demeter and Munkustrap to the floor.

"Three kittens, two boys and a girl, all doing fine," Jennyanydots cried happily. Munkustrap followed Jennyanydots into the house. As he approached the lacy white basket, he could hear quiet "meows" from the new kittens. Peering into the basket, he saw a very tired Alonzo and Victoria, plus three tiny hair balls.

"Aren't they beautiful," whispered Victoria.

"Yes, they are lovely, what are their names," asked Munkustrap.

Alonzo responded," The black one is our little girl, Isabelle. The black and white one is our son, Aitheras. The white kitten is Calhablan."

"I think we should leave you two and the kittens here under guard until your master returns. Then we will hide them in the dump," said Munkustrap.

Munkustrap told Alonzo and Victoria to get some sleep. Tugger would guard the door and Demeter and himself would guard the kittens in the house. Munkustrap called for Demeter to join him. She came in immediately.

"Victoria, they're beautiful," whispered Demeter. She peered into the basket to see the little black hairball raise her head up and give a great yawn before falling asleep with her parents and siblings.

Outside, Jennyanydots and Jellylorum were sharing the good news with the Jellicle tribe before returning to the dump to tell the kittens.

"Jemima, come, we are leaving," announced Jennyanydots.

"Bye Jemima",said Mistoffelees.

"Good-bye, Mistoffelees," Jemima responded with a smile.

Jellylorum and Jennyanydots looked at each other puzzled and decided they would have to question her later.

Macavity was a ginger cat, and very smart. He had a plan. Just after dawn, when the cats were the most tired, he would attack. He counted eleven Jellicles surrounding the house, and four inside including the mother. Macavity planned on sending thirteen of his henchcats to attack the cats surrounding the house. Macavity and twenty rats would go for the kittens. Macavity wanted Munkustrap and Alonzo at all costs. Right now though, it was the middle of the night, but dawn was coming. He couldn't wait. Until then, he would catnap. This would be like stealing catnip from a kitten.

A bright beam of light woke Macavity early that morning. He hissed at his companions to wake them. They moved like snakes down the hills, like snakes looking for prey.

Coripat and Tantomile tensed and their fur stood on end in unison. At this point Mistoffelees, Tantomile, and Coripat started meowing in warning. The activity level outside brought a very tired Munkustrap wide awake.

Rum Tum Tugger stuck his head inside and gave Munkustrap a warning.

Macavity and the rats stopped half way down the hill, they would have to wait till the henchcats could clear a way to the cat door.

Now all the cats could sense the evil presence. Tumblebrutus' ears started to twich when he thought he heard a noise. He turned to Pouncival to see if he had heard it too, when he received a strong claw to the back of the head. In a flash, Pouncival jumped from his perch in the bush to attack the cat who hurt his friend. Tumblebrutus quickly recovered just in time to see another cat coming. He hissed than ran at it clawing its side.

The battle was on. All the cats had one or more henchcats to fight except Bombalurina and Tugger. The Jellicles were strong fighters but so were the henchcats. On the roof you could hear Mistoffelees yowl in pain as a strong henchcat struck a gash in his side. Following the yowl was lightening! A huge black and orange tabby jumped from the roof and ran for the hills with one very burnt butt!

Rum Tum Tugger noticed he and Bom were slowly being isolated as the battle moved away from them. Tugger than knew why. The biggest scariest cat approached them. He was missing part of an ear and had many scars. He glared back and forth between Bombalurina and Tugger. He let out a great hiss and charged at Bombalurina. Bomb thinking fast swatted at the beast leaving him with a new scar on his nose. Surprised he reacted with total rage! He pounced on her and began to rip at her side. Tugger tried to help her but the mighty cat threw both against the house. Tugger started to lick Bombalurina's multiple wounds and she in return pointed out he had some of his own. Tugger turned and in pure rage, at this cat, for hurting his love attacked him. He tore at his face then went for his sides. The cruel cat yowled and ran back up the hill afraid Rum Tum Tugger would strike again. He immediately turned back to go help Bombalurina.

Macivity knew this was his chance. He crept down the rest of the hill and then ran threw the cat right behind Rum's back.

Inside, Demeter stood near the basket while Alonzo and Munkustrap stood near the only entrance to the room.

"How odd," stated Alonzo.

"What?", ask Munkustrap.

"Look a rat," said Alonzo. Munkustrap hissed, but it was too late. Macivity pounced right on top of Munkustrap and clawed at him. Munkustrap flipped the evil cat toward Alonzo who got a good swing at him before he was able to get back at Munkustrap. Alonzo jumped on to Macivity's back. Macivity threw both cats back on the floor and threw his mighty claw down on them. Victoria let out a blood curdaling scream. This caused Munkustrap and Alonzo to turn to a vision of horror. Demeter and Victoria were covered with rats!

Macivity took this opportunity to make a quick escape. He had suffered near fatal wounds. He had to get back to his hideout or he may die.

Alonzo saw the rodents saw them pulling on Isabella's ears, she stuck out her head a snapped at them which made the rodents jump back for a moment. Two rats had one of Aitheras paws. The little kitten was trying to kick them with his weak hind leg but failed. Alonzo quickly rushed to his sons rescue. Munkustarp helped Demeter kill the dirty rats covering her body. Poor Calhablan, a rat was pulling his tail. This brave newborn kitten swatted at the rat with his tiny paw. Munkustarp quickly kicked away the awful rodent. Alonzo cleared the last rats from Victoria when Demeter suddenly hissed, "Macivity's not there!!."

Munkustrap licked Demeter's wounds from the rat bites as she licked his more serious wounds from Macivity. After Alonzo and Victoria checked over the kittens they proceed to do the same thing.

Outside the battle was over. The henchcats receded all with serious wounds inflicted by the Jellicles.

The less injured helped the seriously injured back to the dump. Munkustrap changed his mind about the kittens. Demeter, Alonzo, and Victoria all took a kitten in their mouths and raced towards the Junk Yard.

Back at the dump yard a census of the injures was taken. Jemima had been worried about Mistoffelees. She saw the weak teen walk towards her in pain. She ran up and nuzzled him trying to calm him. He collapsed on her pillow with a bloody wound on his side. She looked around then walked to him and started to lick his wounds. He purred in graditude.

" The hidden paw escaped again?",questioned Old Deutoronomy.

"Yes, but he will never be the same again his injures were quiet serious",replied Munkustrap.

"Good, now get some sleep you deserve it," said Deutoronomy. In compliance he curled up next to Demeter and quickly fell fast asleep.

Bombalurina and Tugger were curled up tightly together. No question, Deutoronomy knew something was happening there. Finally, Old Deutoronomy went to see the new kittens.

"Hello, my name is Old Deutoronomy, I am the Jellicle Leader, how are you?", whispered Deutoronomy, trying not to wake the tired parents.

"I don't like rats!",spat Aitheras.

"Me either," said Calhabalan.

"They pulled on my ears but I snapped them away," exclaimed Isabella. Aitheras spit his tongue out at her.

"Well, I think you all were very brave," replied Deutoronomy,"but we all need some sleep." With that Old Deutoronomy headed back for Vicarage Wall.