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Part 3: Redemption

"Jiin, please talk to me. I'm not mad, I just want to know what is going on." Munkustrap could be as patient as anyone and was willing to listen to all that the alley cat had to say. He had taken Jiin into a far corner of the junkyard while he talked to her privately.

"Where can I begin? When I was a child, I was completely on my own: no one to look after me, no one to love me. So, I made my own love and became what I am. Since I grew up with no family, I didn't really know how to communicate with others. Basically, the only way I knew to relate with a guy was in my hits. It's all I grew up with. Old habits are just hard to break, I guess." She lowered her head and silent sobs shook her body.

Munkustrap was shocked. He had always tried not to be judgmental of others, but he'd sort-of assumed that she was just a back-street alley cat without a lot of emotions and problems. Now he was beginning to understand.

"Jiintaildancer, I had no idea what you were going through. I guess I kind-of misjudged you...everyone did."

"Wouldn't be the first time. What am I going to do now? How can I apologize to all the cats whose feelings I've hurt?"

"I'm sorry to say that I think that will be the hard part," Munkustrap sighed.

After the two had talked for a long while, they came out of their hiding place. "You will have to talk to them yourselves," the silver tabby instructed. "I think you know what you want to say."

Munkustrap had Tumblebrutus and Pouncival round up all the members in the tribe, and brought Jiin into the middle of the circle they formed.

Jiintaildancer scanned the crowd. She could see that they had all sort-of paired off or sat in small groups. (Where should I begin?) she wondered. She saw Alonzo and Cassandra sitting together, the slim Siamese nuzzling her head closely to the black-and-white male's. Cass stared nervously at the alley cat. (That's as good a place to start as any), Jiin guessed. "Cassandra," she began, "I'm sorry about what happened. Alonzo is a very good cat and I don't want to take him away from you. I want you two to be happy together." The Siamese nodded slowly and silently, forgiving her without words.

(One down, and so many more to go), she thought. (Who next?) Plato and Victoria sat close to each other. "Victoria, you are a very, very nice cat and I would never dream of making you unhappy by stealing Plato. If I've heard right, you two just barely became mates and I don't want to spoil everything. I am very, very extremely sorry." The white cat smiled and nodded, snuggling close to Plato.

Mistoffelees and Etcetera were also together and Jiin decided to apologize to them next. "Etcetera, Misto is the nicest guy I've met and I think he's perfect for you. I think you two will be marvelous together and I'm sorry that I almost ruined your relationship."

Lastly, Bombalurina and Tugger sat near each other. Jiintaildancer cringed; she knew this would be the hardest one of all. She had not forgotten the deep wounds Bal had inflicted on her. All she could do was look at her sorrowfully, begging forgiveness in her eyes.

Unfortunately, Bal would not look at her. She knew it was her turn, but she wasn't ready to accept Jiin's apology. Tugger was unstable enough as he was, but Jiin had hit too close to home; Bal had almost lost him. Thinking of this, tears brimmed in her eyes and flowed down her furry cheeks.

Jiin knew Tugger well enough to understand what Bombalurina was struggling with. She silently padded over to the crimson female and put her paw on Bal's shoulder. Jiintaildancer rubbed her head against the other cat's neck and purred softly, comforting her.

Suddenly both of the cats were crying. Bal looked at Jiin and said, "Jiin, I'm just as sorry as you are. I...I started that fight and I'm sorry I hurt you. I was just so scared that you would take Tugger away from me. Now I understand didn't want to hurt anyone either. We are all sorry, and we all forgive you, too."

Jiintaildancer looked up at Bal, eyes moist, and then back at the crowd. "I...I really don't know what else to say..."

"Then don't," interrupted Bombalurina. "Let's just put all this behind us. I don't want to fight anymore," she said, scanning the multitude, "and neither does anyone else."

Jiin smiled and eyed the assembly again. Munkustrap and Demeter-she'd never gone after the silver tabby; she'd known that he was too strong, too solid and a bit too serious for her. There was Alonzo and Cassandra. Mistoffelees and Etcetera. Bombalurina and the Rum Tum Tugger. Coricopat and Tantomile. Plato and...

(Wait a minute), Jiin thought, (it's Coricopat and no one! Tantomile is just his sister...)

For once, Tantomile was wandering the Junkyard alone; a rare occurrence in the tribe. Jiintaildancer took this opportunity to approach her. "Tantomile...can I talk to you? Privately?"

The black-and-white female stared at her wordlessly, yet her eyes said Of course, you can always talk to me.

The pair silently went to Coricopat and Tantomile's small corner of the Junkyard. She turned and looked at Jiin expectantly.

"Well...where can I begin? I really like Coricopat; even though he's quiet he's so...knowing and kind and gentle. I...I guess I'm asking permission to see him more often than most females do."

Tantomile smiled and finally spoke. "Actually, I've had my eye on Admetus for a long time and not said anything to my brother about it. We're almost always together and he'd never suspect me to hang around anyone but him. I see this as a chance for both of us to express how we feel to him."

"What is going on here?" Coricopat's voice was cool and nonchalant, not at all reflecting the surprise he was feeling inside at Jiin being in the twins' domain.

Tantomile rubbed her head against Jiintaildancer, urging her to go first. "Coricopat, I...I really like you a lot. I've watched you for a long time after I became part of the tribe and I'd like to see you more often; get to know you a little better." Coricopat's eyes flickered for only a fraction of a second in surprise; then they went back to being cool and calculating. She continued. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that...oh, how can I say it?" Jiin looked to Tantomile for help.

"Brother, for a long time I have had my eye wandering toward Admetus and I haven't told you about it." Now his eyes widened in open amazement. "I wish to express my feelings toward him, as Jiin does for you. She likes you very much and if I'm not quite mistaken, she would like to become your mate."

It was now Jiintaildancer's turn to be shocked. She'd never actually come to that conclusion in her mind and the fur around her mouth became a mysterious shade of red.

Now looking at her in a different light, Coricopat decided he liked to see Jiin blush-he thought it was cute.

"I'm...flattered," was all he could stammer, and Jiin smiled. She walked toward him and gave him a friendly lick on the cheek. Then she rubbed up against his neck, and he matched her gesture.

"My friends, I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship," commented Tantomile.


Everyone was caught completely off guard by the news. Tantomile (after settling things with Admetus) had gathered everyone in the center of the Junkyard, promising a wonderful surprise.

"Well, it had better be good," Tugger complained. "I've had just about enough surprises." All the Jellicles were a bit suspicious because Tantomile and Coricopat were usually together, but it was only the female twin who had summoned them. On top of that, the twins were not normally known for surprises.

When everyone was assembled, a strange quartet entered the Junkyard: Coricopat and Jiintaildancer walking with Tantomile and Admetus right behind.

"My friends," Jiin announced, "Coricopat and I have become partners!"

"As well as Admetus and I," added Tantomile.

A collective gasp ran from the crowd. Suddenly Jennyanydots burst into tears, Bal and Demeter ran up to give the lucky females hugs, and the kittens began chattering excitedly, all at the same time. Skimble comforted his mate, chuckling softly.

The rest of the Jellicles simply stared in amazement. Could this be happening?

Munkustrap was the first to find his tongue. "I...ah...I...think I'll go get Deuteronomy," he stammered, hurrying off to spread the news.

Soon all of the females were gathered together, either crying or talking excitedly with the couples. Some did both. When Old Deuteronomy arrived, however, all became silent.

"I have long awaited the day when the twins would finally branch out and settle down," Deut said, receiving a snicker or two form the crowd. "I am very proud to hear that they finally have." He looked at the couples. "Admetus, Tantomile, Coricopat, Jiintaildancer-congratulations. Today will officially be a day of celebration and happiness!"

All of the Jellicles cheered.

When it was announced that Jiintaildancer's kittens had arrived, everyone gathered excitedly around the female and her husband to see them. The cats were still recovering from the shock of them being together at all, but new births in the tribe were always fun.

Jennyanydots counted the kittens silently: seven of them. "Well, congratulations, Jiin. I think you've hit the record high of kits in one litter!" Everyone laughed, even the mother.

"What will you name them?" Jellylorum asked excitedly.

One of the cats had mysteriously turned out all black, despite his parents. Jiin insisted they name that one Jacob. The kitten most resembling her mother was named Grizabella, in honor of Jiin's dearest friend. Two with white coats and black stripes like their father, respectively male and female, were named Konnir and Nifrem.

One little one had recently discovered her tail and was excitedly attempting to catch it. Her name was Windchaser.

Of course, the favorites of the crowd were the last two. They had white coats like their father, but dark auburn stripes like their mother. When they had grown enough to move about by themselves, Artemis and Apollo often walked together in perfect tandem.

THE END!!! >^.^<