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The Jellicle Train


My name's Franoosh the trainman cat
I've been to many cities
I've met Electra and Sootaput
and numerous bright young kitties

I've stood on guard with Munkustrap
I call Mistoffelees my friend
We visit every Jillicle Ball
and will until they end

I run our train toward the dawn
and give my watch a glance
While back in the diner,Demeter and Bom
are doing their exotic dance

Jenny waits tables and Jelly does too
as we speed on through the night
Our diesels purr like a happy kitten
as each station looms into sight

Bustopher's back in the club car
sampling the treats of the day
Rum Tum's up in the engine cab
just getting in our way

Rumple and Mungo's in the baggage car
rifling the trunks and cases
While Cassy and Jemima sing their songs
and practice their social graces

Some kittens are asleep in the Pullman car
with dreams of rubber mice
Victoria dreams of her white knight Alonzo
and a life of sugar and spice

Coricopat and his twin in the glass top car
serenade the Jellicle Moon
While Pounce and Tumble join in their song
with a feline barbershop tune

Deep in the shadows of the vestibule
some glowing eyes try to hide
As Highball and Greaser the hobo cats
have stolen another free ride

We round the curve and the headlight gleams
on a group with the criminal brain
Tis Macavity and his gang of rats
planning to rob the train

We speed on by this ruthless gang
and complete our scheduled run
The passengers unaware of the peril they missed
continue their night of fun

Our friends detrain at respective haunts
Skimble guides them with a cheer
We know we'll see them all again
at the Jellicle Ball next year

When the Heaviside Layer is my final run
and I'm done with this and that
If old Deut gives me another life
let me be a trainman cat.
