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Cats 9: Arsenic's last breath

One by one, the Jellicle cats crept into the yard of the ball site. It was a dark night, rather misty and cold. They bid each other welcome. Victoria and Plato arrived together as always, side by side and holding paws. Skimbleshanks arrived from the railway station always on time. Jennyanydots got up from the trunk of the car that was in the yard and started greeting the younger cats. Mistoffelees appeared in a flash of light. He took Etcetera by surprise and she tumbled backwards and stayed on alert. Cassandra crept out from the darkness, and started to prance among the cats hoping that SHE hadn't had come. Demeter and Bombalurina entered from the side and greeted Jennyanydots and Skimble. Mistoffelees joined them. Rum Tug Tugger then made his grand entrance and all the female kittens ran to him and made him their idol as usual. Then Munkustrap, the gray, striped leader appeared. He was looking for something, or someone.

He approached Demeter and asked, "Do you think that she'll come?"

"I sincerely don't know Munkustrap. Remember, you said that Macavity had cat-napped her, and we can't miss the Jellicle ball. But I have a feeling she'll be here. I can sense it."

"How can you sense it?" He asked in a curious tone.

"I just can. I can feel it in my heart. Don't worry." She then pulled him close and kissed him.

They withdrew and soon he was wondering around the scene again. Munkustrap couldn't relax. He needed to see her, as quickly as possible. The past few months were murder to him, for they could find no traces of Macavity. He had kept quiet lately, which worried Munkustrap. That was usually a sign that something was to happen. He knew that he shouldn't get his hopes too high, for one rarely escaped Macavity, but Chryssie had. So there was that small hope.

Soon every cat except one had assembled and soon Munkustrap began.

"We can dive through the air, like a flying trapeze. We can turn double somersaults, bounce on a tire."

Macavity was in the shadows hiding. In his control, was the cat that had caused him so much trouble these past two years or so.

Chrychaesa stood straight and still, her eyes roaming around the site. She felt familiar to it and it was strange to her at the same time. But still, all she was aware of was that her master was Macavity and she was to do his will.

Gently, Macavity pulled her close and she cocked her ear to listen to his orders.

"Not now my pet. Do you see them?"

"Yes sir I do."

"Petty things they are, dancing the night away and waiting for the Old One to appear. You will do me the favor, and kill their primary leader. You will then help Arsenic bring Demeter to me."

"Yes sir. It shall be done tonight."

"Good. You will be rewarded well for your services. How would you like the position of Rawtawny?"

"Rawtawny, sir?"

"Oh, never mind. Arsenic! Arsenic! Stay with her."

"Yes sir." Arsenic then crept towards Chryssie.

"What a lucky little thing you are. Remember you owe it to me that you are here."

"Arsenic, shut that sore trap of yours. It's giving me a headache."

"What did you say to my darling?" Nakcheem said suddenly appearing beside her.

"You must have heard right to be able to be sure I said something." Chryssie said coldly.

"Why I ought to end your nine lives right now you minx."

"No Nakcheem!" Arsenic said in a hushed whisper.

"Macavity will do you in."

"I am strong enough to handle Macavity. It's a marvel I don't kill him now."

"Are you two speaking of insurrection against Macavity?"

"Well, look who just caught up in"

"Well why haven't you done it yet?"

"Well I... Listen you darn Minx, stay out of our concern."

"Yes sir." Chryssie said and then turned to watch the Jellicles.

She felt a sense of familiarity with them, and they made her feel cold and known. She was confused but she stayed true to what Macavity taught her. She put all the mixed feelings and instincts aside and focused on her aim. She saw through all of the cats and saw who she was to find and capture and the one that she was to terminate. She found them both and stared, and she felt evil around her, which she reached out and used.

She prayed to the power to help her in her task to please her master. What she didn't know was Nakcheem was getting stronger. Chryssie felt her targets voice and she watched from the darkness, and heard wherever the voice was. She felt darkness, which was fine, for she hated the light.

Macavity was asking her to do a big thing, go out there with all those lights. She really hoped the reward was big, but she couldn't trust the Hidden Paw, she couldn't trust anyone. Even now her memories of her past was dim, and she wasn't even sure if her name was Chrychaesa, or if her nickname was Chryssie. She learned who she was when Arsenic and Nakcheem teased her and put her down, when she was still reviving from her former accident. She was told that she was all alone in the world and that she had no one but herself to care for and care for herself she did.

Once, one of the Cockney soldiers had called her "Love" and she had attacked and clawed him, which was a natural thing to do. All the Cockneys were then careful about what they said about her or to her. She had certainly made an impression and she had always been ready for a fight, since she thought that Macavity had selected her to be his prime student in fighting.

When she fought, there was always an intense anger. She could feel it fight with her, she didn't know if it was some force inside her or if Nakcheem was helping her, but it gave her strength, though she was never really sure if it was anger, because she always had the image of a feline in her head while she was fighting and she felt a will to be with him, whoever he was.

Where was that feeling now? She was watching her target, and every time she concentrated, she felt the anger drifting away. How odd, she thought. How can I feel this way when I don't even know him. I feel just so warm when in that presence, but I can't figure what it is. How strange. But she put it behind her as she always did. She wouldn't let it matter to her.

"Come, they are beginning the Gumbie Cat introduction. Watch, and learn the personality your victim possesses. Be wary of him and watch him carefully. Learn his every weakness. You can tell he is not himself. He is worried."

"Yes Nakcheem I can see that. I am not blind."

"Don't you speak to Nakcheem that way you slimy little insignificant thing. Or you'll have me to answer to."

"Come on then, question me. Come on Arsenic, don't let those precious words go to waste, question me, come on, question me. I dare you! Question me!" Chryssie felt her anger rise again and she prepared for a serious fight, which she knew she was going to win. Arsenic started clawing the surface of the ground and hissing.

"Not now, stop it you two. Arsenic, why do you listen to her?"

"Can you help it?"

"I can help it, but you need to learn how to ignore things. Come on we have to work here. How else will we accomplish all our objectives?"

"You're right but, ooh that little one had better watch her tongue."

"Why? It's not going anywhere is it?" Chryssie asked with a little mock.

"Shh, keep it down. If the Jellicles knew we were here then they'd have us taken care of, and the plan will be foiled."

Chryssie allowed her eyes to watch the Jellicles dance and sing and she felt an emotion that she wasn't familiar with. Could it be longing? Why do I want to go out there and let my voice ring high with them? Why do I feel so at home? Chryssie asked herself. No logical answer came to mind.

Suddenly rock and roll music surrounded her and she dropped to her knees and looked alert. Then she saw a cat whom she remembered as Rum Tug Tugger do his thing. Chryssie didn't remember much about him, she only remembered that he gave her her nickname and she gave him his, Tugger. He was hip swaying and radical, which didn't fit into Macavity's description of him.

Macavity portrayed Tugger as a mellow cat who thought of nothing. This Tugger seemed to be radical and crazy, with a very big thought of himself. He seems arrogant, Chryssie thought. I probably should work with him. I can do arrogant fine.

A cat named Quilla appeared, and she sang a sad song with about how her only love had died and that she wished with all her might that she may see him. When she spoke of him, her eyes seemed to glow and she looked like she could just jump off her feet and fly when she mentioned his name. When she told them of her life without him, Quilla seemed to shrivel and die. She then collapsed at the end of her song and cried out agony and resentment that she hadn't followed him to the haven of cats who didn't wait to the Heaviside opportunity or those who couldn't see the opportunity. She felt as if she wanted to die.

Chryssie watched from the shadows, cold and heartless, for she didn't care. She only cared about herself or her missions. That was what she had been taught. So she lived by it and she did more and felt more then she had ever before, She felt as if she lived and that she could actually survive on her own and that she didn't need any protection from anyone. Soon she saw a fat cat by the name of Bustopher Jones. She also saw all the cats crowd around him as if he were mayor of their county. Nugatory and insignificant, she thought. This darkness in her heart had taken full control and she didn't care.

Macavity had taught her everything, and she never felt like this before, but she didn't want to put the effort into understanding herself as she had a feeling that she had before.

But how did she know so, and why? But what did it matter? Arsenic sat down and sighed.

I wish that I had never given Macavity the idea to bring that wretch into this, she thought miserably. It would have been far easier for at least we get along. With Chryssie we fight and fight, and she will never back off. I liked her better when she was the weakling that we transformed her from. But Oh well. Nothing can undo Nakcheem's spell on her. Not even Mistoffelees.

Arsenic knew things would go well for herself and for Nakcheem, once they got Chryssie and Macavity out of the way. Then they would conquer the Jellicles and rule it as their very own tribe. The daydream of all that power gave her a chill of pleasure when she would be crowned queen. Then she could do whatever she wanted like kill Demeter and take Munkustrap or any other male for her own. Then they would all overthrow Nakcheem and she would rule all and there would be no one to stop her. But she still remembered, that all that was in later years and she would be queen surely.

Nakcheem was daydreaming about his plan to overthrow Macavity and the Jellicles and become king and he could have Arsenic all he wanted. He couldn't make her his queen because the fool Macavity forbid marriage until he could have Demeter. Oh Nakcheem hated that queen and Macavity.

Chryssie he liked well enough, she was a valuable soldier, but she had to learn to control that mouth of hers. She would be very useful in the dispersion of the Jellicles since they all trusted her. But he assumed that since the Jellicles would know that she killed the thorn, they would stop trusting her.

He would have to make her look like another Jellicle when She had done the job, then Chryssie could blame it on Mistoffelees for having the power to change the Jellicle into her so he could get away with it. Nakcheem loved all the conspiracies to this simple plot. He loved it. It would also leave the poor Jellicles in the dark until they knew that they were conquered. Then he would be king, Old Deuteronomy would be dead along with his grandson and The annoying females would all be annihilated or too scared or weak to even try to lift a claw to stop him and his queen.

Chryssie thought of other things and concepts other ideas, for she was not the cat to conquer anything. She could only conquer those she deemed not worthy of a second doubt.

So why did she not plan and conspire like Arsenic and Nakcheem? She felt she had a different heart and she didn't want to be in to her throat in anything. She just felt like she wanted to be rescued but she didn't know by what or by whom.

"Chrychaesa help me up." Arsenic said and stretched out her paws for hers.

"You have arms and legs. Get up yourself." Chryssie said coldly and backed up so Arsenic's claws couldn't find hers.

"Of all the lazy bums Chryssie." Arsenic groaned as she climbed to her feet.

"That's right, you were so lazy, you couldn't get up by yourself."

"That wasn't entirely what I meant."

"Well then we both have a point then don't we?" She asked sweetly and then concentrated on the Jellicles.

So much time had passed that they hadn't noticed an old cat come in and sit on a tire that looked like a pedestal.

"That's Old Deuteronomy." said Macavity as he entered from the shadows.

"I saw the excellent little scare you gave them sir, it was really quite masterful." Chryssie said as a good soldier should. Macavity stepped up to her and lifted her chin up with his hand.

"Thank you my dear." He whispered with a hint of admiration in his voice as he turned her face from side to side as he touched and stroked the soft fur under her chin. It was very light and cold, but she could feel it. He ceased his stroking and withdrew his hand. "You're a very pretty queen." He said then crept out into the darkness.

Chryssie exhaled in one long sigh. She had been nervous that entire time. She rubbed her throat and chin, trying to get rid of the cold that Macavity's touch had left.

"I tell you, Nakcheem, Macavity has no taste in queens." Chryssie heard Arsenic's voice in a mocking tone, and she said with a very dry wisp of dignity

"Well then that would explain why he has you here doesn't it Arsenic?" Nakcheem hissed softly, warning her to watch her tongue.

She smiled deviously and turned back to the ball site where all the cats were surrounding Quilla. Quilla was once again singing of her lost love and what she'd give to see him again.

Macavity appeared behind them again and whispered in a hushed tone

"Now when Old Deuteronomy sings, you must be ready. When the young kitten sings, be ready to sing with her and join them Chryssie. Remember that, and don't fail. Remember all that I have taught you, You know what to do."

"Yes sir I do."

"Good, you are my best so far." Macavity said and glared at Arsenic. "I have no doubts you will succeed where others have failed." He thoughtfully stroked her shoulder as he said his reminders.

His ice cold touch sent shivers down her spin and she wished that she could step away. She remained still and allowed him to touch her fur. She just focused what attention she had on her target. Then Macavity's touch withdrew and she was left alone.

Soon the young kitten stood up. Chryssie took a deep breath and began at the exact same moment as the kitten.

"Moonlight, turn your face to the moonlight, let your memory lead you, open up enter in. If you find there, the meaning of what happiness is, and a new life will begin." She walked out into a clearing at the site.

"Who is it?"

"Chryssie, It's Chryssie!"

"She's returned!" She was then surrounded by cats.

"Good heaven's lass!"

"Where have you been?"

"How did you escape?"

"Where was he?"

"You've gotten so big!" All of the questions subsided, and the cats cleared to reveal Munkustrap. He looked so happy to see her.

Am I worth all this? What life have I been forgetting? Haven't I always been with Macavity? This all seems familiar. Chryssie's mind was in a blur as she smiled up at him. He approached her and put her paws in his.

"Chryssie, you've returned."

"Yes I have...." She said and looked into his eyes. "Munkustrap."

"How did you escape?"

"Nothing could have kept me away from you, from all of you. I couldn't stay away. You all mean so much to me. I want to forget Macavity, please don't make me talk about it. I just want to be happy here and safe."

All the cats cheered and they pushed her forward. Munkustrap leaned to kiss her, and she panicked. She turned her face and he kissed her cheek. She smiled at him quickly and then stayed with the other cats. He stared puzzled after her.

Why was there a look of fear in her eyes when he had wanted to kiss her? She usually wanted him to, and she wouldn't have turned away. Something is wrong, Munkustrap concluded then joined the group.

Jellylorum introduced Gus the theatre cat, and when he had sang, the cats surprisingly started the segment of Growltiger's Last Stand. Chryssie remembered the stories that Macavity had told her of Growltiger and she put on an outfit of the Siamese. She made sure that no one could recognize her and she was one of the Siamese who had to batten down the hatches on the sailors. She also made sure that she was directly above Munkustrap who was a sailor. She then tried to make the hatch come down especially hard on Munkustrap.

Munkustrap realized that one of the cats was trying to kill him, and he scampered to safety.

Chryssie concealed her frustration and then silently slid away since the cats were focusing on Jennyanydots who was portraying Griddlebone. She sat down next to Pouncival who began to cuddle. Chryssie tolerated him and she began concentrating on the play or looking for another opportunity to kill Munkustrap.

Munkustrap noticed her cuddling with Pouncival and he stepped behind them.

Pouncival saw him, smiled nervously and waved.

Munkustrap smiled and folded his arms and looked at him expectantly.

Pouncival let go of Chryssie and then backed away.

Munkustrap whispered apologies to him and then sat down next to Chryssie and cuddled her.

Chryssie remained in deep thought and she was thinking so hard of a way to kill him.

She then noticed that Pouncival must have switched to his knees for she didn't remember him being such a big cat. And since was the little paws so big and velvety? Then she saw Pouncival lying at Electra's feet as they watched the rest of Growltiger.