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Darkness Falls on the JunkYard II

The seven jellicles were tired and dirty from their incedent in the underground subway. They walked one behind the other down a long desolate alley trying to stay away from human contact. Pouncival trailed behind with his head hung low feeling as if he was but a burden to the others after nearly gitting killed by the train. His stomach growled and ached for food but he was afraid to say something for they might think of him as but a complainer. But the growls were too much and his throat was dry from lack of water. "I hate to be a bother, but I'm hungry." Pouncival finally said as he sat on his haunches.

Mungojerry agreed, "Yeah Munkustrap, how are we going to get food? We haven't eaten all day and it's getting late.".

Just then Misttoffelees and Alonzo both noticed a wonderful aroma in the air. "You smell that?" Mistoffelees asked..

Munkustrap gave a sniff but frowned, "I don't smell anything.".

Coricopat took the scent, then exclaimed happily, "Fish!".

Alonzo followed the scent around the corner and saw how the sidewalks were flooded with market stands. Hundreds of people flocked the streets with hand bags as they observed and picked fruits and other delights from the stands. Alonzo smiled when he saw the fish stand "There it is!".

Immediatly the others joined him as they poked their heads around the corner below Alonzo's. Pouncival's mouth began to water at the sight. "Come on then what are we waiting for?".

But he was stopped by Alonzo who said, "You just can't go out there and snatch one. Look who's guarding it!".

A large man in a dirty white apron stood behind the fish stand hollaring out the prices and types of fish. Every now and then a pedestrian would take a few, pay then walk off to another nearby stand. .

Pouncival chuckled, "Please, what's he going to do?".

"Not him!" Alonzo replied, "Look under the table.".

Beneath the stand sat a huge, ugly bulldog. As it yawned, it's sharp white fangs flurished. .

Pouncival gulped, "So how we going to get our food?".

Munkustrap gave a clever smirk, "Well why don't we leave it up to the great cat burgler himself?".

All eyes fell on Mungojerry. Jerry's eye's widened in shock and he asked dryly, "Me?".

Coricopat laughed, "Just think of it as another day at Victoria's Grove, steeling the joint from the kitchen!".

"That's different!" Mungojerry argued, "We didn't have a huge pollicle guarding the oven!".

"You saying you can't do it?" Tugger teased. .

Mungojerry gave Tugger a defensive look and replied, "Fine, but I can't do this one alone. I have a plan but it's going to take more than just one cat.".

So they huddled together and Mongojerry told them the plan. Soon afterwards Mungojerry casually walked towards the stand then quickly dashed on the table and grabbed a large trout in his mouth. .

"Hey, you dirty feline!" yelled the man, "Get away from my fish!".

Jerry ducked the man's swat and ran under the table to meet the bulldog. The dog barked and chased after Jerry who leaped and ran around, up and over the fish stand. Being not as agile as the jellicle, the bulldog ran into the leg of the table causing the entire stand to collapse. Fish scattered everywhere and the citizens stood back in alarm. Mongojerry then ran off with his fish and the pollicle right behind, barking. At that second, the six other jellicles dashed out from the corner and each grabbed a fish. Mistoffelees took his and ran after Mungojerry and the dog. Taking shortcuts, Mistoffelees was able to be a few blocks ahead of Mungojerry and the bulldog. Jerry finally appeared by Misto's side, panting and worn out. He hid in a trash can as Mistoffelees waited for the dog. Then the chase continued this time with the dog chasing Mistoffelees. He took a sharp turn down another alley only to find a dead end. He could hear the dog close behind him. He jumped on a pile of trash cans then leaped up on a small windowcil, cleverly making his way up to the roof. Once on top he placed his meal beside him looked down at the confused pollicle below. Then using his magical powers, he threw his voice down the other end of the street. Hearing the soft meow, the bulldog turned and ran down the street barking as he left. Once the dog was gone, the black jellicle took his fish and leaped roof to roof till he found his companions eating in another lonely alley. He joined them and they all ate their well earned prize. It was getting dark and the crowd masses began to decrease. The jellicles were now down-hearted more than ever. They had no clue as to where the other jellicles could be and their hopes of finding them began to dwindle. .

"Let's go this way." Munkustrap said, breaking the silence. The others gave him a horrifying look. .

"That's the way to the highway and inner city!" Tugger exclaimed.

"Well, we not getting much done by using these back alleys. We don't even know where we are. If we go out there we'd at least be able to recognize bulidings or even see the van."

Mistoffelees began to grow angry as he stepped foward and said, "You don't even know where are? You come out here and expect to find the jellicles in a gift basket in the back alleys with an apology note? You don't even know where we're going! Why should we follow you? If I remember correctly, you were the one we followed across the train tracks which nearly killed Pouncival!"

Munkustrap's fury rose at Mistoffelees' attitude, "Are you blaming me for that underground incedent?"

Mistoffelees was afraid to respond.

"Now look," continued Munkustrap, "We will find the others. I promise, but you've got to trust me. I think we should go out there because we might be able to pick up better scents there instead of back here."

The cats looked at each other. Mistoffelees decided to go ahead and say it, "Listen Munkustrap, about your sense of smell..." Mistoffelees hesitated,"it's not what it use to be. Ever since your fight with Macavity, when he struck you across the face, it must have done some damage to your sense of smell."

Munkustrap was offended, "Don't tell me what senses of mine are damaged! I'm perfectly fine!"

Mistoffelees continued, "Maybe that's why we're lost. You don't know where you're going."

Munkustrap's temper rose, "That's why I'm saying to go out there and get stronger scents! Trust me in leading you to the others!"

Mistoffelees argued back, "What if we don't want you as our leader!!!"

Munkustrap extracted his claws and swiped aat Mistoffelees who quickly dodged it and gave the gray feline a kick in the torso sending him into a pile of trashcans. The other cats froze after seeing this. They couldn't believe what was happening. Jellicles never fought each other physically. Munkustrap slowly recovered unharmed and yelled, "Fine! Go your own way you magical jerk! Come on guys."

The other cats looked at each other. Munkustrap waited, "Well? Come on."

Pouncival hesitated, "Misto's way is easier."

Munkustrap eyes widened. Broken-hearted, Munkustrap turned and went his own way while the others followed Mistoffelees deeper into the alley.

By this time, the skys were really dark and it soon began to pour rain. Alonzo, Mungojerry, Pouncival, Coricopat and Tugger were deeply worried about Munkustrap. Mungojerry took a dare in asking Mistoffelees a question, "Misto, do you know where we're going?"

"Course I do." but then they found themselves at a dead end. The other cats looked at one another doubtfully.

Suddenly, Alonzo, Coricopat, and Tugger noticed glowing eyes peering from trash cans and corners. A few low growls were then heard.

"Uh...Misto..." Pouncival stuttered. Mistoffelees then too noticed it. Slowly they shadowy figuers came into the moonlight revealing giant drooling street dogs. They came out of every angle.

"Run!" Mistoffelees hollared and immedialty the cats leaped and dashed for cover. The dogs jumped out of their hiding and went after the jellicles. Mistoffelees leaped on a fire escape ladder against a brick wall and began to climb up. He was startled to see a large german shepard barking a few feet above him out of an apartment window. He looked down but could see he was trapped by a mob of dogs below barking up at him. Using his powers, he zapped the pollicle above him causing it to fall out of the window. Seeing how his companions were in trouble he began to shoot out his powers at the dogs. But not noticing one behind him, he received a blow on his back which sent him in the air and in a puddle of mud.

Not far away Munkustrap could hear his six friends yelling for help. Immediatly, Munkustrap answered there calling, and with the help of Alonzo and Tugger, the three aggresive felines sent the pollicles yelping down the alley.

Munkustrap walked over to where Mistoffelees lied in the mud. Misto lifted his head and saw Munkustrap's feet and followed them up to his face which glared back down at him. Munkustrap offered his paw but Mistoffelees refused and stood up on his own. He was covered in thick dripping mud. Clumps fell from the tips of his ears and dripped on his nose. He shook himself causing mud to fly everywhere and a little on Munkustrap and he slushed his way down the alley alone. Mistoffelees sat down on a garbage bin. He brought up his legs, wrapped his arms around his knees and hung his head. His good friend, Alonzo joined him.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I nearly got you all killed." Misto replied with his head in his arms.

Alonzo began taking the mud off of Misto's fur as he said, "We're all fine now though."

"I don't know what to say to Munkustrap. I was so cruel to him. I was just mad at thinking of never seeing the jellicles again."

Alonzo knew Mistoffelees was really concerned about Victoria especially though he’d never admitted it.

"Well at least we're together again. And now we'll be more focused on finding the others." Alonzo replied.

part 3 is on it's way! The story increases in action and has a great ending!!! I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am!!!

p.s. Thanks....that was a great title for part 1!!!! Great job!! Oh, and do you know Cademine? She's another jellicle with her own brand new web site. I'm helping her out as well with fan fics. I gave her a very sad story of Mistoffelees. If you want to read it go to her web site and don't forget your hankie. :)

purrs, =^..^= BlueBell